191 – Once the urgent fire is out…

Immediately after leaving the room of Vice Admiral Song Dana,

Na-sun Na and I had time to talk alone for a while.

“I’m sorry I got you into trouble because of me.”

“Ah… no brother. As I always said, in the end, all of this is because of what I did to my brother? Besides, since it happened because I wasn’t paying attention, I should apologize.”

Naji-sun apologizes repeatedly while looking at me.

Looking at her like this, I was able to feel the fact that she has really become a different person from the past.

‘If it was like before, I would have burst into anger saying it wasn’t my fault…’

No matter how much time passes, there are bitches who can’t come to their senses,

The look that makes me think that there are people in the world who change according to the flow of time like this.

Comparing Choi Yoo-jin and her like that, I said with a light smile on my lips.

“Anyway, I said that a correction article will be posted soon, so don’t worry too much. After all, if you open the inside story, it wouldn’t be such a big problem.”

“Yeah, thank you. really.”

Naji-seon, who was talking while looking at me with a slightly blushing face.

Seeing her reaction, I realized that Na Ji-seon was also suffering a lot.

‘Well… there’s no way I was comfortable with the media chewing on me like that…’

Immediately after such a heartfelt consolation,

I drank a glass of water in front of me for a while and started talking about a question I had about this incident.

“By the way… why the hell did Choi Yujin do this? Even so, you two are pretty close friends. You don’t think that bitch did it for no reason?”

Even though it’s been a year since he was ignorant and ignorant of his personality, I knew that Choi Yu-jin had a fairly loyal personality.

He was really not very good to me, but at least he had the heart to protect his comrades.

The fact that Choi Yoo-jin broke things with Na-sun, who was not another person, was a matter that I did not understand well from my point of view.

“I… actually, that’s what I mean…”

And, in relation to this, Najisun started to tell the truth that she hadn’t been able to do before, with a dark shadow cast on her face.

The story of Choi Yu-jin, who had a disagreement with himself regarding Seo Ji-yoon’s liberation.

“Perhaps… I think Eugene has a grudge against me because of that. You know my brother too. He doesn’t care about his friend’s problem. He probably thought that if I got into trouble, it would be easier to get Jiyoon out.”

“… That’s how things turned out…”

Certainly, when it came to Seo Ji-yoon, Choi Yu-jin’s behavior was understandable.

Apart from the danger, if the friend who was thought dead during the previous large-scale offensive might be able to come back, it would be natural for her to roll her own lacking brain and struggle to struggle in any way.

Feeling a bit sad about that…

At the same time, despite this, I slowly got up from my seat, feeling a gentle resentment at the fact that I had f*cked another person in this way.

“Thank you for talking, then I will call you back later. It will still take time for public opinion to calm down, so take care of yourself.”

“yea, I got it.”

That was the time when I was about to leave the room after finishing the conversation with Na-sun.



The next moment, Na-sun Na calls me with a cautious voice as I leave the room.

Right after that, she made a rather hesitant expression and asked me in a tense voice.

“That… the person who came with me… the person I saw at the department store before.”

“yes? Are you Iare? Why is that person?”

I asked a slightly out of the blue question with a light question, and Na-sun showed a moment of hesitation about this, and then asked me as if she had made up her mind.

“That… where did you go with that person…?”


Najiseon’s question makes me feel quite embarrassed.

Regarding this, I thought about what to say for a while.. but soon, thinking that there was no reason to hide it, I told Na-sun the truth.

“I’m dating. formally.”


The moment I heard my words, Na-sun showed a slight surprise.

But right after that, she put on an expression as if she knew it, and began to smile with a hint of loneliness on her lips.

“..really?..as expected..that’s it. Well.. he looks pretty.. I think he takes good care of my brother..”

“yes. To be honest, he’s too much for me. I consider myself lucky to have met such a person.”

Regarding Na-sun’s words, I spoke with sincerity.

Bragging about his girlfriend felt like an outrageous feat, but nonetheless it was an undeniable fact.

Lee Se-na, Seo Ji-yoon, Choi Yu-jin, and Na Ji-sun in front of me right now.

Having lived through a time of suffering because of them, I believed that I was saved through meeting a woman named Iare.

And, looking at me talking with so much sincerity.

Na-sun nodded slowly,

He said in a voice that felt like he couldn’t understand why.

“It’s great, I’m glad I met a good person. In the future… May you be happy.”

“Yeah, thank you.”

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Just like that, right after I finished blooming with Na-sun, I left the room.

At the last moment, without hearing what she muttered to herself…

“still… I will not give up.”


After the conversation with Na-sun Na, I, Aree Lee, and Kwon-soon Yu ride back in the car.

As we entered the highway to return to Dreamers headquarters, we were able to confirm the contents of the so-called ‘correction article’ that was spreading rapidly on the Internet.

The article said that there was only a minor misunderstanding in the incident in relation to our work, and that the casual conversation as friends was the result of misrepresentation.

At the same time as the moxibustion, the public opinion that had been pouring double swearing in a state where it was almost under our chins began to change into double swearing at Giregi, who had posted an article by puffing up with a trivial matter.

The situation seems clear that Vice Admiral Song Dana has exerted his strength.

Watching this, we were able to take a breather at the fact that the fire was quickly turned off.

“Whoa.. I’m glad. Surprisingly, it’s subsiding quickly thanks to the big talk in the media.”

“You worked hard. It looks like you’ve passed the hurdle with this.”

“No, what about hardships… Rather, I’m just sorry that you almost suffered damage because of me.”

To be honest, at first it wasn’t that I didn’t want to ask for really important information if needed.

In the event that a suspicious request comes in or the situation becomes serious, it is possible to request a matter classified as top secret in order to prepare for the worst crisis.

However, as I came into contact with this top-secret information in an unintended way while overseeing large-scale troops on two occasions,

In this regard, I no longer need to make a risky attempt using bare wires.

‘Thinking about it now, it’s really fortunate.

As I felt relief from the situation that was close to my heart, I began to feel my tension release…

Then my thoughts started to turn again to the ‘that guy’ in question that I had forgotten for a while.

‘by the way… I definitely need to fix that bitch, who doesn’t know if it’s Seo Ji-yoon or Abyss. The one who actually uses his hands is not me, but someone like Na Seon or Song Dana, Lieutenant General. If you can tell me the right way…’

As I thought about that, I closed my eyes for a while feeling the fatigue rushing in.

I never imagined that I would meet an unexpected guest a few days later in connection with this work.

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