After Director Chen told Zhou Yu about this, he called his friend Director Guo.

"Hello, Lao Guo, I told Zhou Yu about your situation. Please send me the outline of the script. OK, I'll give it to you. You can talk about it yourself."

Director Guo in China was also delighted after hanging up the phone. Looking at the theme songs that were piled on his desk during this period, he asked someone to write them. But there was not a single one that satisfied him.

For him, a good film or TV work must have a good theme song. Moreover, the movies he shot were all mythological and ghost movies, which required songs with more ancient style. So after he couldn't find a suitable theme song, Director Guo thought of Zhou Yu.

After all, Zhou Yu has produced many high-quality songs in the field of ancient music. Recently, he heard from his friend Director Chen that Zhou Yu was filming a movie with him, and he asked Director Chen to contact Zhou Yu.

"I just don't know if Zhou Yu can write the feeling I want."

After opening WeChat and adding Zhou Yu, Director Guo first sent some greetings to him politely.

"Hello, Xiao Zhou, I'm Guo Ming. Lao Chen should have told you just now, I'm going to trouble you this time."

After all, they were the ones who asked Zhou Yu, and with Zhou Yu's current status, there are countless people who ask him to write songs. So even if he is a big director, when facing a singer and artist of Zhou Yu's status, and still asking for help, this attitude is relatively humble.

Zhou Yu was also playing with his mobile phone and chatting with Director Guo while taking a break.

"It's okay, Director Guo, please send me the script outline first, but I can't guarantee that I can write it."

After all, if this drama is not good, Zhou Yu will not write the theme song. But at that time, he can't say so bluntly, your script is not good, this drama is too bad, I don't want to write it. So he can only give Director Guo a shot of prevention, saying that he is not omnipotent, and can only say that he will try his best. As for whether it can be tried, it's hard to say.

"Okay, it's okay, just do your best. I'll send you the script outline right away."

Director Guo quickly sent the script outline to Zhou Yu. Knowing that Zhou Yu was filming on the set, he didn't bother him too much.

"Then I won't bother you, Xiao Zhou, for now. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me."


After finishing the chat with Director Guo, Zhou Yu took advantage of his free time to look at the script outline of Director Guo's film "Painted Skin", which was to be released during the Spring Festival.

The outline of this movie tells the love story between a demon and a human. It is a relatively old-fashioned ghost love movie. In the previous life on Earth, this kind of plot movie was considered very old-fashioned. But in this world, it has only become popular in the past two years, and the audience is relatively wide.

After roughly understanding the story of the movie, Zhou Yu felt that the plot was pretty good, at least for this world. And judging from Director Guo's previous works, Director Guo's film works are of high quality.

"You can try it." Zhou Yu searched in his mind, and when he finished reading, he had a rough impression in his mind. "The song Hua Xin is quite suitable." Zhou Yu immediately replied to Director Guo. "Director Guo, I read the script, it's not bad. I'll write the theme song and send it to you when I have time. You can take a look at it then." Director Guo was still telling other people in the crew that he had tried the theme song with Zhou Yu, and he would probably get a reply soon. As a result, it was not long after he finished chatting with Zhou Yu, about 20 minutes, and Zhou Yu replied. "So fast?" Director Guo was also a little surprised at Zhou Yu's speed. Seeing Zhou Yu's message saying that he could try it made Director Guo happy. "Okay, okay, Xiao Zhou, wait until you are done with your work, and write the theme song and send it to me." But now it is almost the Spring Festival, and Director Guo is also afraid of delaying too long, so he added a sentence. "But Xiao Zhou, you have to give it to me before the end of the month. You know, the Spring Festival is coming soon. I'm afraid I can't make it." Zhou Yu said directly: "It's okay. I'll write it when I go back tonight and send it to Director Guo directly." Write it when I go back tonight? Director Guo admires Zhou Yu's creative talent. He writes songs as soon as he says he will. As expected, this genius cannot be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people. "Okay, then I'll wait for good news." In fact, Director Guo is very optimistic about Zhou Yu. He has listened to several ancient style songs of Zhou Yu before and thinks they are good. This time, Director Guo asked him to write the theme song. Since Zhou Yu said so, there should be no big problem. For Zhou Yu's talent, the songs he wrote should be very good. Zhou Yu has already determined the songs. After filming, he can write them when he goes back tonight and send them to Director Guo. This will not delay him much time. When preparing to start the third scene this afternoon, Director Chen also asked Zhou Yu with a smile. "How is it? Lao Guo sent you the outline of the script, right? Do you think it can be written?"

