Director Yu looked at Zhou Yu's appearance and expressions such as the camera language, and he was quite satisfied. Zhou Yu's costume appearance is indeed very good-looking and fits the character's temperament very well. But the next step is the key point. The camera needs to show a close-up of Zhou Yu's facial expression, as well as the subsequent conversation with Yang Qian. Although Zhou Yu told him not to worry, he was quite nervous because it would be bad if Zhou Yu smashed the shot.

Peng Yun watched this scene with interest, and he would see how this guy made a fool of himself next.

Even the rest of the crew looked at Zhou Yu and Yang Qian in the field. In the courtyard, artificial rainfall was going on. Zhou Yu was dressed in white, holding an oil-paper umbrella, and looked at Yang Qian, who was sitting alone by the pool.

The camera switched from Zhou Yu's sight scene to a close-up view of Zhou Yu, and then pushed towards his facial expression.

The next moment, Ning Wanqiu and Yuanyuan became nervous. As for the boss being able to film, they didn't know if it was possible. After all, they hadn't seen it before. It is true that the boss usually reads the script, but no one has ever seen it during the actual filming.

Director Yu is also looking forward to it. What Zhou Yu said before is arrogance, or does he really know how to film?

Everyone looked at the monitor, and Zhou Yu's expression could be clearly seen in the picture transmitted back from the camera.

Zhou Yu held the umbrella with one hand and put the other on his waist. The rainwater slid down the oil-paper umbrella and fell to the ground, making his expression look a little hazy. This kind of atmosphere is very good, and Director Yu likes it very much.

But the real highlight lies in Zhou Yu’s next performance.

When he pushed his head slightly closer, he got a close-up of Zhou Yu's facial expression. Everyone gasped instantly, their heartbeats suddenly became much faster, and their eyes were full of surprise.

"Zhou Yu's look..."

Director Yu was shocked by Zhou Yu's look. There was a touch of distress and affection in the indifference. He vividly portrayed the love and care of a cold master for his disciples. Although there are no lines, just from this look, everyone can feel the emotion he wants to express.

Especially this kind of scene without lines is the biggest and most difficult test for an actor's acting skills. Because there are no lines, you can't use words to express your emotions. You must rely on your facial expressions and body movements to express yourself, which is a great test for an actor's acting skills and experience.

But judging from Zhou Yu's eyes, he expressed this emotion very well. Master is cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He usually looks stern, cold and inhumane. But in his heart, he is extremely warm, and he cares about the disciple played by Yang Qian.

And Zhou Yu played the conflicting nature of his character and inner emotions very well!

Director Yu looked at the monitor, his heart full of excitement, but he held back, did not speak, and stared at the screen. Because he knows that after the actors enter the scene, they cannot be disturbed by some things, so that the best effect can be achieved. Even if you have any questions or words, you have to wait until after the filming is completed.

Looking at Peng Yun on the side, he frowned at this moment. Zhou Yu's look really surprised even him.

Did this guy go to training in private?

Otherwise, it would be difficult for a singer without the slightest foundation to get into the role immediately and perform such a professional look.

"Acting is more than just that. Your line skills are also very challenging."

He comforted himself, thinking that Zhou Yu had been trained and studied. But these line skills cannot be practiced in a day or two. This not only requires a lot of time, but also requires professional teachers. The most important thing is that an actor needs to continue filming and experience, and actual experience is the most important.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many actors now. After filming, dubbing teachers would still be needed to dub the scenes.

Especially now that those idol idols come to film, the lines are so embarrassing that even he himself can't listen. Peng Yun felt that even though Zhou Yu had been trained and studied, since he lacked practical experience, he probably didn't have very good script skills.

Ning Wanqiu and Yuanyuan were shocked when they saw Zhou Yu's expression.

"Sister Wanqiu, the boss seems to be really good."

Yuanyuan couldn't help but whisper to Ning Wanqiu. Before, she only knew that her boss was very good at music. But after seeing this look in his eyes, it seemed like a new door had opened for Yuanyuan. With that look in his eyes just now, I guess many idols couldn't do it, but my boss seems to be really versatile.

Ning Wanqiu also nodded. Zhou Yu knew how to film, which was something they didn't know before. But it seems that some of the inherent views on Zhou Yu are going to change today. Before, I only thought that Zhou Yu was already very talented if he was so talented in music. As for filming, she thinks it's probably not very good. Without professional training and study, it would be difficult to improve her acting skills.

Moreover, a person's energy is limited, and Zhou Yu's musical talent is already enviable. Many people on the Internet are talking about which window God closed for Zhou Yu to have such a high talent in music.

As a result, they also discovered Zhou Yu's new skills during this guest appearance.

As the plot continued, Director Yu spoke via the intercom: "Zhou Yu, walk over. Yang Qian will slowly turn her head after Zhou Yu speaks."

In the field, Zhou Yu slowly walked towards Yang Qian and covered Yang Qian's body with an umbrella.

