Lin Jiajia also came to watch the movie "Detective Chinatown" with her friends.

From the moment the movie was officially announced, and during the promotion period, Lin Jiajia was very interested in Zhou Yu's first starring movie. Not only because she is a fan of Zhou Yu, but also because Lin Jiajia has great confidence in the film directed by Chen.

The films made by Director Chen in recent years are all of good quality and have high box office results, which shows that Director Chen's films are well recognized by the market.

The key is that Zhou Yu also joins the starring role this time. As Zhou Yu's first big-screen film starring in a starring role, Lin Jiajia also wants to know Zhou Yu's performance in this movie.

I have watched almost a third of the movie now, and the plot of the whole movie is still very good. It is a comedy-type suspense film, and Zhou Yu's performance in the movie is also remarkable.

"It's really good. Director Chen's films are of very good quality."

A good friend next to him also talked to Lin Jiajia in a low voice: "And Qin Feng, played by Zhou Yu, is very handsome. The key is his acting skills. He can express Qin Feng's genius feeling, and he is like so many people in the entertainment industry." Zhou Yu can handle the scene with the teacher perfectly."

Lin Jiajia also nodded. When she watched "The Legend of Yunxi" before, because Zhou Yu was just a guest star, although it could show Zhou Yu's acting skills. But compared with this kind of coherent plot, it seems much narrower. However, judging from Zhou Yu's current performance in the movie "Detective Chinatown", he really surprised them.

Even Lin Jiajia felt that Zhou Yu's acting skills were not inferior to those of these teachers in the entertainment industry.

"I saw Director Chen said on Weibo before that the original script of this drama was not like this. It was Zhou Yu who gave advice while filming and changed the script."

Lin Jiajia took a sip of Coke: "It can be seen that Zhou Yu is very talented in screenwriting. This drama can be so exciting, and Zhou Yu has contributed a lot to it."

Director Chen said on Weibo before that Zhou Yu is one of the screenwriters of this movie, and he made the plot of this movie more exciting and moving. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. The movie "Detective Chinatown" is indeed good-looking.

At this moment, the plot has progressed to the point where Qin Feng and Tang Ren come to find Kuntai.

Tang Ren dialed Kuntai's phone number.

"Tang Ren, are you in MLXY or Country H?"

"I'm at your door."

Then there was a ping-ping-pong-pong sound in the room.

When the scene changed, Kuntai was holding a towel to cover his injured head, looking at Qin Feng and Tang Ren speechlessly.

"Why don't you leave?"

"I also want to prove my innocence."

Qin Feng: "We want to solve the case."

"Do you think this is a movie?"

Kuntai pointed at the two of them: "Are you returning as the king?"

Tang Ren said bitterly: "You have to help me."

"I've already helped you run away."

"You still have to help me."

"Can I help my JC anymore?"

Tang Ren sighed slightly and pretended to speak casually.

"If they knew you were collecting illegal money and opening a small casino."

Kuntai looked angry: "How dare you threaten me?!"

"Your wife needs to know that you keep your little wife..."

Kuntai changed his face instantly, put away his arrogant look, and spoke calmly.

"How can I help you?"

Tang Ren: "We want to see Songpa's detailed information."

Qin Feng: "And his consumption list in the past six months."

Kuntai: "Okay."

"We still need to enter the JC Bureau."

"Watch the surveillance video."

Kuntai stood up immediately and quit.

"Are you crazy?!"

Tang Ren immediately pointed at him: "You are not even the director's wife..."

Kuntai's face changed again in a second, and he took Tang Ren's hand pointing at him with a kind look and put it on his chest with a smile on his face.

"Let's make a plan."

In the cinema, the audience laughed out loud when they saw this scene.

"No, I'm laughing to death. The role played by Teacher Hu Wei is so funny."

"Haha, this really changed my face in a second, haha."

"I heard that Zhou Yu changed this part on the set, and he even showed it to teacher Hu Wei, haha. I have to say that Zhou Yu's change was really dramatic, haha."

