The vicious voice on the other end of the phone made Chen Momo freeze instantly.

His mind immediately recalled the situations in the company in which he had been shunned, looked down upon, and deliberately made things difficult and bullied in the past few days.

“There is a drinking party tomorrow. In the past, you relied on your reputation and value, so I spoiled you a little. This time, you can’t help it. You have to go.”

The vicious voice on the phone made Chen Momo’s fingertips tremble.

She, Chen Momo, had seen too many situations like this.

In the name of accompanying guests, the company actually lets its own artists sell their looks to attract celebrities and financial backers for the company.

“I dont go.”

Chen Momo bit his lip and said this sentence firmly.

But her simple words directly ignited the anger that had been suppressed on the other end of the phone.

“You won’t go? What qualifications do you have now? If you don’t go, I will find someone to tie you up and I will tie you up!”

Manager Wang’s almost roaring voice came from the phone.

“Our company never fosters idlers. Do you think you are still the popular national girlfriend Chen Mo Mo? You are a piece of shit now. Letting you drink and sleep with me is because I think highly of you and gives you a chance to make a comeback!”

Facing Chen Momo, who has been banned and has almost no value.

The person on the phone stopped covering up his dirty dealings.

“I will compensate the company for liquidated damages if I break the contract, but I will definitely not go there as a escort.”

Chen Momo bit his lip and refused with a trembling tone.

The word “accompanying wine” in Chen Momo’s words clearly reached the ears of Li Yuan and Xia Xinyi in the front row.

Let Chen Momo accompany you for a drink? !

The expressions of both of them changed at the same time!


There was a sound of strong friction between tires and the ground.

Li Yuan slammed on the brakes and stopped the car on the side of the road with a beautiful side drift.

After the car stopped, Xia Xinyi looked at Chen Momo’s embarrassed expression and thought of what Xia Xinyi said Chen Momo had received in his original company.

When I think about the meaning behind the entertainment industry’s dyeing vat and accompanying wine, I immediately feel angry in my heart.

Before Li Yuan could say anything, Xia Xinyi snatched the phone directly from Chen Momo’s hand.

“You asked Chen Momo to accompany you for a drink?!”

Xia Xinyi picked up the phone and asked angrily without asking anyone on the other side.

The person on the other side was obviously stunned for a moment when he heard the voice.

“Who are you? Let Chen answer the phone silently.”

After being stunned for a moment, the other end of the phone replied impatiently.

“Give it to me Xinyi.”

Chen Momo bit his lips and stretched out his hand towards Xia Xinyi.

But when Xia Xinyi saw that such a good Chen Momo was bullied to the point of accompanying her for drinks, how could she be willing to give her a phone number and continue to let others bully her.

“Chen Momo, don’t think that you can just avoid me if you don’t answer the phone. I have many ways to deal with you. Serve the celebrity investors and Korean artists for the company, I will make it easier for you in the company…”

The voice on the other side increased and the tone was vicious.

“Xinyi, I’m coming.”

Chen Momo listened to the voice on the phone, fearing that Xia Xinyi would suffer a loss, and just wanted to take the phone back from Xia Xinyi.

But Xia Xinyi had already stormed off on the spot… How had she ever seen someone so arrogant in front of her…

Ignoring the appearance in front of Li Yuan, he glanced at the notes on the phone and yelled at the other end of the phone.

“Is it Wang Chaoxian of Genting Agency? I’m fucking your aunt! If you dare to say “I’m my aunt” again in front of me, I’ll sink you into the sea and feed you to the sharks tonight!”

Xia Xinyi’s angry curse not only stunned the other party.

Chen Momo, who originally had a depressed face, saw Xia Xinyi bulging her cheeks, angrily calling herself an aunt.

I couldn’t help but almost laughed…

Unexpectedly, a young lady like Xia Xinyi, who has received an elite education since she was a child, would also swear when she is anxious…

Even Li Yuan, who had a gloomy face, instantly softened a little when he saw Xia Xinyi scolding her…

“Damn it, Chen Mo Mo, do you dare to play tricks on me?!”

Over there, Wang Chaoxian was stunned by Xia Xinyi’s arrogant yell and was immediately furious…

Genting is not the best in the industry, but it is also very powerful.

The people who usually want to curry favor with him, whether they are celebrities or petty bourgeoisie, are all in vain.

Not to mention his own stars, except for the top stars who paid big bucks to sign from South Korea, no one has ever dared to yell at him like that.

“Okay, Chen Momo, just wait. When you return to the company, I will let you know the price of teasing me. You will never get over again even if I sleep with you for the rest of your life!”

Wang Chaoxian hasn’t finished speaking yet.

Xia Xinyi puffed up her cheeksWhen Bangzi wanted to continue outputting, Li Yuan immediately gave her a look and motioned for her to turn on the speakerphone.

At the same time, a fierce look flashed across his eyes and face.

“Wang Chao first, you…”

Li Yuan took the phone and was interrupted when he was halfway through speaking…

“What kind of thing are you? The wild man that Chen Momo raised? Do you really think of yourself as a thing? I still have something to do, I will deal with you when I get back!”

Wang Chaoxian’s cursing voice kept coming from the phone. After cursing, he immediately turned off the phone…

“He died…”

But when Xia Xinyi saw that the call on her mobile phone had been hung up, her face became even more angry…

Li Yuan looked at the screen of his mobile phone, took a deep breath and looked at Chen Momo’s fair and pretty face.

He couldn’t imagine how much pressure Chen Momo was working under these days.

“Silly girl, how could you remain silent after suffering so much injustice?”

Li Yuan reached out his hand to touch Chen Mo Mo’s smooth and white cheeks distressedly.

“I’m fine. Anyway, the most he can do is scold me a few times, and he can’t really do anything to me…”

Chen Momo smiled at Li Yuan, so beautiful that his heart skipped a beat.

“Don’t go back to Genting Company. We will take care of your affairs for you.”

Li Yuan gently stroked Chen Momo’s cheek with one hand.

The other hand used Chen Momo’s mobile phone to call Han Xiaoxiao directly.

Since good communication is not enough, then compare who’s ex-girlfriend…who has a bigger network…

“Hey, Momo.”

The call was quickly connected, and Han Xiaoxiao’s slightly hoarse voice came.

“Xiaoxiao, it’s me, what’s wrong with your voice?”

Li Yuan frowned when he heard Han Xiaoxiao’s unusual voice.

“No…I’m fine.”

When Han Xiaoxiao heard Li Yuan’s voice, her tone suddenly became a little surprised…

“Can you check someone for me over there?”

Li Yuan glanced at Shen Yueying’s taxi that had disappeared in front of him. He didn’t bother to ask and went straight to the point.


“Wang Chaoxian, if possible, I want all his information, as well as the company Yunding. Can you help me get it?”

“No problem, I have friends in the tax bureau and the fire department.”

As soon as Han Xiaoxiao heard Li Yuan’s deep voice, she immediately understood that someone had messed with her big treasure…

I immediately agreed and started planning in my mind how to attack the company Genting….

“Okay, I have something urgent to do here. I’ll tell you the details when I get home in the evening.”

“Okay, don’t forget to buy oysters when you come back…”

Han Xiaoxiao never forgot to explain…

“I ate it myself…”

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