When Zhou Yu came to the door of Wen Shiyi's house again, the lights in the house were still on. After hesitating for a while, Zhou Yu entered the password and went in.

The food and red wine on the table had not been cleaned up yet, and Wen Shiyi was nowhere to be seen.

Zhou Yu turned around and saw Wen Shiyi sleeping on the sofa. Her phone fell on the carpet and she curled up, seeming a little cold.

Although it was already April and the temperature was warm during the day, the temperature difference between day and night in Zhonghai City was large, so you still had to wear a coat at night.

He walked up gently and looked at Wen Shiyi. There were still traces of tears on her pretty face, and there was a trace of sadness and sorrow between her eyebrows. She curled up on the sofa in a thin nightgown, with Wen Shiyi's delicate and moving face, and there was a feeling of pity.

Zhou Yu sighed in his heart. He had been away for more than an hour. But now Wen Shiyi felt a lot more haggard in an instant. She was completely different from the bright and moving look when he came to dinner just now.

He gently took the blanket and covered Wen Shiyi, then went to clean up the food over there quietly.

Then he turned off the lights and left quietly.

Zhou Yu sent a message to Yang Qian: "She's fine, she just fell asleep."

Yes, she did fall asleep, probably because she was tired of crying.

Zhou Yu felt very distressed when he saw Wen Shiyi like this. But he knew that after confessing these things to Wen Shiyi tonight, the two of them would probably never go back to the past.

Yang Qian was relieved when she saw Zhou Yu's reply.

She still had some plots to shoot for her new drama and couldn't come back. So when Zhou Yu told her about what happened tonight, Yang Qian panicked, fearing that something would happen to her best friend.

The phone couldn't get through, and the message didn't reply, which really made her panic.

Because Yang Qian knew very well how much her best friend liked Zhou Yu. If she knew about what happened between Zhou Yu and herself, she would definitely collapse.

Originally, Yang Qian wanted to drag it out until she found a good opportunity to tell Wen Shiyi.

As a result, now the matter has been exposed.

She asked Zhou Yu: "Now that Shiyi knows, what should we do?"

"What else can we do? It's the same as before. I have already made it clear to her. Give her some time. The worst that can happen is that we will break up."

"But she is my best friend, my bestie!"

Zhou Yu said: "Then what are you going to do? Otherwise, you go and convince her, and I will live with you and her?"

"It's time now, are you kidding?"

Zhou Yu was not kidding, he really thought about it.

However, with Wen Shiyi's personality, it seems unlikely to be realized.

Zhou Yu typed back, "Don't worry about it now, give her some time."

Yang Qian was still a little worried, and told Zhou Yu, "I can't come back now, you should take care of Shiyi these days, don't let anything really happen."

"Uh... Aren't you afraid that something will happen between me and her now?"

"Humph! You and her have been in such a mess, if something can happen between you two, you are capable."

Yang Qian asked again, "Do you still have feelings for Shiyi now?"

Zhou Yu did not hide it, "Yes."

Yang Qian curled her lips, "I spent so much time with you some time ago, it was in vain."

"No, don't you feel very comfortable?"

"Get out!"

Zhou Yu also laughed.

However, Yang Qian still couldn't trust her best friend, and still told Zhou Yu, "Don't joke with me, take care of Shiyi these days."

"I know, I'll go over to see you tomorrow morning."


On the next morning, when Wen Shiyi woke up, she felt a little dizzy and her body was a little weak.

She got up with difficulty, and looked at the blanket that fell on the ground, and her expression was stunned for a moment.

Her eyes instantly looked at the dining table over there. The food on the table had disappeared, and the mobile phone somehow ran to the coffee table.

Wen Shiyi felt dizzy and weak, and the temperature in the morning was a bit cold, so she quickly took the blanket and covered herself with it. Recalling what happened last night in her mind, looking at the blanket that fell on the ground when she woke up, and the cleaned table, Zhou Yu's figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

Auntie was on vacation recently, it must not be her, and only Zhou Yu and Yang Qian knew the password of her home.

Yang Qian was still filming in another place, so it must be impossible, so it could only be Zhou Yu.

In other words, did Zhou Yu come back after she fell asleep?

Wen Shiyi took the phone and looked at it. Yang Qian called her several times and sent her many messages.

