At noon on September 1st, the long-awaited second song of Zhou Yu’s second album was finally released today.

Since Zhou Yu officially announced last month that he would release his second album on September 1st, many fans have been looking forward to this day. After all, this is Zhou Yu’s second release of new work after several months, and it’s also his second album.

It has been almost a year since Zhou Yu's last album. Although Zhou Yu has also released many singles in the middle, fans are still looking forward to his new album.

Now, the first song of Zhou Yu's second new album was released at 12 noon today, and many fans listened to this song immediately. Moreover, on major social platforms, the news that the first song of Zhou Yu's new album is online also directly dominates the hot search list.

"The first song of Zhou Yu's new album is online!"

"Zhou Yu's new album is released!"

"Zhou Yu's second new album!"

Entries like this are high on the hot search list, and even ranked directly in the top five of the hot search list. The first place is also occupied by the hot search for Zhou Yu's new album's debut song today.

As for Lin Jiajia, she has been looking forward to Zhou Yu's new album since it was officially announced last month. Today at noon, she had lunch and stayed there, waiting for the first song of Zhou Yu's new album to be released, and then listened to it as soon as possible.

As a loyal fan of Zhou Yu, Lin Jiajia is looking forward to Zhou Yu's new album. After all, this is the second album released by Zhou Yu after nearly a year. I think back to when Zhou Yu released his first album last year. At that time, he had just debuted and everyone was not optimistic about him.

Even at that time, Zhou Yu offended the three giants Huatian, Xingguang and Taochang when he was in "Son of Idol". As soon as he debuted and released his first album, he faced Shen Guangyan, the king-level singer from Huatian.

At that time, everyone thought that Zhou Yu would lose miserably and die young.

As a result, he survived all the way and now, he has become the number one person in the Chinese music scene!

As a fan, Lin Jiajia feels excited and excited when recalling Zhou Yu's experience.

In addition, Zhou Yu's movies have now set domestic box office records. Zhou Yu is getting better and better, and Lin Jiajia feels prouder. Moreover, when I first went to see "Singer", I had a close encounter with Zhou Yu. He was really handsome and gentle. I still have that photo taken together.

"Let me take a look first, the first song of this new album..."

Lin Jiajia saw that it was just 12:05 and threw the takeout box into the trash can, and immediately clicked on Penguin Music. As soon as I clicked in, the big recommendation was Zhou Yu's new album recommendation. Once I clicked, the page jumped and I went directly to Zhou Yu's new album page.

There is only one song online now, which is today’s debut song.

“Love in B.C.…”

Looking at the name of Zhou Yu's first song, Lin Jiajia probably knew the type of song that would be the first song of the new album.

"It seems to be a love song."

Zhou Yu's love songs, no, no, it should be said that Zhou Yu's various songs have never disappointed everyone. The first song of Zhou Yu's new album this time is called "Love in BC". Looking at the title of the song, there is a meaning of Western classical culture in it.

"Is it another collision of Chinese and Western music?"

Zhou Yu had previously composed songs that were a fusion of Chinese and Western music. Seeing the song "Love in BC" this time, Lin Jiajia also felt that this was a possibility.

After clicking play, an ethereal and ancient prelude sounded in Lin Jiajia's ears.

Just hearing this prelude, Lin Jiajia felt attracted, as if she had traveled through time and space all of a sudden, and that sense of ancient times came to her face.


Be patient and continue listening.

"Song title: Love in B.C.

Vocals: Zhou Yu

Lyricist: Zhou Yu

Composer: Zhou Yu..."

As the prelude ended, Zhou Yu's singing sounded in Lin Jiajia's ears.

"The king of Babylon decreed

Code of Hammurabi

carved in black basalt

It has been more than 3,700 years ago..."

Hearing the first half of the song, Lin Jiajia's eyes lit up. Zhou Yu wrote this song by borrowing stories from Western classical culture. She knew that Zhou Yu liked to quote scriptures in many of his songs, and the same was true for this song "Love in BC".

