“I won’t mention his name. Anyway, he does have some problems with his ability. He has screwed up things assigned by the boss several times. He messed up once a few days ago and still has a bad temper. He was almost an hour late for work today… .I didn’t attend the meeting in the morning…”

The female colleague in the customer relations department whispered a few words and said nothing more….

When Li Yuan heard this description, he felt so familiar…

My mind was spinning, and I suddenly thought of what Li Qiang said last night…

Employee relations department…average ability…frequently scolded…

Every one of these is completely consistent with Li Qiang…!

Li Yuan’s heart moved. Seeing that the elevator door was about to close, he immediately pressed the door opening button…

He quickly walked out of the elevator amidst the astonished looks of several people in the elevator.

No matter what, Li Qiang is still his brother…and he was late because he wanted to treat himself to dinner…

I have to go and see if I can help, both publicly and privately…

The further Li Yuan walked forward, the louder the roar became…it could be heard almost on the entire floor.

Li Yuan couldn’t help but frowned.

He has never been in the workplace. Although he is not very clear about the rules of the workplace, scolding people so bloody is still a bit too much in his opinion…

Of course, that’s because Li Qiang is his brother. If it were anyone else…he would just watch the fun…

Li Yuan followed the source of the sound and quickly walked to the door of a small conference room.

The door of the conference room was open, and the sound of bosses scolding subordinates kept coming from inside.

During this period, everyone Li Yuan met seemed to be taking it for granted, and almost no one cared about what happened in the small conference room.

Even when passing by the conference room, no one glanced inside.

Li Yuan stood outside and listened to a few words, and his expression changed slightly.

I didn’t expect that Li Qiang would face his boss and colleagues like this every day in the company. He still had some reservations about what he said last night.

Li Yuan stood outside the door and did not go in. After all, this was an internal matter of the company. It would not be very polite to barge in like this.

He planned to wait until Li Qiang came out to ask about the situation.

If it really doesn’t work, take him to see Xia Qingning. No matter what, you have to find another place for him. Even if it’s a security guard, it’s better than here…

He just stood outside for a while.

A man wearing a white shirt, half a head shorter than Li Yuan, and with a fairly well-proportioned figure stopped beside him after passing by and looked at him a few more times.

“Don’t mind your own business.”

The man reminded Li Yuan kindly.

“Does he usually get scolded like this?”

Li Yuan looked at the man in a straight shirt, who looked like a social elite, and suddenly asked him a question.

The man obviously didn’t expect Li Yuan to ask such a question. He was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then shook his head.

“I train on a regular basis, but it’s not as big of a movement as today.”

After the man finished speaking, he looked Li Yuan up and down.

“You also came to see Manager Sun for something?”

“I’m here to see Li Qiang. I’m his high school classmate.”

Li Yuan felt that this man looked very kind, so he said one more thing.

Unexpectedly, when the man in the suit heard this, he immediately showed a strange look on his face and looked up and down at Li Yuan again…

“Manager Sun and Li Qiang are also high school classmates.”

“so coincidental?”

Li Yuan was slightly surprised.

Since they are high school classmates, why are they scolding each other so harshly…?

“Actually, unfortunately, there are still many companies with your high school classmates, such as me. My name is Liu Jun.”

The man in the suit smiled at Li Yuan, and then stretched out his hand towards Li Yuan as if he had met a compatriot.

“Are you new here? I’ve never seen you before.”

“Well, I’ve only been here two days.”

Li Yuan reached out to shake his hand and nodded.

“What grade and class are you in high school?”

“Class 11 of the 15th class.”

“I am also in the 15th class, and I am in the 7th class.”

Liu Jun’s eyes lit up…

“So you were recruited inexplicably just now?”

The two of them suddenly stood outside the office and started chatting… It didn’t seem awkward when someone passed by…

“We are all classmates, why are we scolding each other so fiercely?”

After the two quickly became familiar with each other, Li Yuan turned the topic back to Li Qiang. Why did the water here seem to be much deeper than imagined…

“Just because we are classmates, Deputy Manager Sun has always disliked us who were specially recruited.”

Liu Jun shrugged, and his original title of manager was quietly changed to deputy manager…


“They were outstanding graduates of Fudan University with a score of over 600 in the college entrance examination, and I graduated from a third-rate university with a score of over 400 in the college entrance examination. However, we both entered the Xia Group. If it were me,Sun Chao, I also feel a little unbalanced. ”

“That’s the reason?”

Li Yuan frowned.

“Of course there are other reasons, such as his ability is indeed not as good as their top students from famous schools, someone took the initiative to find him to establish a relationship, and as a high school classmate, he wanted to deliberately avoid suspicion or embarrass him.”

As Liu Jun spoke, the noise inside became quieter, and he immediately shut up.

“You go out first, and you won’t be late again. The plan I gave you yesterday should be completed before leaving get off work.”

The scolding inside finally came to an end.

After less than two seconds, Li Qiang walked out of the meeting room in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

Seeing Li Qiang coming out, Liu Jun immediately took the information and prepared to walk into the meeting room.

Seeing Liu Jun, Li Qiang looked at him with a flash of embarrassment on his face.

And when he saw Li Yuan, Li Qiang’s face suddenly froze, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“Why are you here? ”

Li Qiang instinctively looked back, then took Li Yuan’s arm and walked out.

“Didn’t you say not to run around when you first joined the company?”

Li Qiang pulled Li Yuan to a corner, his face showing a pale and blue embarrassment….

Li Yuan patted Li Qiang on the shoulder, dragged him into the bathroom again, took out a cigarette and handed it to him.

Li Qiang took the cigarette, and his face, which had just been scolded, immediately improved a lot.

Sometimes a simple cigarette between good brothers can soothe the bad mood at the moment.

“You smoke such good cigarettes?”

Li Qiang looked at the Tianye cigarette case in Li Yuan’s hand and couldn’t help asking.

“A friend bought it for me. ”

Li Yuan replied casually.

In fact, he doesn’t smoke usually, but men always have to have cigarettes in their pockets when they go out.

So he asked Han Xiaoxiao to buy them for him two days ago…

Li Qiang didn’t say anything after hearing that.

The two of them smoked in front of the window in silence for a few seconds.

“Do you want to change departments?”

Feeling that Li Qiang’s mood had calmed down, Li Yuan slowly asked.


Li Qiang choked on a puff of cigarette at Li Yuan’s words…

Then he turned around and looked at Li Yuan in confusion.

Li Yuan’s tone just now was as if he could decide to change his department…

“Forget about being a driver. With my driving skills, let alone driving for the company’s leaders, my wife even despises me. ”

Li Qiang, who thought Li Yuan wanted him to be a driver, smiled at Li Yuan and refused without leaving a trace.

Although he was scolded a lot here, he was definitely not happy to be a driver. Even if the salary and benefits remained the same, he was not happy…

This is a matter of saving face…

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