“I have something to do at home tonight… I won’t be eating at the bureau.”

Qin Moyan replied lightly, turned around and walked out of the office…

The colleagues behind me were surprised…

“Our living King of Hell seems different today than usual.”

Section Chief Xu picked up the thermos cup and looked at Qin Moyan’s leaving figure with a smile on his face.

“It’s a little more popular than usual.”

“In our line of work, we deal with dead people all day long. It is inevitable that we will have a cold temperament. That’s understandable for Yan Yan…”

The colleague who just called Qin Moyan immediately explained for Qin Moyan’s refusal of the leader’s proposal to have dinner together…

“Xiao Qin’s professional level is the sharpest knife in our technical department. I care about her no less than you do.”

Section Chief Xu raised the thermos cup to his mouth and took a sip with a smile on his face.

“But she can’t just be a cold scalpel all her life. I’d rather her be a little less professional and a little more humane… Xiao Qin is so beautiful. If she hadn’t been like a cold machine all day long, We police girls in the city bureau still have a lot to fight for…”

When Qin Moyan walked out of the office, his originally expressionless face suddenly became a little hesitant.

I took out my phone from my pocket and stared at the message many times…

I repeatedly made sure that I was not dazzled or hallucinating…

Qin Moyan slowly breathed a sigh of relief and walked slowly to the parking lot.

But as he walked, when he thought of Li Yuan’s face, Qin Moyan couldn’t help but think of the scene where he personally threw away the notebook filled with their future plans…

All her expectations and the tenderness in her eyes were thrown to the ground along with her most precious notebook.

At that moment, her heart was shattered into pieces, along with all her illusions about emotions.

Thinking of this, Qin Moyan’s face instantly turned cold…,,

Instinctively she put her hand into the pocket of her windbreaker… Only holding the scalpel in her hand could make her feel a little safer…

But the scalpel was already gone from the pocket of the windbreaker…

It is now lying quietly in Li Yuan’s pocket…

“Xiaoxiao, does she like to eat so many kinds of fruits?”

Li Yuan looked at the two bags in his hand and the two bags of fruit in Chen Momo’s hand. There were seven or eight kinds of fruits…

“No, the other half is what Sister Yan likes to eat.”

Chen Momo smiled playfully at Li Yuan, his cute look made the fruit shop owner grit his teeth and cursed him as a scumbag…

brute! He has actually deceived so many beautiful girls, but the key characters still look so good…

He wanted to expose this scumbag Li Yuan right away in front of Chen Momo…

“You have such thoughtful thoughts in your little head.”

But when Li Yuan heard this, he immediately reached out and rubbed Chen Momo’s head.

If you want to stay in Qin Moyan’s room tonight, you will indeed have to bribe…

The two returned to the car carrying four bags of fruit.

Shen Yueying in the car looked increasingly cramped.

After Chen Momo sat next to Shen Yueying, he immediately held Shen Yueying’s hand tightly with both hands, which relieved her nervousness a lot…

As the car drove into the community, Han Xiaoxiao’s red Mercedes-Benz was particularly conspicuous under the building…

Seeing that Han Xiaoxiao was really at home, Li Yuan’s heart skipped a beat.

“Momo, go over there and call Xiaoxiao and explain the situation to her. Don’t embarrass Shen Yueying in a while…”

Li Yuan thought about it and decided to give Han Xiaoxiao a vaccination first…. This way, the safety factor would be higher….

After all, Shen Yueying’s situation is no better than other ex-girlfriends… She has suffered too much.

It makes people feel extremely distressed to suffer even the slightest bit of grievance.

After Li Yuan finished explaining Chen Mo Mo, he was going to help Shen Chengping get out of the car.

“No need to help, I’ll do it myself.”

Shen Chengping politely refused the help of Li Yuan and Shen Yueying.

He looks much better now than when he was in the hospital.

Although he still looks sickly, he can already walk on his own and has no problem going up and down stairs.

After a while, Chen Momo ran over.

“Sister Xiaoxiao didn’t answer the phone… maybe she was cooking and didn’t hear…”

Chen Momo’s words made Li Yuan feel uneasy…

Shen Yueying saw Chen Momo and Li Yuan whispering.

He had already guessed in his heart that his arrival might have caused trouble to Li Yuan.

Then wait until Li Yuan and Chen MoAfter Mo finished speaking, he lowered his head and walked to Li Yuan.

“Um… we won’t bother you. Let’s go first.”

Shen Yueying lowered her head and turned around after speaking.

Upon seeing this, Li Yuan immediately reached out and grabbed Shen Yueying’s rough palm.

He could even feel the small calluses on Shen Yueying’s palms.

The touch and feel of Xia Xinyi and Chen Momo’s smooth and delicate touch are simply like heaven and earth.

He may probably know what happened to Shen Yueying’s body…

Just like her hands that have been doing farm work all year round.

Then I looked at Shen Yueying’s body, which was worn out and didn’t fit well. It looked like she was wearing long sleeves and trousers given by someone else.

Li Yuan sighed softly in his heart, looking at Shen Yueying’s eyes full of heartache and guilt.

“It’s getting late. Where else are you going? Do you want to go back to the basement?”

Li Yuan’s words were one part reproachful and the other part gentle… just like a parent educating a disobedient daughter…

Xia Xinyi next to me could hear the jealousy in her heart…

His body’s instinct to protect food made him clenched his pink fists tightly…

I wish my family would go bankrupt soon….and then be carefully cared for by Li Yuan in such a tone….

It’s worth going bankrupt!


Shen Yueying, who was held by Li Yuan’s hand, suddenly trembled.

His face became hot, and he wanted to pull away gently, but he was afraid of hurting Li Yuan’s hand…

“It’s okay. We are used to living there. Today will be our last day. We will leave tomorrow…”

Shen Yueying hesitated, her voice was very thin and soft, and her breath was a bit disordered.

“You know living in that place will only make you and your father’s condition worse!”

Li Yuan was afraid that he would be too emotional to be careful… He held Shen Yueying’s hand and unconsciously loosened it a little.

But this girl’s temper is really a bit stubborn… But no matter how stubborn she is, it’s hard to get angry…

“And where are you going? Leaving the Magic City? I can send you there as long as you…”

Shen Yueying felt that the force coming from her palm had become noticeably smaller.

I thought that Li Yuan was going to let her go as he wished, but instead of feeling happy as expected, I felt a sense of emptiness and loss…

“Well, I’ve already made an agreement with my friend. You don’t need to give it as a gift…”

Shen Yueying pursed her lips and nodded.

She felt a twinge of pain in her heart, and couldn’t wait for Li Yuan to finish speaking, so she couldn’t wait to interrupt.

She really wanted to raise her head and take one last look at Li Yuan.

She was afraid that there would be such a long life ahead and one day she would forget his appearance.

Shen Yueying couldn’t help but glance at Chen Momo and Xia Xinyi with some envy…

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