"Really, Zhou Yu's acting skills in this movie are good. Although I don't know what the original plot was like, the adapted plot is really good, haha."

"This film is in the style of comedy and suspense. I have to say that Director Chen's film is really great."

"I'm starting to look forward to Zhou Yu's own movie. I heard it has been completed and is going to be released in the summer vacation in a few years."

Lin Jiajia and her good friends laughed so much that their stomachs hurt while watching it in the cinema. This movie was really funny and exciting. Although comedy movies have not achieved success in recent years, many such movies are released every year, which shows that there is a market. It just lacks good comedy movies. This "Detective Chinatown" has a lot of comedy elements in it. So far, it seems to be really good.

"Suspenseful crime solving combined with comedy, he is truly worthy of Zhou Yuha."

Based on Lin Jiajia's understanding of Zhou Yu, basically most of the plots they have seen so far must have been changed by Zhou Yu. Director Chen seemed to have revealed before that after Zhou Yu made changes to this film, many comedy elements were added to it.

So it can be seen that in the original script, the suspenseful case-solving was the main plot, and there were few comedy elements.

Now it seems that Zhou Yu boldly added comedy elements, and the current results are still very good. At least they feel that this movie is very exciting, making people laugh and cry, and it also has the excitement of solving the case.

"Director Chen's new movie is expected to become the box office champion of this May Day."

Lin Jiajia thought so in her heart. From the perspective of the May Day movies, this "Detective Chinatown" is more attractive than Lin Yifan's movie. However, after watching "Detective Chinatown", Lin Jiajia feels that this movie, which ranks second in pre-sale box office, will surpass Lin Yifan's movie in the future.

On Wen Shiyi's side, seeing these funny clips, the audience and Sister Lin also laughed, and Xiaoqin laughed non-stop.

"Sister Lin, Teacher Zhou Yu's revised plot is really great, so exciting."

Sister Lin nodded in agreement.

Although Wen Shiyi was wearing a mask and her expression could not be seen, the smile in her eyes showed her mood when watching the movie.

"Shiyi, what do you think? Teacher Zhou Yu's adaptation is not bad, the comedy effect is full, and the acting is good."

Seeing this, Wen Shiyi returned to her cold look.

"Not bad."

Sister Lin curled her lips, saying one thing and thinking another. It's not like she didn't see that Wen Shiyi almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Now it seems that I am more looking forward to Teacher Zhou Yu's movie to be released in the summer vacation, which is mainly a comedy type. Teacher Zhou Yu's comedy talent can be seen from Chinatown Detective."

Wen Shiyi nodded calmly, but at this moment, she was not thinking about Zhou Yu's summer movie.

Instead, she was thinking about the question she had been thinking about during this period of time, what should she do with Zhou Yu?

Forget him?

I have tried during this period of time, but I really can't do it.

Wait for him to break up with Yang Qian?

Wen Shiyi didn't know how long she would have to wait.

What should she do? She really has no idea what to do now. She is very entangled.

On Lin Yifan's side, they also laughed a lot. After watching it, they were still a little unsatisfied.

On the way back, Lin Yifan chatted with his agent.

"Yifan, what do you think of Director Chen's movie?"

After Lin Yifan came out of the movie, he didn't say much. But when watching the movie in the cinema, Lin Yifan laughed happily like them.

In fact, after watching today's "Detective Chinatown", Lin Yifan's agent felt that this was a good movie. And Zhou Yu's performance in the movie was also very good. He could act with the big names in the entertainment industry such as Teacher Hu Wei, which he had never expected.

However, seeing that Lin Yifan had not spoken since he came out, and now that Lin Yifan's movie was also released, he was in a competitive relationship with Zhou Yu and others. He felt that it was better not to say some things.

After hearing his agent's question, Lin Yifan finally spoke after being silent for a long time after watching the movie.

"Very exciting!"

Three simple words, but Lin Yifan said them very clearly, and there was an indescribable shock in his words.

He continued: "Although I don't know what the original script is like, the plot after Zhou Yu's adaptation is indeed very exciting. And..."