As for Zhou Yu, there was no movement at all, as if the person who came back last night to cover her with a blanket and help her clean the table was not him.

Looking at Yang Qian's message, she was concerned about herself and even explained her relationship with Zhou Yu.

But now Wen Shiyi really didn't know how to face her. Her best friend was with the person she liked. How did she feel about this?

She felt betrayed.

Especially when she recalled what Zhou Yu said last night, she really didn't expect Zhou Yu to say such a thing. Did he really want to hug her left and right?

But did she really have to give up Zhou Yu like this?

Wen Shiyi still couldn't give an answer in her heart.

At this time, the doorbell of Wen Shiyi's house rang, but she did not move. The doorbell rang for a while, and after a while of silence, Wen Shiyi saw her door open.

Zhou Yu's figure came into view. Seeing Zhou Yu, Wen Shiyi really didn't know how to face it.

And Zhou Yu, as if nothing happened yesterday, saw Wen Shiyi still holding the breakfast he bought.

"I woke up and just bought breakfast. Let's have some."

Wen Shiyi didn't want to talk to Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu sat on the opposite side of the sofa and took out the porridge, steamed buns and eggs he bought and put them away.


Seeing Zhou Yu buying breakfast that she likes to eat, and seeing how gentle he looked, Wen Shiyi felt pain in her heart again.

She didn't answer Zhou Yu. She got up and wanted to wash up and leave. As soon as she got up, she felt weak. Her body went limp and she was about to fall down. Her head was also dizzy.

Zhou Yu had quick eyesight and quickly stepped forward to support Wen Shiyi. A big hand stopped Wen Shiyi's slender and soft waist. Because Wen Shiyi was wearing a nightgown, Zhou Yu could feel the smooth and delicate touch from her skin, and the fragrance of Wen Shiyi's body hit his nostrils.

But Zhou Yu felt something was wrong with this contact.

"Why are you so hot?"

Wen Shiyi wanted to push Zhou Yu away: "I don't want you to worry about it."

However, not long after he walked out, his body started to sway and he felt dizzy.

Zhou Yu quickly stepped forward and hugged her directly.

"Let me go! If you do this again, I'll call the police!"

Zhou Yu was not in the mood to feel the smooth touch on Wen Shiyi's thighs. He only felt that her whole body was hot and her face was flushed. Something was obviously wrong.

And Wen Shiyi was held by Zhou Yu like this, feeling the warmth and breadth of Zhou Yu's arms, and the strong masculine aura, which made her a little confused. This was the first time she had such close contact with Zhou Yu. The warmth from Zhou Yu's palms on her thighs made her body feel hotter and hotter.

"Let me go."

Wen Shiyi struggled a little, trying to break free from Zhou Yu's arms, but it was of no use. Now his body is weak, his head is dizzy, and he has no strength.

Zhou Yu didn't care, and directly put Wen Shiyi on the sofa. He put one hand around her shoulders and touched her forehead with the other. She suddenly felt hot.

"So hot!"

Zhou Yu was also a little surprised. He was fine yesterday, but he had a fever this night, and the fever was a bit severe.

Wen Shiyi said harshly: "I want you to take care of it."

Zhou Yu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and skillfully found the medical kit, took out the thermometer and handed it to Wen Shiyi.

"Here, check the temperature."

Wen Shiyi turned her head away and didn't even look at Zhou Yu. She was obviously still angry and didn't even want to talk to her.

"Don't force me to do it."

Wen Shiyi was too lazy to pay attention to Zhou Yu. Seeing this scene, Zhou Yu directly pulled Wen Shiyi over and reached out to pull the shoulder strap of her nightgown.


Wen Shiyi was so frightened that she quickly ran away, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at Zhou Yu warily.

"what are you doing?!"

"What should I do? Take my temperature. If you don't cooperate, I have to do it myself."

This woman, even if she loses her temper, it doesn't matter when she loses her temper. She is so burned that she doesn't know how to cooperate.

When Wen Shiyi saw this, she snorted coldly, grabbed the thermometer and put it under her arm to measure the temperature.

Zhou Yu sat next to him, looked at the medicines in the medicine box, took some out, and went to get her a glass of water.

"Okay, show me."

Wen Shiyi reluctantly handed the thermometer to Zhou Yu and looked at it. It was thirty-eight degrees. Zhou Yu also frowned slightly.