"You are in front of the window

Staring at the words of the inscription

But I was quietly admiring it

Your face that I love so much..."

The first half, citing allusions, seems to have nothing to do with love. But this latter part immediately diverted the attention, and topics related to love suddenly came up.

This is Zhou Yu's effective trick, as was the case with the previous "Lanting Preface" and "Blue and White Porcelain".

Zhou Yu is the best at this kind of song creation technique in the entire entertainment industry, and he uses it very well to express emotions through the use of objects.

"Priest Temple Conquest

Whose bow and arrow belonged to the past?

Like to be in the crowd

The scene where you only belong to me

Passing by the goddess Sumei

I make a wish in the name of the goddess

Thoughts spread like the Tigris River

When all that remains of an ancient civilization is its incomprehensible language

The legend becomes an immortal poem..."

Zhou Yu's singing voice is still as good as ever. In the beginning, he introduces the background of the story with a low singing voice, and then immediately enters the lyrical part. This song brings a classical and historical atmosphere to my face, and that kind of love seems to become sacred.

The first song of Zhou Yu's new album this time, "Love in BC" is a song sung by Jay Chou, composed by Jay Chou, with lyrics written by Fang Wenshan and arranged by Michael Lin. It is included in Jay Chou's album "Fantasy" released in 2001, and is also the fourth song of this album.

This song was composed by Jay Chou after visiting a museum. The story is based on the story of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon and his wife. The legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built by him for his wife. The so-called slates are because the records of the Babylonian civilization at that time were all recorded on cuneiform slates, so when you look at the documents at that time, you can only see slates.

Some people also say that this song is about a love letter written by a boy to his beloved girl, but it could not be delivered because of the misalignment of time and space, and could only be discovered by humans thousands of years later.

No matter what it is, this song is beautiful and beautiful.

"The love I give you is in B.C.

Buried deep in Mesopotamia

Discovered decades later

The writing on the clay tablet is still clearly visible

My love for you is written in B.C.

Buried deep in Mesopotamia

Forever carved in cuneiform

The oath that has been weathered for thousands of years

Everything happens again..."

Lin Jiajia listened to Zhou Yu's song. The more she listened, the more she felt. The song gradually came to an end.

“I feel so tired and still so far away from home

Afraid of never being able to come back to you

The love I give you is in B.C.

Buried deep in the plains of Mesopotamia..."

The next step was to repeat the chorus. When Zhou Yu sang the last two lyrics, Lin Jiajia knew that the song was about to end.

“Love in B.C.

Love in B.C.…”

The last two sentences are both lyrical and a summary of the entire song, just like the title of the song, Love in BC...

After listening to the first song of Zhou Yu's new album, Lin Jiajia felt a little excited and happy. After such a long time, Zhou Yu finally released a new album, and the quality of this first song is not low and remains as stable as ever.

And throughout the song, Lin Jiajia knew that Zhou Yu quoted allusions, which also made the whole song full of a sense of historical heaviness and destiny. It also has a sense of age, coupled with Zhou Yu's singing, giving this song a unique charm that can attract the ears of the audience.

The key is that Zhou Yu's performance is also a highlight of this song. Zhou Yu expresses the emotion of this song vividly and shockingly with his unique voice and singing style. His voice has a mysterious and ancient feel, like a person from ancient times, making people feel his history and legend. His singing style also has an innovative and avant-garde feeling, like a person from the future era, making people feel his culture and trends. He used many changes and techniques in his songs, such as using low rap to introduce the background story in the beginning, using high-pitched singing to express love beliefs in the chorus, and using tragic music to match the death scene in the ending, etc. These changes and techniques increase the atmosphere and impact of the song, and also demonstrate Zhou Yu's ability to control and convey the emotions of the song.