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "The script is OK, I can write it."

"Okay, I'll tell Lao Guo that I can definitely find you."

Director Chen asked Zhou Yu again, "We will be able to wrap up the filming by the end of this month, and I'll find a good time to go online after the New Year."

He looked at Zhou Yu and asked, "Didn't you say before that you wanted to learn photography by yourself? You must want to be a director in the future. I can recommend you to study at Beijing Film Academy."

Director Chen knew Zhou Yu's future plans. He often passed on his experience to Zhou Yu during recent filming. To be honest, Director Chen really liked this talented young man.

And he could also see that Zhou Yu was talented in screenwriting and photography.

When Zhou Yu heard what Director Chen said, he was also happy.

"That's fine. Thank you Director Chen first."

He will definitely learn photography in the future. He has a lot of good scripts here. If he keeps looking for someone to cooperate, he can't maximize his benefits and will definitely suffer.

So it would be best for him to learn to be a director, recruit some professional directors for the company, and produce IPs by himself.

"You kid, you are very talented in this area. I look forward to your own directorial works in the future."

Director Chen is very optimistic about Zhou Yu, and even thinks that Zhou Yu will definitely have a place in the film and television industry in the future.

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Then you need to learn more from Director Chen."


At night, Zhou Yu returned to the hotel to rest and wrote the theme song for Director Guo.

The song "Hua Xin" is very suitable for the movie "Painted Skin", and Zhou Yu himself also feels that Director Guo's movie has the shadow of the drama on Earth. So it is more appropriate to give Director Guo this song "Hua Xin".

"Director Guo, I sent you the theme song. Take some time to take a look. If you have any questions, you can always contact me."

Zhou Yu originally thought that it was so late, Director Guo was already resting and would not reply to him tomorrow. As a result, not long after he sent the message, Director Guo's reply came.

"Okay, Xiao Zhou, I'll take a look at the song first."

Director Guo has been waiting for Zhou Yu's new song. Today, Zhou Yu told him that he would send it directly to him when he finished composing it in the evening, so he has been waiting. After all, he has already found so many musicians to write the theme song for the new movie, which has always made him dissatisfied. This time, he finally found Zhou Yu to help them write the theme song through Lao Chen's relationship. Director Guo couldn't sleep tonight because the theme song hadn't been sent.

He opened his mailbox and saw the new song Zhou Yu had sent him.

"Hua Xin..."

The title of the song was quite suitable for the new movie.

Director Guo continued to read on. Although there were only lyrics and music scores, he knew a little about music. As he read on, Director Guo's hand trembled as he slid the computer mouse.

"This... this song..."

Director Guo was excited. After reading it, he was refreshed and his sleepiness from waiting for the new song was gone.

"This song is so good! It really fits the movie!"

During this period, Director Guo had read more than ten or twenty theme songs written by musicians. But none of them satisfied him. As a result, today, after seeing the theme song written by Zhou Yu, Director Guo saw Zhou Yu's talent and finally knew the difference between other musicians and Zhou Yu.

Others had written theme songs for so long, but none of them satisfied him. But today, after reading Zhou Yu's song, Director Guo suddenly felt what he wanted. The lyrics are very consistent with the theme of the movie, and the ancient style and charm he wanted are also there.

Director Guo quickly forwarded the song to the crew group.

"Haha, Lao Zhang, Lao Liu, take a look, I am very satisfied with the theme song written by Zhou Yu, it is really great!"

In the entire group, in addition to the screenwriters and producers of the crew, the entire starring team is also in it. Director Guo had said before that he was going to ask Zhou Yu to write a theme song for the movie through his connections. Everyone felt it was a bit difficult at the time. Zhou Yu's current status and identity are at the top level in the music industry, not inferior to Zhang Junjie at all.

Moreover, many people asked Zhou Yu to write songs, but I have never seen Zhou Yu write for those people. Even some invitations for songs for film and television dramas were rejected by Zhou Yu. Basically, Zhou Yu wrote songs for others, all of whom were people around him.

This time, I heard that it was Director Guo who used Director Chen's relationship to get in touch with Zhou Yu.

Everyone was a little curious about how the theme song written by Zhou Yu, who was known as a musical talent, could make Director Guo so excited.

After everyone in the group finished watching the song written by Zhou Yu, they were more excited than Director Guo.

"Oh my god! This is worthy of Zhou Yu. The quality of the theme song he wrote is completely different from others!"

"Really, this song Hua Xin is so suitable for our movie!"

