"Hey? That guy actually ran away?!"

After Joanna treated the remaining two women, she turned around and found that Umit had actually escaped.

Michelle also said indignantly:"Yeah, Sister Alyssa didn't stop him?"

Rosalind also looked over with curiosity.

Alyssa said helplessly:"I didn't stop him"

"Eh?!" ×

3Alyssa explained:"On the one hand, Umit escaped quickly, and on the other hand, we are not in our prime, and we don't know Umit's strength."

Joanna curled her lips and said,"How strong can he be if he is so cowardly!"

Rosalind agreed with Alyssa's choice, flicked Joanna's head and said,"Well, don't underestimate anyone in the sea, not to mention that the other party is the underground king of the new world."

Joanna and Michelle had no choice but to give up.


Shanks asked curiously,"If you take action, you should be able to stop him from escaping."

Noah nodded without hiding it.

Shanks became even more curious and asked,"Then why don't you stop him?"

Noah���He curled his lips and said,"What impact will it have if this kind of rubbish escapes?

I don't even want to get my hands dirty if I kill him." Shanks smiled and said,"Although this guy may not be very powerful, he controls most of the world's transportation industry and has a lot of money. If he wants, he can offer a huge reward to deal with you."

Sure enough, just as Shanks had guessed before.

Noah shrugged indifferently and said,"Hmm, then what?"

Shanks also smiled and said nothing.


On Liya's side.


Vanessa expressionlessly inserted her sword finger into the wound on her shoulder, fumbled for a while, and pulled hard.


Ding Dong!

A bullet covered with blood fell on the wooden board.

Then Vanessa condensed a ball of liquid and applied it on the wound, and drank some potion.

After doing all this, her pale face became a little rosy.

Liya asked with concern:"Are you okay?"

Vanessa smiled and said:"Fortunately, you are not much better than me, and you still have time to worry about me?"

Liya also covered her abdomen, and saw that the clothes on her abdomen were soaked red, but fortunately, with Vanessa's potion, the bleeding had stopped.

"I'm fine. Your potion is very useful. The bleeding has stopped. It's just a little painful. Fortunately, I forced out the Armament Haki in an emergency."

How could you be unscathed when fighting a gunman like Reagan?

However, because of the Armament Haki, the bullet remained in her body, forcing her to dig out the bullet, which made her laugh and cry. Although

Liya's barrier is strong, its area is limited after all, and it is meaningless if she just hides.

So the three women are now covered with small wounds, as well as some penetrating wounds and non-penetrating wounds.

But Reagan is not much better. Because he has only one hand, it is very difficult to change bullets. He is often counterattacked by the three women, so that his body is covered with wounds.

But Reagan is like an undead monster who doesn't know pain, and his movements are not affected by pain at all.

Roland glanced at the battlefield next to him and smiled,"Joanna and the others are over."

Then Roland didn't forget to attack Reagan, shouting,"Hey, your boss seems to have run away too!"

Reagan was also moving like a mad rabbit at this moment, shooting at Roland desperately

"Armed · Rain of Guns!"

Luo Lan's eyes turned red, and she ran sideways to dodge. The bullets were always one step behind her. At the last moment, she rolled over and squatted to shoot Reagan.

Reagan was no longer careless as he was at the beginning, and easily dodged by turning his head.

"It's time to end it!"

Vanessa said as a transparent liquid like water gathered in her hand.

""Double the pain·Flying finger gun·Pull out"

Vanessa said as she suddenly shot the liquid out.

But what confused Reagan was that it was not aimed at him at all.

After the liquid droplets hit the deck not far from Reagan's feet, a burst of smoke broke out.

Vanessa smiled and said,"It's a blessing from heaven, the wind direction is just right."

Reagan kept coughing and stroking his body, but found that he didn't look injured at all.

Vanessa smiled mysteriously and said,"It's started."

After that, Reagan's eyes suddenly bulged, and bloodshot eyes covered his eyeballs, followed by bursts of wailing.

"My hand! My hand! What happened! And my waist! My stomach!"

Vanessa explained with a smile:"Although your medicine can help you temporarily cut off the perception of pain, my potion will do the opposite. It will not only repair the nerves, but also make them more sensitive. Your broken arm and other wounds are probably beginning to send you that kind of piercing pain."


"Please spare me, please, give me the antidote!"

"I was wrong!! I can be your dog!!"


Luo Lan didn't expect it to be solved so easily, and said:"Vanessa, if you had taken it out earlier, it would have been solved."

Vanessa smiled bitterly and said:"I dare not use this thing carelessly. We were all injured just now. If we are not careful, the pain will immediately make us lose our fighting power."

"Moreover, this medicine is not poisonous, and there is no antidote at all. It is even a good medicine, specially used to stimulate and regenerate nerves. If you have no sensation in your limbs or are in a vegetative state, you can use this thing to treat it."

"When I was experimenting, I didn't have any wounds on my body, but I just lay on the bed waiting for the effect of the drug to wear off, because even if your hand hits the counter or table lightly, it will hurt so much that you will cry."

Liya and Luo Lan couldn't help but shrink their heads when they heard this. Liya smiled bitterly and said,"That's really a terrible drug."

At this moment, bang!


The three girls suddenly woke up. Liya summoned the barrier vigilantly and looked at Reagan in confusion.


Reagan put the gun to his temple and shot himself decisively. Even after his death, there was a smile on his face, as if death was a relief for him. The three women couldn't help but shudder. The two women looked at Vanessa with some fear in their eyes, and bowed sincerely and said,"Please be careful when using this medicine!"

Vanessa's mouth twitched slightly, and she nodded speechlessly.


