I was rejected when I wrote a song, but I became a king on my debut

Chapter 176 Do you want to quit being a singer?

Elder Sun and Elder Fang had expressions of emotion on their faces. The more they got to know Zhou Yu, the more frightened they became.

Zhou Yu, a young man, seems to be full of intoxicating attraction. The more you get to know him, the more people become attracted to him. Moreover, this young man's musical talent really surprised even the old guys who were used to seeing geniuses.

Even if a person is good at both lyrics and music, one of them will be weak. But you can't see this at all in Zhou Yu. He doesn't seem to have any flaws in terms of lyrics or music. The whole person seems to be at the top all the time. Every song they create can bring them a new experience, making the two old guys have to say "monster".

When Tingting heard her grandfather and the others praising her idol, she felt happy and proud, and said to her grandfather and the others very proudly.

"See, I told you that my idol is very powerful."

"How about Grandpa, Grandpa Sun, you make an exception and bring him in."

Mr. Fang and Mr. Sun also looked at each other. When Tingting mentioned this idea before, they themselves were a little moved. Although it has never happened before for people to join two major associations at the same time, even Zhang Junjie, the number one player in the Chinese music scene today, only chose the music he is best at and joined the Composers Association.

Letting Zhou Yu join two major associations at the same time is really an exception. He has never seen anyone from the past. As for whether there are any newcomers, it is not yet known.

Although there are no fewer than a few people in the two major associations who appreciate Zhou Yu, and many people agree with this decision, some opposing voices still exist.

But Zhou Yu is so talented and capable. The two of them really admire this young man and don't want to let him go. Being able to join the official association is a very helpful thing for the association itself and Zhou Yu himself.

Gritting their teeth, the two old men made up their minds: "Let's give it a try. I'll send a message to Zhou Yu later to see what he thinks."

Even if Zhou Yu is invited to join the association, and it is one of their two major associations, Zhou Yu himself must agree.

"Okay, then I'll go ask after that."

When Tingting saw this, her pretty face lit up, and she looked at her grandfather and grandpa expectantly: "Grandpa, if my idol agrees to join the two major associations, do I have to come here to go through the formalities? Can I do it? Have you met your idol?"

The little girl likes Zhou Yu very much. Now Zhou Yu is very popular among these young people, especially girls of Tingting's age. Many classmates in the class are fans of Zhou Yu. There are also many Zhou Yu’s songs in the mobile phone playlist and MP3.

It seems that Zhou Yu has become the youth of a generation invisibly. In the future, he will become the beautiful memory of this generation's youth...

Mr. Fang nodded and couldn't help but smile when he saw his granddaughter's excited look. He looked at her dotingly and said, "If he agrees, your grandpa and I will take you to see him. "

"Great! I can finally meet my idol!"

The little girl was very excited. Mr. Fang and Mr. Sun looked at her fondly and shook their heads. It seems that Zhou Yu is very popular among these young people.

As the show aired, after Zhou Yu's performance ended, it was on several hot searches. Even after listening to Zhou Yu's new song "I Still Miss Her" on the Internet, many people began to search for it. Guess the ranking result of this issue.

"I think Zhou Yu's song is also very nice. Zhou Yu's modern love songs are still so strong."

"Indeed, this song is very well written, and Zhou Yu is not a driving guest this time, but he still performs so well. I think his ranking will rise this time."

"Do you think Zhou Yu will directly win over Shen Guangyan in this issue? Will he directly knock Shen Guangyan from the first position?"

"This... feels impossible. Although Zhou Yu is powerful and performed well in this period, Shen Guangyan and Shen Tianwang's performance on this stage is not bad. He defeated Zhou Yu in the last period. Maybe in Shen Tianwang lost in the competition for the new album, but is he going to win back the competition on the singer’s stage?”

Regarding this issue of "Singer", many people are still relatively uncertain about the final result. Although everyone knows that Zhou Yu's ranking is estimated to be stable, and may even rise a bit. Some people think that Zhou Yu will directly rise to the first place and directly pull Shen Guangyan down. But some people think that Shen Guangyan defeated Zhou Yu in the first episode and will still win this episode.

After everyone watched the performance of Queen Sun Qianqian, Shen Guangyan stepped onto the stage. The audience knew that this episode was coming to the final battle.

They even just wanted to see who was more powerful between Zhou Yu and Shen Guangyan's performances.

Wen Shiyi also put down her cell phone while chatting with Yang Qian and watched the show. Although Zhou Yu had already told her the results, she was still curious.

Lin Jiajia is also watching the show. Now that the show has come to the end of this episode, Shen Guangyan's performance is over, and the ranking results of this episode will be announced.

"I don't know if Zhou Yu rushed forward."