"This ancient style and charm is worthy of Zhou Yu. It feels so good!"

" @Director Guo, are we sure to use Zhou Yu's song as the theme song for our movie? I really like him!"


Seeing that everyone gave such high praise to the theme song written by Zhou Yu, Director Guo also replied in the group.

"This time, I owed Lao Chen a favor to invite Zhou Yu. I won't tell you now. I have to talk to Zhou Yu about this song first."

Regardless of what others in the group were talking about, Director Guo was already replying to Zhou Yu.

"Xiao Zhou, your song is very good, it's good! It can be used as a theme song!"

Seeing that Director Guo was satisfied, Zhou Yu also sent a smiley face.

"It's good."

Director Guo also said directly: "The contract also needs the price. I have asked someone to contact your team. I really want to thank you, Xiao Zhou. Without you, I don't know how long it will take to finalize the theme song."

"Director Guo, you are too polite."

After all, Zhou Yu and Director Guo had never met and were not very familiar with each other. When they chatted, they were a bit polite.

As they chatted, Director Guo asked Zhou Yu: "Xiao Zhou, who do you think is more suitable to sing this song? Will you sing it yourself?"

When asking this question, Director Guo was still expecting Zhou Yu to answer that he would sing it himself. After all, Zhou Yu's popularity and influence are too high now. If he sings the theme song, it will undoubtedly be the best promotion for the movie. With Zhou Yu's popularity, his singing of the movie theme song will definitely make more people pay attention to their movie.

Zhou Yu thought about it and typed a reply: "Director Guo, do you have any singers?"

"No, Xiao Zhou, do you have any recommendations?"

Zhou Yu thought about it and said: "I think we can ask Teacher Wen Shiyi to try this song. I think it's better for a girl to sing this song."

Seeing Zhou Yu's answer, Director Guo was a little disappointed. It turned out that Zhou Yu was not singing it himself. It seemed that the huge traffic was gone.

But when he saw that Zhou Yu was talking about Wen Shiyi, his originally disappointed mood suddenly burned with hope.

Wen Shiyi, the queen of the music industry, has a good relationship with Zhou Yu. There are even many CP fans about her and Zhou Yu on the Internet. In terms of popularity and influence, although Wen Shiyi is not as good as Zhou Yu now, she is also very strong, and her singing skills are also unique.

Since Zhou Yu is not going to sing the theme song, Director Guo thinks it is acceptable to let Wen Shiyi come.

"Xiao Wen! That's fine!"

Director Guo was excited. He thought it was good for Wen Shiyi to sing the theme song.

"Then I'll talk to her first, and I'll ask her to contact you, Director Guo, directly."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Xiao Zhou. It's getting late, and you've been filming all day, so I won't bother you any more."

After finishing the chat with Zhou Yu, Director Guo went to check the messages in the group. The leading actress and the second female lead were asking him.

"Director Guo, Director Guo, will Zhou Yu sing the theme song?"

"Yes, Director Guo, if Zhou Yu sings, will we have a chance to meet the real person?"

"He is my favorite singer, woo woo woo, I'm looking forward to him singing the theme song."


Seeing these messages, Director Guo also smiled. They were probably disappointed.

"You may be disappointed. The theme song is not sung by Zhou Yu."

This disappointed those in the group who had been looking forward to Zhou Yu singing the theme song and fantasizing about being able to chase stars in person.

"Ah? Zhou Yu himself is not singing the theme song he wrote?"

"What a pity! I thought I could see Zhou Yu in person and take a photo with him this time. I love listening to his songs!"

" @Director Guo, if Zhou Yu doesn't sing the theme song of our power supply, who will sing it?"


Director Guo saw that everyone was very concerned about the theme song, so he didn't keep it a secret.

"It should be Wen Shiyi who sings it at present, and the details are still being discussed."

Zhou Yu said before that he would go back to discuss with Wen Shiyi, but there is no news from Wen Shiyi's team yet, so we have to wait.

When everyone heard that the person who sang the theme song was Wen Shiyi, the feeling of loss in their hearts was not so strong. After all, if Zhou Yu didn't sing the theme song, Wen Shiyi, a very popular star, could do it later. And everyone knows the relationship between Wen Shiyi and Zhou Yu, and there are even so many CP fans of Zhou Yu and Wen Shiyi on the Internet.

"Wen Shiyi, that's not bad."

"Hey, Zhou Yu wrote the theme song for Wen Shiyi to sing, can I gossip about that? Are they really having something?"

"I also want to ask, are they really together?"