Zhou Yu’s interpretation of this song also has a beauty that transcends time and space. He didn't use too many embellishments and decorations, he didn't use too many emotions and expressions, he didn't use too many movements and bodies, he just sang this song in the simplest, most direct, truest and most natural way. He did not deliberately imitate or adapt to any era or culture, nor did he deliberately cater to or resist any audience or market. He just sang this song with the purest, most sincere, frank and frank attitude. He did not regard this song as a commercial work or entertainment product, but as a personal work or spiritual sustenance. He did not use this song as a tool to show himself or attract others, but as a way to express himself or release himself.

In short, Zhou Yu's interpretation of the song "Love in BC" is a very personal, very artistic, very emotional, very sincere, very natural, and very Zhou Yu-like interpretation. He used his own unique style and charm to interpret the song vividly and shockingly.

Lin Jiajia was really shocked. Zhou Yu's grasp of songs is getting better and better now. She is now looking forward to the songs in Zhou Yu's new album that will be released next.

“I don’t know what songs are coming next.”

Lin Jiajia can't wait to hear Zhou Yu's next new song. The greed in her stomach has been aroused, and it is really difficult to suppress it.

But there is no other way. We can only wait slowly for the follow-up songs of Zhou Yu's new album to be released online.

At this moment, others have also finished listening to Zhou Yu's new song "Love in BC". There is no doubt that they are all amazed by Zhou Yu's song.

"Zhou Yu's new song Love in BC!"

"Love sounds good in BC!"

"Zhou Yu is as stable as ever!"

"Zhou Yu's follow-up songs will be released soon!"

Today's hot searches are basically dominated by Zhou Yu. There is no way, because Zhou Yu has a lot of traffic now, and it is the time for him to release a new album, so it would be strange if he didn't dominate the hot searches.

After listening to Zhou Yu's new song, many people thought it was good. Many fans on the Internet also launched heated discussions, and many people even began to urge Zhou Yu to release the follow-up songs of the new album as soon as possible.

"Have you listened to Zhou Yu's new song? It's so good, so good!"

"Love before the Common Era is so romantic, and Zhou Yu quoted allusions. The whole song is romantic and has a sense of time. It's really amazing."

"Zhou Yu is very good at writing this kind of love songs, and haven't you noticed? Zhou Yu's love songs are different from those love songs."

"I also found that Zhou Yu's love songs are more romantic and poetic, and he is very good at using allusions or other things to represent, which is really amazing!"

"Please, Zhou Yu, please release all the songs in the back. I'm not short of money, I'll buy them all!"

"Ahhh! My husband's new song is so good, I've been playing it on repeat for a long time!"

"Hurry up and release a new song for me, and put all the subsequent songs of the new album online for me, I'm not short of money!"


Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian had just finished listening to Zhou Yu's new song. The two knew about Zhou Yu's new album, but they didn't know what songs were in it. After all, they were not there when Zhou Yu was recording the new album, and when they asked Zhou Yu, he said it was a secret and it would be a surprise to listen to it later.

As a result, they only knew the first song of Zhou Yu's new album until now.

"Love in BC..."

After listening to this song, they both snorted coldly. This guy is good at writing love songs, but he has never written a love song for them.

This guy has not shown any expression for so long. Yang Qian thinks he is a freeloader.

"No, I have to find an opportunity to let this guy write a song for me."

Wen Shiyi and Yang Qian thought so in their hearts.

And today, other singers are crying. Especially the singers of the same period as Zhou Yu, their songs were directly suppressed by Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu instantly topped the new song list and became very popular on the Internet.

On the other hand, other singers are just Zhou Yu's foils. Even if they spent a lot of resources to promote their new songs, they were completely overshadowed by Zhou Yu.

Even the new song of the singer ranked second on the new song list seemed to have no discussion at all. Everyone's attention was attracted by Zhou Yu.

"Oh, I knew it would be like this when I met Zhou Yu, the devil."

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