Noah felt a little cold when he saw this scene, and said,"I wonder how painful it is to have a broken arm? It will be doubled, and I don't know how many times it will be. But it should depend on the dosage of the drug inhaled. Hiss! It hurts just thinking about it!"

Shanks also scratched his head and said,"It should be very painful. I fought with a man before and he left three scratches on my eyes. It still hurts until now."

As he said that, he stroked the three scars on his eyes with a serious look.

He didn't know that he would be able to answer Noah's question soon. Well, he had a personal experience.

Noah asked curiously,"How could someone like you have such a serious look on your face? Does this person care about you?"

Shanks did not hide it from Noah, and nodded,"Ah, that man's name is Teach! He is a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Oh? You don't look like someone who would look up to someone just because he's a member of Whitebeard's crew. After all, you are a member of the Pirate King's crew."

"Of course it's not just because of this!"

Shanks shouted speechlessly, then his face returned to calm, and he said:"That man is so strong, even stronger than some captains of Whitebeard, but such a man is willing to be an ordinary crew member!"

Noah picked up the ice in the cup boredly and said:"What's so strange about this, he is not interested in this."

Shanks nodded and said:"Indeed, I am afraid that his ambition will be bigger, or ambition. I suspect that he is lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for some plan, because even the other members of Whitebeard's ship don't know about his strength."

Noah was curious now, put down the cup in his hand and said:"Oh? Interesting! It's hidden so deeply, no wonder you didn't tell Whitebeard."

The strong are confident and arrogant. If Shanks dared to tell Whitebeard directly, Whitebeard would not care about Titch's hiding behavior at the first time, but would kill Shanks with a knife. After all, in Whitebeard's view, this is an act of sowing discord.

Shanks smiled bitterly and nodded


"All your companions are dead."

Elena pushed Duke's sword away with one hand, and the sword in her hand was already vaguely wrapped with armed color.

Duke's face remained unchanged, and he swung his sword to block the attack of Irene who was supporting him.

Kuina stabbed Duke's abdomen with a knife from the other side.


Sparks flew, and a dark spot appeared on his abdomen.

Just as he was about to swing his knife at Kuina, Xibel suddenly jumped and slashed him.

Clang! Bang!


Duke stood firmly on his horse, and the wooden planks under his feet seemed to groan and creak.

With a bright smile on his face, Xibel suppressed Duke with a knife and said with a smile:"It seems that your boss is dead too." Only then did Duke's face show a trace of emotion, but he soon roared and pushed Xibel away.

Before Duke could chase, several sword shadows passed through his body.

Irene, Elena and Kuina crossed each other, and slowly put away their knives with their backs to Duke.

"One-sword style: Dragon Roar Break!"

"One-sword style: severing tendons and severing veins!"

"Shimotsuki One Sword Style·Sakura Nine Kills!"

Ka! ×3

Nine slash marks came first, and intricate sword marks appeared on his chest in an instant.

Then, countless knife lights appeared on his limbs, cutting his tendons and muscles.

Finally, a blade light appeared on his chest, and a fountain of blood gushed out in an instant.

But the man just groaned a few times during the whole process, and in the end he couldn't hold the long sword in his hand. It slipped from his hand and stabbed on the deck, and he fell to the ground with his head raised. Although

Irene and others won the battle, no one in the audience was happy about it.

Kuina asked in a deep voice:"Where is your armed color?"

Irene then found a place to sit cross-legged and said:"Do you want to die?"

Sibel took out a potion from her arms and handed it to Kuina, saying:"I guess so."

Irena also nodded in agreement and said:"This is an outstanding swordsman, at least in terms of swordsmanship and pursuit."

"" Cough, cough, cough!"

Duke coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, his face became as ruddy as a healthy person. He did not answer the girls' questions, but just gasped for breath. But soon after he recovered a little, he said,"I have always wanted to be a swordsman, the world's number one swordsman, but unfortunately my hometown is in the New World! Cough, cough!"

"In that bloody sea, people don’t know if tomorrow will come, and poverty has always been a disease for the people on the island."

"At that time, Boss Umit told me that as long as I could be his bodyguard, then he could develop my hometown. At least he could guarantee the safety of the people on the island, and the people on the island only needed to mine minerals for him. Ahem!"

"I agreed! Although this may be an unequal agreement in a peaceful sea, it is the New World after all, I have no choice! Ahem!"

"I don't know how many years have passed, but I have been by his side, away from the battle, and the few occasional and boring battles have made my sword dull. Cough cough cough! Cough cough!"

"What a fucked up world! People in this world never have the right to choose, at least I don't!"

"Although it was not a one-on-one swordsman duel, I am very grateful that you made me feel that the last battle was so exciting, as if I had returned to the past."

Duke's pupils began to spread, and he smiled and said,"I hope one of you can become the world's greatest swordsman, and go on with the blessing of a loser like me.……"

The four girls were silent. Although they had only fought briefly, they had to admit that Duke had always maintained his identity and dignity as a swordsman.

He was a loyal, decisive and calm swordsman.

Even the fact that he gave up the resistance at the end might be because he was tired, or because he wanted to keep Umit's secret, or both.

The four girls felt that if they continued to fight, they would most likely be defeated. The chances of winning were very slim, probably about 30%.

"What do you mean?"

Sibel turned around and asked.

Irene stood up with the knife and said,"Burial at sea. There is no land here. The sea is the destination of everyone!"

Kuina nodded, picked up his sword, and said,"Do you want to collect it?"

Irene was a little interested. The other two women shook their heads slightly. After all, it was not a good sword.

In the end, Irene gave it to Kuina.

At this point, the whole battle came to an end.

The final winner was Noah and his group!

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