"What are you thinking about? Stop gossiping here. They are just good friends."


The gossip in the group is quite strong, especially among those actresses. Women are born to love gossip. Now seeing the theme song written by Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu did not sing it, but gave it to Wen Shiyi to sing, plus some rumors and gossips about the two on the Internet, everyone has to think too much.

At this moment, on Zhou Yu's side, he told Wen Shiyi about this matter and sent her the song "Hua Xin".

"How about it, are you free? If you are free, you can record and sing this theme song written for Director Guo and others."

Since the last time, Zhou Yu's chat with Wen Shiyi is quite normal, and he can also feel Wen Shiyi's usual concern for him. She often sends him greetings, reminds him to wear long johns when it's cold, or reminds him to take a rest and not be too tired.

He can also feel Wen Shiyi's feelings, but Wen Shiyi is not like Yang Qian, who can compromise and change for him. But Wen Shiyi now can't do that, so Zhou Yu likes her, but can't accept it.

Wen Shiyi just returned to the hotel to rest after attending a commercial performance today. After seeing the message Zhou Yu sent her, she also looked at the song Zhou Yu sent her.

"Hua Xin..."

The songs written by Zhou Yu are of high quality. Wen Shiyi has nothing to say. Besides, since Zhou Yu has spoken, she has nothing to refuse.

"Okay, but I'm only free this weekend. Give me the contact information of Director Guo and I'll contact him. I'll send it to you after the recording is done."

"No problem. I prepared this song for you when I wrote it. It suits you very well."

Zhou Yu did think so. When he was preparing to use this song as the theme song of Director Guo's new movie, the most suitable singer in his mind was Wen Shiyi.

Seeing Zhou Yu's words, Wen Shiyi's eyes flickered.

Was I the first person he thought of?

Wen Shiyi's heart was actually very conflicted recently. She had been thinking about her and Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu wanted freedom and didn't want to be bound, so he refused to be with her. Even if he liked her, he chose the freedom he wanted most.

Wen Shiyi didn't want to compromise at the beginning. Because in her opinion, after two people are together, they have to make changes and live their own world of two. Especially after getting married and starting a family, it is natural to take care of the family and put the family first.

So she has been hesitating, thinking that she will wait for Zhou Yu to change, and when Zhou Yu's mind is more mature, the two of them can be together.

But during this period of time, she has not been able to calm down at all. Zhou Yu is really too good, and there are too many women staring at him. What if he is snatched away by others?

In addition, Zhou Yu cares about her so much, which makes Wen Shiyi hesitate.

Should I compromise?

Wen Shiyi hesitated. After finishing the chat with Zhou Yu, she kept holding her mobile phone, looking at her friends on WeChat, pursed her red lips, and wanted to find someone to chat. Then she found her good friend Yang Qian's WeChat, clicked into the chat interface, and looked at the time. It was already late.

"Find an opportunity to talk to her in person later and ask her what she should do."


The next day, after experiencing the launch of Zhao Lei's new song yesterday, Wang Jiachao's new song arrived as promised.

Lin Jiajia had been waiting early, and when the time came, she clicked on Wang Jiachao's new song interface.

"Song name: Silence

Singer: Wang Jiachao

Lyrics: Zhou Yu

Composer: Zhou Yu..."

When she heard the prelude of this song, Lin Jiajia probably understood what type of new song Zhou Yu wrote for Wang Jiachao this time.

"I didn't expect it to be a modern love song..."

Listening to the piano-based melody, Lin Jiajia was not so surprised. Modern love songs are the type of songs that Wang Jiachao is good at. This time it is a new song written by Zhou Yu for him, and the quality must be good.

But what makes her curious is that Zhao Lei and Wang Jiachao's new songs are now online one after another. Before Zhou Yu and Zhang Junjie's new songs are online, the two of them must have a fight. Who will win or lose is really still an unknown.

After all, both of them are strong, and this time the new songs are all created by Zhou Yu. If you want to compete, you have to see whose songs the audience likes more.

At this moment, when Wang Jiachao's new song was released online, Zhou Yu, Zhao Lei and Yang Qian all helped promote the song.

"Wang Jiachao's new song is online!"

"Wang Jiachao's new song is silent!"


On the hot search list, Wang Jiachao's new song is also on the hot search. For him, his popularity is really not low now. In fact, because the show "Singer" has just been broadcast, with the popularity of the show, his popularity is close to the top singers.

Thanks to the book friends, the big goblin, save your butt, the god of books 1212, Empsies, kayckc, and 31489 for voting for the monthly tickets!

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