118 – at the point where the magnetic field ends

“after… ”

Talos sighs in relief as he sees the drone stop moving right in front of his eyes.

At that moment, a familiar voice began to be heard from behind her.

“Talos! it’s okay?”

“yes? Uh… I’m fine. Are you here to help?”

“That’s what I meant, but I think it’s a step too late. You’ve already taken care of it.”

He scratched his head slightly as he watched the drone land gently on the ground with all the paint on it.

Although not directly helpful. Seeing Iro’s appearance, Talos began to smile slightly without realizing it.

‘Still, I think I’m in danger, so I gave it to you right away..’

It was a small thing, but it was an important part that made Talos feel the loyalty of his colleagues.

Meanwhile, apart from Talos, who was feeling a little warm like that, Iro showed interest in the drone in front of his eyes and began to carefully examine its condition.

“Is this the bonus that Adjutant Lee Jin-hyun said? Certainly, it would be quite annoying if we met in the forest instead of in a place like this.”

Of course, from Talos’ point of view, who had fought here, he was annoying enough even if he wasn’t in the forest.

However, this was most likely the result of paying special attention because the opponent was himself, and it was likely to lower the difficulty level when dealing with normal hunters.

“Anyway, I think it was prepared to reduce the number of people who are stuck in the corner until the end of the exam. In some cases, there will be people who can become fishermen simply by hiding well.”

“That would be too. If you don’t know if it’s an open area like this, if you hide in a crevice like a rock in your breath, you can actually dive for 24 hours and get points for eating.”

For drones equipped with something like a thermal sensor, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a hidden person.

Anyway, since the drones, which could be said to be such a danger, were dealt with, Talos, Iro, and Roha and Harim, who arrived here a little later, used the abandoned building as their base and began to prepare defenses in various places.

The door was blocked off with something like furniture, and they cleaned up things that were cumbersome to defend as much as possible.

On the other hand, unlike the four people who are spending time in a place where others do not come often even though they are very visible.

that time.

In the forest where most of the hunters landed, a gruesome slaughter battle (?) was taking place where paint was washed with paint.


Unexpected variables exist in everything.

Even a situation that seems to be going well right in front of your eyes can be turned upside down due to something unexpected, and a situation that was considered perfect in its own way can sometimes turn in the worst direction.

And… in that sense, at this moment.

The four B-class hunters, who had succeeded in defeating the eight ‘enemy’ hunters after a medium-scale battle just before, were feeling deep despair in an unexpected situation.

“Damn… if I had to…”

“Out of many, many guys, why is that person here..”

At this moment, a woman standing in front of their eyes.

A being holding a huge scythe in one hand and literally exuding a terrifying look like a grim reaper.

Dreamers’ strongest power

Class A Hunter Iare

At her unexpected appearance, the faces of the B-rank hunters hardened into contemplation, and Are, looking at them, started slowly walking towards them without saying anything.


“I… get your mind right! Even so, there is only one person over there! Let’s push with the numbers!”

The hunters, who were barely in panic at the words of a colleague who spoke in an urgent voice, calmed down and aimed their weapons.

After that, they managed to get into formation and started pouring attacks on Are.




The next moment, Iare dodges the attack with incredible speed and burrows into the camp.

Right after that, she swung her scythe as it was while watching the hunters in bewilderment.




Right after that, the hunters were covered in paint with a soft blow.

Leaving behind them who were annihilated in such an instant, Are left leisurely as it was.


About 7 hours have passed since the start of the survival game.

In the meantime, about 10% of the B-class hunters were killed (?) by drones, 50% due to battles between themselves, and the remaining 20% were hunted by Are or Joggs.

As Arain has superior combat power to others, such a one-sided battle against a B-class is perhaps natural.

However, that did not mean that Areh mercilessly slaughtered (?) the hunters as he vaguely could see.

According to the instructions given by Lieutenant Jinhyeon in advance, she finished ‘waiting’ and started moving in earnest after about 2 hours after the start of the survival.

At the same time, the hunters that Are targeted and dealt with were only those who had already gained some acceptance by killing many other hunters or drones.

In other words, an act similar to giving a stamp of acceptance to those whose skills have been proven to some extent.

The reason she dared to do this was to shorten the time of the test and at the same time minimize the risk of taking away other people’s opportunities by overkilling hunters who have proven their qualifications.

And right after I finished organizing the rough situation like this.

Are spoke slowly, in a calm voice through the earphones and microphone in his ears.

“This is the end of the tidying up. As long as the number has decreased enough, I will end it at this point.”

-“Yes, thank you for your hard work Mr.”-

After declaring the end of work to Jinhyun,

After that, Areh started walking slowly towards somewhere.

I finished all the work that Jinhyeon had instructed me to do with this.

Although there were still about 7 B-class hunters left, they could finish the next part on their own.

In that way, feeling as if he had finally become more at ease, Are immediately started walking towards the very place he had ‘promised’ in advance.

After leaving the forest and crossing the bridge over the river, Are continues moving over the hill.

and after a while

A wide plain began to appear before her eyes.

And at the same time, her eyes began to see the person.

The person holding a sword in each hand and looking this way.

Towards her… Are started to open his mouth in a calm voice.

“sorry. A little late.”

“No, I just came. I met some annoying guys on the way and delayed a bit.”

A voice that seemed to contain the same joy as ever.

However, Are knew very well that her attitude should not be interpreted literally.

At this moment, the presence of her friend Joggs in front of her eyes.

It contained not just joy, but a strong determination to defeat oneself on this spot.

Recognizing that fact,

Are straightened his posture, aiming the scythe in his hand at Joggs.

“I will ask you one last time. Are you sure you want to continue like this?”

“Of course, you already know that you say that, right? The fact that it would be better to take this opportunity to make a clear conclusion.”

“… .yes. To be honest, yes. If possible, definitely take this opportunity.”


As she spoke in a cold voice, she continued to speak while exhaling on a different level than just a moment ago.

“I definitely want to make you clear your mind.”

Iare looks at Joggs with cold eyes.

Concerning this, Joggs’ mouth slowly… started to form a smile full of emotion.

“..try. If you can.”

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