“It smells so good.”

One girl couldn’t help but make a surprised sound.

Several other people also looked surprised.

Usually there is no one in the office at this time.

But when they saw Su Xiaoyou and the others on the right, they instantly turned to stone…

“Xu…Mr. Xu, Mr. Li…”

A group of four or five people immediately stammered hello to Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing.

It was very likely that Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing overheard what the few people were talking about about senior executives…

For a time, four or five people were a little overwhelmed…

No one expected that two executives would suddenly appear in the office at this point…

And there are three other super beauties who are as good as Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing in appearance…

Although they were extremely shocked… the four or five people did not show it at all on their faces.

Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing glanced at the few people who had just entered, then looked at Li Yuan, frowning slightly.

But due to their identities, the two just nodded to a few people and did not speak.

The few people who had just walked in quietly breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards their workstations with caution…

As they walked, several people couldn’t help but keep glancing over there…

Five rare beauties gathered together… This is really eye-catching…

Just when I saw Li Yuan, who was surrounded by five women, who just said that he should not be an office driver with them, I felt a surge of excitement in my heart again…

Even if he is a relative of some executive…this is a bit too blatant…

And…how come they are both great beauties…and there are also Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing who have always been disdainful of men…

Countless guesses suddenly popped up in a few people’s minds…

This formation…if they hadn’t known that his surname was Li, they would have definitely thought that he was a male from the Xia family…

How had they ever seen Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing surrounding a man…?

When Chen Momo and Shen Yueying were full, Li Yuan quickly put away Xia Qingning’s lunch box and packed it…

To prevent her from disappearing, if she suddenly appears here and sees herself giving someone else the food breakfast she made…

She is already so sinister that she might do something…

However, when Su Xiaoyou saw that he was in a hurry, she felt guilty again…

She had begun to doubt whether this lunch box was given to her by Xia Xinyi…

“It’s time to go to work soon. I’ll take Momo to Li Qizhi on the 16th floor. You should go to work.”

Li Yuan packed his lunch box and stood up pretending to be nonchalant.

Su Xiaoyou and others also packed the lunch boxes they brought.

“I still have something to do at the company over there, so I’ll come back at noon.”

Su Xiaoyou looked at the time, picked up her bag and prepared to leave.

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment when he heard this… I dare say Su Xiaoyou came here specifically to give him breakfast…

“Be careful when driving on the road. The porridge is delicious. I have been looking for this taste for a long time after that night, but I still can’t find it.”

Before leaving, Li Yuan suddenly looked at Su Xiaoyou and said something.

Su Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment as she was about to take a step forward…

Turning his head to look at Li Yuan, his mind went back to the night years ago when Li Yuan suddenly said he wanted to eat Chongqing noodles.

Compared with forgetful visual memory, people’s memory of smell and taste is much more lasting.

This was a little thought she made when they were in love.

Let Li Yuan pass through some unique flavor, and he can always think of himself even if he is not around.

It turns out that he has not forgotten this taste after all, so naturally he has never forgotten her in the past six years. She has been waiting for this sentence for too long.

“You… As long as you like it, I thought you had forgotten it a long time ago.”

Su Xiaoyou looked at Li Yuan with a trace of tears in her eyes.

For her, as long as these six years are not forgotten, all the waiting and all the efforts will be worth it.

“You know I searched almost all the vegetable markets at that time, just to find a perilla leaf with the same taste… How could I forget…”

Li Yuan reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of Su Xiaoyou’s eyes.

“Go downstairs, people are watching you wiping your tears.”

As the time approached for work, more and more people walked into the office… Without exception, they were so shocked by these five beauties that they could not walk…

Li Mengning and Xu Shiqing were equally shocked to see that Su Xiaoyou, a strong and domineering master who was almost as domineering as Xia Qingning, could actually shed tears…? !

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