After noticing the change, Yang Qian turned slightly and raised her head. She didn't know whether it was tears or rain on her face, and looked at Zhou Yu blankly.

The camera moved up from Yang Qian's line of sight, and Zhou Yu looked extremely tall in her eyes.


Yang Qian's voice was choked and hoarse, and her fear of being found crying alone by her master, lazy and not practicing her swordsmanship, was well expressed in her expression and body language.

The camera zoomed in on Zhou Yu's facial expression. He looked indifferent and glanced at Yang Qian.

Director Yu and the others also became nervous, because next came Zhou Yu's few lines.

Peng Yun was also staring at the monitor, and the corners of his mouth had begun to raise. He felt that Zhou Yu's lines were probably not up to par.

In the audience, Zhou Yu glanced at Yang Qian indifferently and said coldly: "If you want to be lazy, then don't stay here."

Zhou Yu's eyes have changed now, and there is no longer the feeling of distress and pampering that he just saw when Yang Qian was alone and sad. His face was full of indifference, even a hint of displeasure.

Yang Qian was frightened and nervous. She quickly stood up and wiped the water stains on her face that were not sure whether they were rain or tears. The two of them were high and low, Yang Qian was stubborn and strong, and looked at Zhou Yu with a hint of apology.

"Master, I'll go right away!"

Zhou Yu looked at her clothes and hair that were soaked by the rain, and snorted coldly: "We at Luoxue Villa do not support idlers."

Although Zhou Yu's words were ruthless, Zhou Yu's umbrella tilted slightly toward Yang Qian and half of his shoulder caught in the rain exposed his innermost feelings.

The camera zoomed up to give this scene a close-up.

Yang Qian felt a little aggrieved, but she didn't dare to refute: "Disciple knows."

Director Yu and the others did not dare to blink, watching Zhou Yu's reaction closely from the monitor.

Yang Qian turned around and was about to throw herself into the rain and go back to practice. Zhou Yu had a very detailed action here. They didn't design it, but Zhou Yu himself designed a chasing action. He didn't stop until Yang Qian's figure had run away.

At this time, the camera was pushed towards Zhou Yu's face again, with an indifferent expression, but his eyes were staring at Yang Qian's leaving back. His eyes were full of heartache, and finally he sighed softly.

The scene ended as the rain slipped from the oil-paper umbrella and fell to the ground "tick-tock-tock".

Director Yu shouted excitedly: "Stuck!"


Before Zhou Yu and the others came over, Director Yu had already walked out of the studio excitedly and came out to greet Zhou Yu and the others in person, his eyes full of surprise.

"Zhou Yu, your acting skills are amazing. Tell me honestly, have you gone down to register for classes?"

He didn't believe that Zhou Yu could achieve such a good result in his first filming without systematic training and study. Some of the facial expressions and emotional handling, as well as the random movements, are completely unlike a newcomer filming for the first time. As for Zhou Yu's eye-catching scenes just now, he felt they were better than many young people in the industry.

Half of Zhou Yu's shoulders were wet, and Yuanyuan quickly picked him up with a towel and clothes. It was winter, and after filming such a scene, she had to change out of her soaked clothes as soon as possible, otherwise she would easily catch a cold. of.

While Zhou Yu was holding his clothes and preparing to change, he told Director Yu, "We really don't have this."

He looked at Peng Yun, who looked ashen and didn't say a word. Then he looked at Director Yu and said something half-joking.

"Maybe this is talent."

"Director Yu, I'll go change my clothes first, and we'll talk later."

Director Yu then looked at Zhou Yu's soaked clothes and said quickly: "Okay, okay, don't catch a cold. Go quickly."

Zhou Yu and Yang Qian both went to change clothes, and now only Director Yu and the others were left.

The people on the crew nearby were also discussing Zhou Yu's performance just now.

"I found that Zhou Yu's acting skills are pretty good. He doesn't feel like a singer who just started filming."

"Indeed, with his look in his eyes and his line skills just now, he definitely doesn't look like a newcomer. He gives me the feeling that he is an experienced actor who has been acting for many years."

"Maybe she really put in the effort in private. I feel like her performance is much better than that of Peng Yun."

"I also think that Peng Yun, the male lead, has only average acting skills. I think those few looks from Zhou Yu just now could kill him instantly."

When Peng Yun heard these words, his expression was extremely ugly. Director Yu also looked at him, sneered in his heart, and spoke seriously.

"Xiao Peng, sometimes we can't talk too much. There is no role for you these days. If you have time, come and see more and learn more from Zhou Yu."

After saying that, Director Yu walked into the studio, leaving Peng Yun, who was blushing, alone in the cold wind.

Thanks to book friends Jade Face Rakshasa, Cute Koala, 38728, Crazy Flower Snow Moon? Emperor Yi, Stone City ※ Prodigal Son, Gentle Wraps around Fingertips, 29042, 42015, 35672, Long Live My Bow, Pillars at the Gate, Panasia, Fallen Lucifer's monthly vote!

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