Lin Yifan paused for a moment before continuing.

"Zhou Yu's acting skills are more clearly shown in this movie. This acting skill doesn't look like a newcomer at all. I have to say that he is really talented in acting."

Lin Yifan has no hostility towards Zhou Yu. After all, the two have no grudges at all. Moreover, Zhou Yu's talent in music makes Lin Yifan admire him very much. He also likes some of Zhou Yu's songs.

This time, the movies starring the two were released at the same time, so they are just competitors.

But he was not very optimistic about Zhou Yu's acting skills before, even though Zhou Yu's performance in "The Legend of Yunxi" was pretty good. But Zhou Yu's role was too small, and he couldn't see any tricks.

But this time, after watching the movie "Detective Chinatown" starring Zhou Yu, Lin Yifan was completely convinced by Zhou Yu's acting skills.

With this acting skill, he felt that even some young actors who graduated from professional schools might not be as good as Zhou Yu. It's no wonder that he was chosen by Director Chen to be the male lead in his new movie.

When the agent heard what Lin Yifan said, he was relieved, and his view was the same as his.

"I guess it will be a bit difficult for our movie during the May Day period."

The agent said: "With the quality of Zhou Yu's movie, I don't think it will be a big problem to catch up later. When we pre-sold the box office, we didn't lead much..."

Now that they have watched the movie "Detective Chinatown", they have a good idea in their hearts. The movie "My Youth" can lead the pre-sale box office entirely because of the publicity resources of Gu Tang Entertainment and the support of Lin Yifan's fans. And because the box office results of the movies starring Lin Yifan in recent years have been very good, many fans will choose to watch Lin Yifan's movies.

After all, Zhou Yu is a newcomer in the film and television industry. Before the movie is released, everyone cannot see the quality and excitement of the movie, so they can only rely on the actors to judge which movie to watch.

But now, the movie has been released. To be honest, they all think that Director Chen's "Detective Chinatown" is very well made. When the word of mouth ferments, they may not be able to resist.

After all, the box office of youth idol movies has not been high over the years. This is why they did not choose to compete in the Spring Festival and summer vacation. The competition in these two periods is too fierce, and youth idol movies are at a disadvantage. So they thought that they would release it in the May Day period when the competition is not so fierce, and they could get a few hundred million box office.

After all, this kind of movie does not require a large investment, and the cost is less than 100 million. Among them, the biggest cost is the salary of their Lin Yifan.

"Yifan, did you notice that Zhou Yu added a lot of comedy elements to this drama when he adapted it. There were rumors in the circle before that the movie he shot was a comedy. It seems that he is testing the water with Director Chen's movie."

The agent suddenly thought of this matter. In the movie "Detective Chinatown", many comedy elements were added. The original theme was to solve a mystery, but after Zhou Yu adapted the script, he added these comedy elements.

The reason why they were sure that these elements were added by Zhou Yu was that before this, Director Chen's movies never had so many comedy elements. Although there were, there were few in previous movies.

This time, there were so many funny plots in the movie, which must be because Zhou Yu adapted the script.

This made him think of the rumors in the circle before, that Zhou Yu's own movie was a comedy, which was going to be released during the summer vacation. The performance of comedy movies in the past two years has not been good, and the general environment is like this. Everyone is not optimistic about this comedy film shot by Zhou Yu.

But now it seems that Zhou Yu seems to have a talent for comedy. At least the comedy elements he added to the movie "Detective Chinatown" were successful, and they and the audience liked it very much.

Lin Yifan's eyes flickered when he heard what his agent said.

"Now that you mention it, I'm looking forward to his summer movie even more. It's a comedy movie, interesting..."

Now it seems that Zhou Yu has added so many comedy elements to "Detective Chinatown", which is obviously a factor of testing the market and exploring the way for his comedy movie.

So far, it seems that his test is very successful and the audience is very satisfied.

I just don't know if his pure comedy movie can be successful during the summer vacation.

After all, the movie "Detective Chinatown" is not a pure comedy.

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