After Chen Momo finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Li Yuan quickly called back.

It’s a good thing that you can get a lot of money if you mess it up.

If she were to mess with him, he wouldn’t be alive.

“What are you doing? I’m about to call their chief director.”

When the call was answered, Chen Momo’s tone was filled with uncontrollable anger.

“I said, aunt, can you stop being so excited and listen to what I have to say.”

Li Yuan’s tone was a little helpless.

“Why am I not excited? You don’t know how dangerous the wilderness survival column is, and I know it. They don’t tell you the degree of danger clearly, and they don’t even give up their face for traffic!”

Chen Momo became more and more excited as he talked.

“The artists who dare to participate have been trained by survival experts for several months in advance. The level of risk is still very high. What’s the difference between participating like this and sending it away?”

“Hey, hey, hey, what am I like? Why did you just send me away? Did you say that I was so bad?”

Li Yuan looked at the time and it was already noon.

I turned on the speakerphone and cooked and talked at the same time.

“They have made it clear to me how dangerous the show is, and it is only exaggerated.”

Li Yuan thought of the harsh conditions Hu Lingyu described to him.

“Then you are still going? Are you crazy? You are even afraid of being like that when you are on duty at the crematorium.”


“Auntie, there was a reason for last night. If I took you to see their employee rules, I’m sure you would be so scared that you would pee your pants on the spot.”

“Oh shit, you peed your pants…”

“Okay, I’m going to get ready for bed. I’ve already agreed to the show, so don’t mess with it.”

After Li Yuan finished cooking, he finally felt sleepy.

“Do you have to participate?”


“Then I’ll go too. I’ve participated in similar programs before. Just listen to me then.”

Chen Mo suddenly said after being silent for a while.

“Okay, you can cover me when the time comes.”

Li Yuan casually dealt with Chen Momo and then fell asleep after eating.

Wait until you wake up.

The sky has darkened.

The sounds of Han Xiaoxiao and Chen Momo talking were heard outside.

After getting up, Li Yuan came to the living room, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

He ran into Han Xiaoxiao who was wearing yoga clothes.

The light-colored tight-fitting yoga clothes completely displayed her entire curves in front of Li Yuan.

Xiaomanliu has a long waist, long legs, and round and tall breasts.

Li Yuan suddenly felt a heat in his nose.

“Aren’t you still in your auntie period? Why are you starting to exercise?”

Li Yuan covered his nose and hurried into the bathroom.

“You’ve already walked away today. What happened to your nose? Did you hit the door?”

Han Xiaoxiao followed her into the bathroom with concern and squeezed out the toothpaste for her first.

“It’s okay. The weather has been hot recently and I’m very angry.”

“Oh, I heard Momo said that you want to participate in a wilderness survival show?”

Han Xiaoxiao handed the squeezed toothpaste and water to Li Yuan.

He wet the towel slightly and put it aside and waited.

“Well, I have already agreed to the show.”

Li Yuan nodded.

“time to eat.”

At this time.

Chen Momo shouted from the kitchen.

Upon hearing this, Han Xiaoxiao turned around and responded, then went to help clear the table.

Wait for Li Yuan to finish washing.

Chen Momo immediately handed him a bowl of rice that had been served for him.

“Thanks to you, I can eat food cooked by a big star.”

Han Xiaoxiao looked at a table of delicious, tasty and tasty meals.

I secretly vowed to learn how to cook.

Li Yuan could clearly feel that the atmosphere at the dinner table today was not as strong as the smell of gunpowder two days ago.

Just breathed a sigh of relief.

When I turned around, I found that my bowl was filled with vegetables….

“I told you not to pick up leeks for him. No, where did you get the leeks? I obviously didn’t cook them.”

Chen Mo looked at the leeks in Li Yuan’s bowl in a daze.

“If you don’t do what you want, I’ll go downstairs and buy it myself. How about that? I’ll make you mad.”

Han Xiaoxiao gave Chen Momo a big smile.

He gave Li Yuan another chopstick of leeks.

