“Then Bureau Yang, let’s start?”

Section Chief Xu finished counting the people.

After checking the timer and other equipment, he came over.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Deputy Director Yang glanced at the personnel who were ready.

There were more than twenty groups of people in total.

Each group held a dozen different types of locks and a timer.

Conducted as a competition.

The best way to catch the audience’s attention.

“Wait a minute, my friend is also participating.”

Han Xiaoxiao suddenly called out to Deputy Section Chief Xu.

Then he pulled Li Yuan from his side to him.

“Okay, let him try it.”

See Deputy Director Yang speaking.

Deputy Section Chief Xu had no choice but to agree.

“Then after they finish competing, you can restore the locks and then put them on. Everything is prepared on a per-person basis.”

As the camera focuses on one of the prisoners.

The prisoner took a deep breath.

Speak slowly to the camera.

“My name is Cai Peng, and I am a master thief. I once stole millions of yuan from more than a hundred households in one night. The most I stole was more than 800,000 yuan in cash at one time. But if you earn money through evil ways, It will one day become a torture device for you.”

As he spoke, he raised one foot.

He showed his shackles to the camera.

“Before I was caught, I had never had a good night’s sleep. I could easily steal huge amounts of wealth, but I couldn’t steal a moment of peace in my heart, let alone a happy life.”

“Thank you to the institute for giving me this opportunity to use my sideline skills to make some contribution to society. Finally, I would like to advise brothers who have taken this detour like me to stop as soon as possible. A better tomorrow is waiting for you. ”

With soothing music.

The prisoner looked moved.

I said what I felt in my heart with true feelings.

Several inmates recounted their own unbearable past events.

Han Xiaoxiao looked at Li Yuan again unconsciously.

Li Yuan must have had a harder time than them in the past two years.

I was forced to learn to pick locks.

Wait until all inmates have finished speaking.

Next is the official competition.

Except for the last military reed lock.

All locks must be opened within one minute.

Because the on-site theft and unlocking time takes more than one minute, the risk will be greatly increased.

And you cannot open the lock by destroying the lock cylinder or using electronic equipment.

It’s very easy to leave traces.

Then he was tracked by the police.

And as long as the lock isn’t broken and you don’t get too greedy.

Many people do not even know that their home has been burglarized in a short period of time or even in their entire life.

This greatly reduces the risk of getting caught.

Violators of these two rules will be eliminated on the spot.

Rewards and reduced sentences will no longer be available.

The referee blew his whistle.

Twenty groups of hard-working locksmiths started moving quickly.

Most people only use one ear pick for the first few different B-type locks.

Easily opens in less than five seconds.

It is much more difficult to get to the C-type lock.

But it is not difficult for their carefully selected locksmiths.

There is only a super C lock that is said to never be opened by technology.

and specially modified locks.

Let them cheer up a little.

Rock the rear up and down as the tow hook moves in and out.


Less than fifty seconds.

A so-called super C lock can be opened directly with a single hook.

Next is the smart lock.

The essence of a smart lock is actually a mechanical lock.

Just replace the key with fingerprint and face unlock.

In fact, fingerprint locks are not as effective as ordinary mechanical locks in preventing theft.

Because there are more interferences from electronic devices and the use of peepholes to open locks.

But for these master thieves.

Totally disdain to use those fancy ways.

The same principle as the mechanical lock.

An ear pick is enough.

Just when opening the security smart lock with the highest security level.

Most accidentally set off the alarm.

Only four or five people made no sound.

It opens within a minute.

Deputy Director Yang had a bright smile on his face.

As expected, picked from prisons and locksmith companies across the country.

The highest level anti-theft lock currently on the market.

It claims to take several hours to open even with the most professional tools.

And now it’s all opened within a minute.

The people around him were stunned.

Especially Class B locks.

After Deputy Director Yang introduced each type of lock.

Most people present clearly understand that the locks used in their homes are Class B locks.

But the Class B lock could not even be weighed in the hands of everyone present for five seconds.

It’s so fast that it can even open in seconds.

For a while, many people could not accept this fact.

“The lock that I dare to love is useless. It can only be used to protect gentlemen.”

“Maybe someone has already entered while we were at work.Even my family doesn’t know. ”

“Damn it, it’s so scary to think about it when you say that!”

“I have goosebumps. Although there is nothing valuable at home, I feel so unsafe as a girl at home.”

“No, no, I’ll ask the master to recommend a good lock later.”

The regular game is over.

“The old thieves are too lazy in their business. It’s better for young people to dare to think and work hard.”

Li Yuan watched as the final four prisoners plus a retired thief all passed the test smoothly.

Couldn’t help but whisper in Han Xiaoxiao’s ear.

“The camera is filming, please be more serious.”

Han Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at him.

This intimate act between them.

It immediately attracted the attention of many male police officers around him.

Everyone speculated on Li Yuan’s identity.

After the official regular game.

Next is the ABC Class III safe.

Safes are mostly used in banks, institutions, and companies.

Few people in China will study the unlocking of safes.

After all, this is really too much punishment.

In addition, the safety level of the safe itself is much higher than that of the door lock.

Taken together, the difficulty factor is more than dozens of times greater.

Even abroad.

The best way to steal a safe is to move it entirely.

If you want to pick a lock, you need to be a top locksmith.

Technical unlocking also takes at least several hours.

But your master is still your master.

Only less than five minutes passed.

Class A and Class B safes were opened on the spot.

But Class C safes stumped everyone.

Because the prescribed time for opening the safe is half an hour.

Three people immediately chose to give up on the spot.

There were only two people left who were not in a hurry to take action.

Instead, slowly adjust your mentality.

After adjusting your state of mind to the best state.

Only slowly began to crack.

The key lock was opened easily.

Twenty minutes later.

One of them started sweating on his forehead when he cracked the electronic lock.

There is something wrong with the state of mind.

I had no choice but to quit.

“He has opened the mechanical lock before the time is up. Why did he give up?”

Han Xiaoxiao muttered.

“Because his mind is confused, the sword will be slower.”

Li Yuan responded in a low voice.

At the end, only Cai Peng was left on the field.

I am listening to the sound selflessly.

While mentally calculating to crack the password.

Everyone onlookers watched with bated breath.

He didn’t even dare to take a breath.

When the time reaches twenty-nine minutes.

Just when everyone thought the safe was ultimately invincible.

When I feel sorry that the last person will fail.

“One more turn and it’s open.”

Li Yuan suddenly whispered in Han Xiaoxiao’s ear.

Han Xiaoxiao was about to turn around.

Cai Peng seemed to have heard Li Yuan speak.

The cipher disk was turned quickly.


“Click” sound.

The safe door opened in response.

at the same time.

A burst of warm applause immediately erupted from the surrounding area.

Han Xiaoxiao quickly turned back.

He looked at Li Yuan in shock.

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