"What should we do this time?"

Liya looked at Luo Lan beside her weakly.

At this moment, the women have slid to the front of the cabin because of the tilt of the hull.

Luo Lan said with a bitter face:"If I have some time, I can make a jet device like the one I encountered in the East China Sea before, but there is no time."

Luo Lan said that there is not enough time, and even a good cook cannot cook with rice.

Joanna also raised her hand weakly and said:"We have to wait a while. Now my physical strength has not recovered to the point where I can lift the boat."

Alyssa also said calmly:"Me too!"

"" Then let's do it, Michelle!"

Liya glanced at Michelle and said.

Michelle stood up, took a sip of energy potion and said,"Okay, Sister Liya!"

Then the two women came to the stern carefully.

Michelle fell down without resistance, and Liya did not panic. She summoned a barrier to control it and stuck to the stern.

Michelle raised her hands in the air and shouted,"Fire on fire!"

At the same time, her body turned, and her figure turned into a column of fire and hit the stern fiercely.

The ship instantly started to speed up to 70 miles as if with the help of God, and at the same time, with the help of the rising trend of heat, the sails were inflated and quickly broke free from the crack in the sea.

Joanna also turned into Suzaku and rescued Michelle, who was exhausted.

Joanna complained:"Why don't you always save some strength for yourself? The wound hasn't been there for several days, and you forget the pain!"

Michelle lay on Joanna's back and laughed,"I don't have you!"

Joanna curled her lips and said nothing after hearing this.

As soon as she landed on the boat, she saw Roland directing Glaris to row the boat with oars. Because the appearance of the sea fault caused the sea water to flow back, the wind alone was not enough to break free from it.

However, Glaris was strong enough and did not need more people to help.

Roland lay on the deck as soon as he finished speaking. At this time, Joanna said,"It should be gone now!"

Roland said as soon as he heard it,"It's hard to say, we haven't passed this area yet."

Sure enough, small tornadoes suddenly blew up in the sky, and at the same time some ice crystals turned into sharp blades in the tornadoes.


Kuina screamed and covered her arm. The other girls looked over and saw blood oozing out of it.

"Not good! Hurry up and defend with Armament Haki!"

Liya shouted, and all the girls covered their bodies with Armament Haki in unison, and began to break the ice mixed in.

Swordsmen such as Irene used sword moves similar to tornadoes to destroy the tornado above the ship. Joanna and Michelle were much more monotonous, with pillars of fire rising into the sky, but it must be said that they were very effective.

Kerla had been arranged to stay indoors at this time, otherwise he would have died unjustly if his throat was cut accidentally.

Noah was still sitting firmly on the mountain, and the ice crystals were inexplicably crushed into powder as soon as they approached Noah.

The main theme is elegance that never goes out of style.

After this natural disaster, the girls really lay motionless this time.

Except for Joanna and Michelle, everyone lay next to the helmsman Xibel.

Roland stuck out his tongue and said,"This shouldn't be normal, it's the hot weather!"

Then Roland squeezed towards Liya again and said,"Xibel, cool down a little!"

Xibel sighed and said,"Yes, yes, yes!"

As she said that, she increased her ability a little



"I want to eat ice cream!"

"If you want to eat, go get it yourself, the chef is busy!"


Kerla is now holding a fruit plate and serving Noah.

She now understands that it is safest to be with Noah.

For example, now it is very hot outside, but the three-meter radius of Noah is very comfortable, and it feels like spring.

Noah looked at the sea chart on the table next to him, clapped his hands and said,"Everyone is doing a good job. Just hold on for a while, we are almost out of this sea area."

Luo Lan sighed and said,"I just want to take a shower now!"

This technical geek is the laziest among the girls. If it weren't for Noah's order, she could do research without taking a shower for a week.

But now she feels that she has been marinated.

Joanna also nodded and said,"Are we finally here?"

Michelle said with a drooping face,"I haven't written my diary yet!"

Joanna sneered and said,"Who writes a diary normally?"

Michelle was dissatisfied and said,"Don't Sister Luo Lan and Sister Li Ya write diaries?"

Joanna looked at Michelle as if she were a fool, and laughed,"Sister Luo Lan writes a research diary, Sister Li Ya writes a sailing diary, what are you writing?"

Michelle blushed and said indignantly,"What's wrong with me loving to write a diary! I just want to brag to my future children about my sailing experience with Lord Noah.……"

Michelle was talking like a cooked chicken, her voice was barely audible like the buzzing of a mosquito.

Joanna, however, seemed to have discovered a new world, she threw Michelle to the ground and said with an evil smile:"Well, you little girl actually think so far, you even think about having a child with Lord Noah, no wonder you have been trying so hard to not faint at night recently."

Michelle didn't care about her face anymore, she said openly:"How dare you say that, do you mean the same thing, no wonder you always stand in front of me, I thought you were afraid that I couldn't stand it!"

Joanna blushed a little, but still whispered:"I just feel very comfortable, um... that soft feeling……"

Michelle understood instantly that the person in front of her was the most desolate girl besides sister Vanessa! Joanna couldn't stand Michelle's contemptuous look anymore, and the two of them started to fight instantly, but Joanna thought to herself:

How about I try it too?

The girls also began to think: writing a diary seems to be a good choice.

The girls also began to talk about the future of telling sea stories to Lord Noah's children.

But Noah didn't care, but he was a little troubled by the child that Michelle mentioned.

More than 800 years ago, he failed to leave a bloodline, just because his bloodline was too strong.

Although he has human blood, his own strength and the strength of the bloodline of God prevented the mother from being affected.��

This is actually for the good of the mother, otherwise the mother's body will probably be drained by the baby in her belly during pregnancy.

Noah looked at the growth of Liya and others and thought secretly:

It is much faster than eight hundred years ago, I hope it can be faster.

After a while, Noah and others had sailed out of the Mobeijianmuru Sea, and an island that looked vibrant appeared in front of them.

There are even several volcanoes on the island. Judging from the situation, the volcanoes are still active.

Liya and others have taken a shower and walked out of the cabin.

Noah also walked out with Elena, whose face was flushed and legs were weak.

The girls knew what Elena had experienced at a glance, but Kuina said with concern:"Sister Elena, didn't you drink the potion to recover?"

Elena's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water vapor, and her blurred eyes made Kuina, who was also a woman, fascinated and stunned for a while, and she forced a smile and said:

"It's okay, Kuina, I'll be fine in a moment!"

Noah smiled and said,"Don't worry, your sister Elena will be full of energy soon!"

Sure enough, Elena recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When she was ready to go ashore, Elena could already walk slowly on her own.


Liya noticed that there seemed to be a boat not far away, and said to the others:"It seems that there are people on the island, pay attention."

The others nodded seriously.

However, Noah scanned it with his perception and murmured:"This should be an acquaintance, but who is it?"

Noah thought hard for two seconds and gave up decisively.

"Forget it, if I can’t remember him, that means he’s not an important person!"


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