Although Lin Jiajia has always felt that Zhou Yu's performance in this episode was very good, especially this song "I Still Miss Her", his level is still online, and his performance can be said to be very stable and very good. But without seeing the final result, she still didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

After watching Shen Guangyan's performance, Lin Jiajia fell silent, with some surprise in her eyes.

"The new songs by Shen Tianwang this time are also of high quality. It seems that they have specially prepared new songs for the show."

Such a high-quality song must have been prepared beforehand. This song, which was not released on his new album, was obviously specially prepared for the program "Singer".


Lin Jiajia still feels that Zhou Yu's song is better. I don't know if it's because Shen Guangyan and the others are older. Some of the current songs seem a little out of date. It sounds good, but it always gives people an unreal feeling, a bit divorced from reality, no, it can be said that it is divorced from the life of the public, and there is not much sense of immersion. Looking back at Zhou Yu's songs, the scenes and stories described seem to happen around everyone, or they are people who have experienced these things themselves, and it is easy for people to resonate with them.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Shen Guangyan lost to Zhou Yu in the competition for the new album.

Anyway, Lin Jiajia had this feeling after listening to Shen Guangyan's recent songs. Thinking about it carefully, Shen Guangyan is now the supreme king, and these things in life are completely beyond the reach of ordinary people. And since I haven’t released a new song for so long, my grasp of the current market is definitely not as good as before.

In other words, they have been eliminated by this market. Whether it is permanent or temporary depends on whether they can detect this problem and correct it later.

"I feel like Shen Tianwang's new song this time is also very interesting to listen to. I guess Zhou Yu has no chance of winning this round."

"Ah? Does it sound good? Why do I think it's okay? Although it sounds good, it doesn't feel as engaging as Zhou Yu's songs."

"I feel the same way. It sounds good, but it lacks a bit of feeling."

Many viewers also have the same feeling as Lin Jiajia. They always feel that Shen Guangyan's songs lack a bit of charm and are not as meaningful as Zhou Yu's songs. In other words, no Zhou Yu's songs can touch people's hearts so much.

Sure enough, when Lin Jiajia finished watching this episode and learned the final ranking results, she was not too surprised.

"Sure enough, Zhou Yu really won."

Apart from being happy because her favorite singer won, she was not too surprised by the result.

On the other hand, the viewers on the barrage, especially Zhou Yu's fans and fans, as well as many passers-by, began to get excited.

"I'll go! Zhou Yu actually won the first place! This is only the second period, and he won the first place in the second period?!"

"I thought Zhou Yu would explode and have to wait for two issues, but it turned out that this was only the second issue and he shot to the top. Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really terrifying!"

"Shen Guangyan actually lost to Zhou Yu in the second episode. I saw him defeat Zhou Yu in the first episode. I thought he was going to stand up in the show, but..."

"Isn't this normal? If you look at the first period, Zhou Yu only got third place because he suffered a loss at the beginning. If you look at this period, this is his true level."

"Yeah, Zhou Yu crushed Shen Guangyan on the new album. If it weren't for the loss at the beginning of the last issue, how could he lose to Shen Guangyan?"

The second episode of "Singer" has finished airing, and Zhou Yu's information is already high on the hot search list.

"Singer's second episode airs!"

"Zhou Yu is number one!"

"I still miss Zhou Yu's new song!"

"Shen Guangyan lost to Zhou Yu again!"

"The gap between Zeng Huayu and Zhou Yu is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Please ask for the shadow area in Zeng Huayu's heart now!"

Not only did Shen Guangyan suffer, but Zeng Huayu also did not escape being pulled out and whipped to death in every issue. Shen Guangyan lost, perhaps not as happy as Zeng Huayu and Zhou Yu suppressing him all the time.

After all, Shen Guangyan never openly targeted Zhou Yu, but Zeng Huayu publicly said Zhou Yu's faults on the show, criticized Zhou Yu, and even said that Zhou Yu's songs and lyrics were not good.

The result is now...

Zhou Yu is much better than you, but no matter how you look at it now, Zeng Huayu is just a clown!

Zeng Huayu also saw the hot search on the Internet. He had already expected such a result, and his heart seemed to be numb.

But he didn't know why, every time he saw such news, he felt regretful.

If I hadn't targeted Zhou Yu because of that benefit, wouldn't I be like this now?

Now his online reputation and reputation are completely ruined, and he can't even receive endorsements or some announcements. Every day when I open my social platform account, especially after I open private messages and comment areas, everyone comes to scold me, as if I have suddenly become a street rat.


He smiled mockingly to himself. He was already numb, and had even begun to fail recently. His career had been seriously affected by Zhou Yu, which could be said to have given him a heavy blow. He himself didn't know what to do.

"Do you want to quit being a singer?"

Thanks to book friend Very Pure and Mythical for your monthly vote!

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