Facing Han Xiaoxiao’s sudden question and her extremely frightened tone, Chen Momo’s expression suddenly changed.

The hand holding the phone began to tremble slightly.

She had never seen Han Xiaoxiao, a criminal police officer, speak in such a frightened voice that his soul was terrified.

But Chen Momo, whose brain was still clear, did not immediately ask questions anxiously, but remained silent as he answered the phone.

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and I became even more anxious.

“Isn’t that right? Speak, speak, Chen Mo Mo!”

Han Xiaoxiao’s almost roaring voice came with a cry, accompanied by the sounds of tables and chairs falling to the ground and others exclaiming.

“No…it’s okay, Sister Xiaoxiao.”

Hearing the huge noise over there, Chen Momo’s hands shook even more.

His voice was trembling unconsciously, and his eyes were looking at Li Yuan’s side face, and his eyes suddenly became moist.

Han Xiaoxiao’s words just now, and his current tone of voice that was so frightened that he was trembling.

And she suddenly thought that Han Xiaoxiao, the most disgusting person in his eyes, suddenly allowed so many women from Li Yuan to roam around her house…

Also, Han Xiaoxiao couldn’t wait to give birth to a child for him a few days ago…

Putting all this together, Chen Momo had to think of a possibility that made her hands and feet feel cold and numb instantly.

“It’s okay? What do you mean it’s okay? I’m coming to the cancer hospital right now. Don’t hang up the phone!”

Amid the exclamations of his colleagues, Han Xiaoxiao casually grabbed a police car key from his colleagues and rushed out of the office.

I ran straight to the parking lot, got into a police car, turned on the lights and siren, and rushed outside the city bureau.

Although Han Xiaoxiao’s brain is completely panicked now.

But she still knew how congested the road to the hospital was, and she didn’t forget that she could ignore the congestion by using a police car to clear the way…

“No, sister Xiaoxiao, don’t come. We have already left the hospital. He is still fine. He is really fine.”

Chen Momo heard the siren sound coming from the phone and was immediately awakened from his daze.

He quickly wiped his tears and explained to Han Xiaoxiao.

But I still couldn’t help but cry in my tone…

Xia Xinyi heard Chen Momo’s unusual tone and confusing words, and instantly turned her head and looked at Chen Momo in the back row with confusion.

“Is he okay?! Is he okay?! Really okay?!”

After Han Xiaoxiao heard Chen Momo’s words, the movements in his hands suddenly stopped.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s really okay. We have to go find Yue Ying now.”

Chen Mo was afraid that Han Xiaoxiao would do something outrageous in his almost crazy state, so he immediately explained in a panic.

Han Xiaoxiao’s love for Li Yuan is no less than her own, which Chen Momo firmly believes in.

Otherwise, she would have taken Li Yuan away no matter what she said.

“Sister Xiaoxiao, please turn off the car first and don’t move. Take a deep breath. Don’t be anxious. Nothing really happened.”

Chen Momo kept comforting Han Xiaoxiao over the phone.

Chen Momo’s abnormal look made even Li Yuan, who was concentrating on driving, couldn’t help but look back at Chen Momo.

“Okay…I won’t move, I won’t move…”

Han Xiaoxiao’s intermittent and increasingly crying words came from the phone.

“Mo Mo, he is really fine, right?”

“Well, it’s okay. He’s driving right now, so it’s not convenient for him to answer the phone.”

Chen Momo glanced at Li Yuan and continued to comfort Han Xiaoxiao, who was about to collapse…

Then he turned on the speakerphone, leaned forward and gently poked Li Yuan’s shoulder with his hand.

“Say something to Sister Xiaoxiao…”

Chen Momo whispered to Li Yuan in a tone that was as calm as possible but could not control the trembling.

“Xiaoxiao? We have something to do right now. We will buy seafood and take it back later.”

Li Yuan concentrated on driving and did not look back.

After Li Yuan finished speaking, Chen Momo glanced at Xia Xinyi secretly and immediately turned off the speakerphone.

After listening to Li Yuan’s words, Han Xiaoxiao’s mood on the other end of the phone obviously improved a lot.

“Sister Xiaoxiao, are you okay?”

Chen Momo listened to the soft sobs coming from the other side and immediately asked with concern.

“I’m fine. Just watch him, don’t let him get too tired, and don’t let him mess around.”

Han Xiaoxiao controlled her voice and whispered something.


Chen responded silently, and then there was a brief moment of silence between the two.

“Sister Xiaoxiao, let’s have a talk when we get back in the evening?”

Chen Momo suddenly broke the silence and spoke.


As if waiting for her words, Han Xiaoxiao hurriedly hung up the phone.

The moment the phone was pressed.

Han Xiaoxiao sitting in the police carUnable to bear it any longer, I immediately hugged the steering wheel and started crying…

Colleagues who rushed over to see the situation were dumbfounded when they saw Han Xiaoxiao lying on the steering wheel, his shoulders twitching.

Two policewomen who had a good relationship with Han Xiaoxiao immediately got into the car and asked about the situation.

Others immediately surrounded the police car…

After all, they have never seen this dignified policewoman, the most difficult woman to mess with in the city bureau…crying…

Qin Moyan in the crowd looked at Han Xiaoxiao’s sad look through the car window, and his heart suddenly felt inexplicably…

“Give way, give way, I heard something happened to my number one sister-in-law?”

At this time, Tang Jiaming suddenly squeezed in from behind the crowd…while squeezing in, he shouted anxiously…

Han Xiaoxiao told him to call his sister-in-law, and he, Tang Jiaming, was obligated to bear it in mind…!

When the crowd heard this, they immediately made way for her.

But everyone who knew Han Xiaoxiao looked at Tang Jiaming inexplicably… They were confused by his words about “sister-in-law”…

The moment Qin Moyan heard the word sister-in-law, his expression suddenly changed…

Tang Jiaming, who felt a murderous intention coming from the crowd, turned his head slightly…

He directly looked into Qin Moyan’s cold eyes…and immediately his legs went weak…I only felt a coldness in my crotch…

“The King of Hell…no…sister-in-law No. 2…”

The moment he saw Qin Moyan, Tang Jiaming was really panicked and his mind went blank…

He couldn’t afford to offend either of the two most powerful women in the city bureau…

In a hurry, my brain twitched, and I blurted out instinctively…

After all, besides No. 1, No. 2 is the biggest…

But his words made not only Qin Moyan himself stunned, but also the people around him were immediately torn apart…

The two most beautiful men in the city bureau already have boyfriends? ! !

And the number one sister-in-law? Sister-in-law No. 2?

What kind of tiger-wolf talk is this? !

What surprised everyone even more was that Qin Moyan did not directly beat Tang Jiaming into a disability…

He just glared at Tang Jiaming fiercely…

And…what’s with the blush on the face of King Qin Yan, who has always been as cold and stiff as an inflatable doll? !

Someone tell me what happened…

“Sister-in-law, what’s wrong with you? Is your elder brother bullying you?”

Tang Jiaming walked to the car door and asked a little worriedly.

In his eyes, no one would dare to bully Han Xiaoxiao even if the city bureau was so big… Even the deputy director couldn’t say harsh words when he came…

The only one who can bully Han Xiaoxiao is his god-like Brother Yuan…

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