"You are so old, you know the temperature difference between day and night is huge, but you don't pay any attention to it."

"Did you kick the blanket I covered you with last night to the floor while you were sleeping?"

Everything was fine last night, but I caught a cold and a fever after sleeping on the sofa all night. It was obvious that I caught a cold while sleeping. Moreover, he had covered Wen Shiyi with a blanket before he left. In this situation, she must have been dishonest after falling asleep, and the blanket fell off and caught a cold.

In the weather in April, the temperature difference between day and night in Zhonghai City is huge, and the heating is not turned on. It would be strange not to catch a cold after sleeping on the sofa for one night.


Wen Shiyi just snorted coldly: "I want you to take care of me. Who are you to me?"

Zhou Yu knew that she was still angry, so he didn't care about it and just brought over the porridge he bought.

"Eat something first, take the medicine later, and go up and take a nap."

Wen Shiyi didn't want to eat, so Zhou Yu frowned slightly: "If you don't cooperate, then I can only use violence."


Seeing that Zhou Yu was ready to take action at any time, Wen Shiyi just snorted coldly and had no choice but to take the porridge and drink it herself.

Seeing her sick look, Zhou Yu sighed helplessly: "Sit down, I'll do it."

"No, I'll do it myself. I won't let your girlfriend know about it later."

This was said a little coldly, but with a hint of jealousy.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu let her go.

He also sat next to him and started eating. After the two of them finished breakfast, Zhou Yu went to clean up: "Take the medicine in half an hour."

Seeing Zhou Yu getting up to clean up the garbage, and then looking at the hot water and the divided medicine on the coffee table, Wen Shiyi felt a little complicated.

Zhou Yu did not leave today. After Wen Shiyi took the medicine, she went upstairs to rest and ignored Zhou Yu. He sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone. He bought some vegetables online and delivered them to her door later.

After Wen Shiyi took the medicine, she felt very sleepy, but her attention was always downstairs.

Before she went upstairs to sleep, Zhou Yu sat on the sofa and did not leave. Wen Shiyi wondered if Zhou Yu would leave after she woke up.

And what was Zhou Yu thinking? He was with Qianqian, so why did he come to take care of her?

With all kinds of thoughts in her mind, she fell asleep.

I don’t know how long it took, but when Wen Shiyi woke up, she felt better than when she just got up in the morning. At least her head was not so dizzy, and she had some strength in her body.

Suddenly she thought of something, she put on her slippers and walked downstairs. Seeing that the living room was empty, Zhou Yu had disappeared, and the light of expectation in her eyes dimmed, and her heart was empty.

Sure enough, she was not his girlfriend, so why was he still staying here?

Looking at the time on her phone, it was already 12:10, and Wen Shiyi felt a little hungry. In the morning, because she was not feeling well, she drank some porridge, and now it was noon, she had almost consumed it.

Just when she went downstairs, she suddenly saw a figure flashing in the kitchen, and there was movement inside. Wen Shiyi's heartbeat, which had been quiet, became violent again.

She stared at the kitchen door, and her breathing seemed to have become much slower.

When she saw Zhou Yu wearing an apron and carrying a pot of soup, a touch of surprise flashed in the depths of Wen Shiyi's eyes.

"You woke up, and I was about to call you up. Come and eat. I made porridge and chicken soup for you to replenish your body."

Wen Shiyi didn't know why she became happy and excited in her heart, but she said, "What are you still doing here? I have nothing to do with you, so you don't need to take care of me like this."

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Okay, don't be angry, come and eat first, and talk about other things when you are well."

Wen Shiyi pouted, this guy, he just knew how to change the subject.

But looking at the dishes on the table, although they are light, they are all her favorites. Especially the chicken soup, Wen Shiyi can smell the fragrance from such a distance.

After hesitating for a while, she sat down at the table. The color, aroma and taste were all good. Even if she had a cold, it made her appetite more.

"Here, drink the soup first."

Zhou Yu poured a bowl of chicken soup for Wen Shiyi and sat opposite Wen Shiyi to eat lunch together.

Suddenly, it seemed that nothing happened last night, and everything returned to normal.

Wen Shiyi seemed calm, but her heart was complicated.

Should she really give up Zhou Yu?

She seemed unable to do it.

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