Li Yuan ate the food in his bowl that never became less.

Dare not speak.

“Li Yuan, my stomach hurts. Please carry me to bed.”

Han Xiaoxiao, who was wearing cool pajamas on the sofa, held her stomach.

He turned to look at Li Yuan who was sweeping the floor.

Can this pretense be any more fake?

“You said yourself that your aunt has left.”

“I don’t care, my stomach hurts anyway. If you hug me, I can’t go there by myself.”

Han Xiaoxiao’s eyes were like autumn water.

The whole body exudes a seductive aura.

Li Yuan sneered.

Do you still want to deceive yourself with such poor acting skills?

“I’ll make you cry with one punch.”

Han Xiaoxiao slammed the door and came inBedroom.

See, the trick was seen through at a glance.


The next day.

After Li Yuan sent Han Xiaoxiao to the Municipal Bureau, he opened a certain audio live broadcast.

Hundreds of diehard fans came in instantly.

“Is Yuanshen fortune-telling or crematorium today?”

“Yuanshen should do something in the world of the living. I was so scared yesterday that I didn’t dare to turn off the lights to sleep all night.”

“Is Yuanshen going to give us another surprise today?”

Li Yuan looked at the system panel.

The previous professional skills are still on cooldown.

The money earned can’t be exchanged for merit points.

This has to give him a sufficient reason to play badly until the recording of the variety show.

But the next second.

The system sounded again.

“The system has enabled the function of exchanging merit points for professional skills for the host.”


Bed and Breakfast, this is deliberately not wanting to let yourself play badly.

Li Yuan opened the system panel.

He took a look and some of the exchangeable professional skills appeared.

The minimum dishwashing proficiency and mopping proficiency require 0.5 merit points.

Most of the other prices are 1 merit point.

1 merit point is 1,000 yuan.

What part-time job can make 1,000 yuan a day?

Isn’t this a big complainer? !

Live broadcast room: Summer Green Lemon gave two carnivals.

Li Yuan immediately looked up and looked at the special effects of the carnival.

The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Sorry, he took back what he just said.

Li Yuan quickly opened the part-time job website.

After browsing for a long time, he still couldn’t find a suitable one.

Either the price is too low.

Or it requires working for a full week or more.

“Why don’t I take you to deliver food today.”

Li Yuan looked at the advertisement for urgently recruiting food delivery riders.

And the rider proficiency that can be exchanged for only 0.5 merit points.

“Deliver food?”

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

“Is delivering food a talent?”

“God Yuan has run out of ideas and can only perform delivering food?”

After successfully exchanging for rider proficiency.

Li Yuan called Tang Jiaming.

“Hey, little brother, lend me your broken electric donkey. I’ll return it to you after get off work.”

“That’s my beloved little motorcycle. You can say I’m poor, but you can’t say my electric donkey is broken.”

Tang Jiaming said as he handed down the keys.

Li Yuan rode Tang Jiaming’s beloved little motorcycle and went straight to the takeaway station.

“The source god is really delivering food.”

“The source god has started to get down to earth after taking over the underworld.”

“Don’t underestimate the delivery of food. It’s also a technical job. You have to be very familiar with the surroundings. You have to use navigation in many communities and alleys. If you deliver well, you can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, but if you don’t deliver well, you will lose money.”

“I second the proposal. I delivered food for two days before. I didn’t make any money and lost 50 yuan. It was really unlucky.”

After receiving the yellow robe work clothes, he received a quarter of an hour of temporary training.

Li Yuan immediately received his first order in his life.

At the moment when the system automatically placed the order.

The skilled rider immediately planned the shortest and fastest route in Li Yuan’s mind.

Seeing Li Yuan full of confidence.

The audience waiting to see Li Yuan’s embarrassment were surprised to find that.

Li Yuan not only did not use navigation.

The electric donkey turned left and right and even knew which community’s back door could be used for a shortcut.

He even knew which community’s fire iron gate had a hole.

He knew that he could get out in five minutes!

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