Kerla didn't feel anything wrong after hearing this, she just thought flower arrangement was very advanced, but soon she lowered her head and whispered:

"But...but, I...I don't seem to be able to read……"

Kerla was kidnapped when she was very young. She knew some words, but she was still not good at reading.

Kuina was stunned for a moment, then she remembered the child's experience, and then she smiled and comforted her:"It's okay, if you don't know any words, you can come to me or other sisters, it's no problem, there are also enlightenment books and dictionaries in the library."

Kerla nodded gratefully.

Kuina quickly led Kerla to the room, and suddenly she thought of something, and said:"By the way, Kerla, remember to ask Sister Vanessa for a cleaning potion to remove the mark behind you."

Kerla was stunned for a moment, widened her eyes and said:"Really?"

Kuina smiled and nodded:"Of course!"

Kerla hesitated for a moment, but finally said:"I know!"

Kerla originally wanted to ask if she could not wash it off. After all, this mark has now become a sun mark, which has a unique meaning to her, but thinking that she has joined Lord Noah, keeping it may make Lord Noah uncomfortable, so she reluctantly removed it.

After Kela finished taking a bath, Vanessa personally brought the medicine and even applied it to Kela herself.

After more than ten minutes, Kela looked at the mark on her back that had faded a little and murmured,"It really can be removed.……"

Vanessa smiled gently and said,"Of course, medical beauty is also a part of medical skills. You will enjoy the secret of eternal youth in the future!"


Kerla looked at Vanessa in confusion.

Vanessa did not explain much, and then took her to the training room. After being taught by Irene and Liya, they found that Kerla's talent was in physical skills.

As for kendo, forget about Kerla's crooked talent that seemed to be about to stab herself in the next second.

So they gave the six styles to Kerla.

Noah did not show up during the whole process, but just enjoyed the service of the maid comfortably, and sighed:"This king is really foresighted. Isn't it good to have a capable maid? She can do both light and heavy work, how cool!"

Kerla looked at the brocade clothes on her body, and then looked at the various recovery potions in her hands, and murmured:"This ship can't be a paradise, do maids do these jobs?"


A region in the New World

""Everything is for justice!"

A man in a suit and a navy cloak of justice shouted and commanded the soldiers around him to charge.

The most striking feature of this man is that in addition to holding a knife in both hands, his hair also curls up strangely, and the whole person looks like a big spider.

This man is the Navy's hawkish major general, Ghost Spider.

Just after the navy cleared the pirates on its ship, an officer ran to a man wearing a rose corsage on his chest and reported:

"Vice Admiral, they are trying to escape. Their ship has been modified and we can't catch up with them. What should we do?"

Because there were still some navy soldiers on the pirate ship fighting and cleaning up the remaining pirates, he did not suggest opening fire.

At this time, the man wearing a corsage looked at the enemy ship that was gradually going away. His arm began to turn red, and soon some liquid was seen flowing. At the same time, an irresistible high temperature spread from it.

The officer was so scared that he hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and said in a panic:"Vice Admiral, there are still many brothers on it!"

But the man did not waver at all. Instead, he raised his hand and said coldly:

""Meteor volcano!"

Then his hands erupted like two volcanoes, spewing magma fists in the direction of the pirate ship, and then magma fists like meteor showers kept falling from the sky, turning that sea into a sea of magma and fire.

The sound of people wailing was faintly heard in the sound of evaporating water vapor.

Only then did he turn his head and said to the officer indifferently:"It's not that we didn't issue a retreat order. Who can we blame for their inability to be entangled or for being greedy for merit and reckless? Even if there is no order, how much damage will be caused by letting this group of"evil" on the sea? Can you afford it?"

"Ah~ Yes! I’m so sorry, Lieutenant General Sakaski!

The officer was so frightened by this scene that he saluted and apologized hurriedly.

"Humph! I hope there won't be a next time! Count the losses for me, and then check the supplies!"

Sakaski snorted coldly, and then shouted at the officer.

"Yes! I'll go right away!"

The officer saluted and staggered away.

Seeing this, Sakaski snorted in dissatisfaction and said,"These officers are timid and don't look like soldiers at all. How can they eliminate the evil on this sea?’?"

Ghost Spider also came over with an agreeing look on his face. He slowly wiped the bloody sword in his hand and put it back into the scabbard, saying:"If the vice admiral can be promoted, it will definitely strengthen the cohesion of the Hawks!"

Sakaski nodded slightly.

Speaking of the admiral, Ghost Spider was a little angry and said angrily:"Those five old guys are still holding us back. Don't they know that the pirates in this sea don't take our navy seriously?"

"Be careful with your words! The Navy is a department of the World Government!"

Sakaski glanced at Spider Demon, but he softened his tone and said,"But it will be soon. They can't hold on for a few years. It will be either next year or the year after."

Spider Demon said excitedly,"Where did the Vice Admiral get the news?"

Sakaski lit a cigar and said,"Admiral Sengoku has already been handling the Marshal's affairs, but he just needs some time to get familiar with him."

Spider Demon understood that the people of the World Government kept Marshal Kong on hold on the grounds that they were not familiar with the affairs.

Just when Spider Demon was about to say something, a soldier came over with a Den Den Mushi and said,"Report to the Admiral, it's a call from headquarters."


After Sakaski took the phone, Sengoku's voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Sakaski, return home immediately. I will ask Crane to help you guard the branch. You come back to the headquarters. There is a mission here."

As soon as the Den Den Mushi was connected, Sengoku gave the order without waiting for Sakaski to speak.

Sakaski frowned and said,"General Sengoku, can you tell me what the mission is about?"

If possible, he did not want to leave the New World, because there were countless scum here, and his strength improved rapidly here.

Sengoku did not answer Sakaski's question, but just said,"Secret!"

As the most qualified soldier in the navy, he did not ask or object, and directly responded,"Yes!"

After hanging up the phone, Sakaski nodded to Ghost Spider.

Ghost Spider also understood and arranged the order to return home.


After hanging up the phone, Zhan Guo said to the purple-haired man next to him:"Zeff, I'll leave this matter to you."

Zefa nodded slightly, but still said in confusion:"Is that Noah so strong? It takes three people, me, Sakaski and the deputy director of CP0, to take him down?"

As for the ordinary CP0, he didn't say anything. This combat power is enough to challenge Whitebeard.

At this time, Zefa had not broken his arm. Although his spirit was greatly reduced and his strength declined because his whole family died, he still had the strength of a general.

Zhan Guo shook his head and said:"The World Government's move is a thunderous force, not to mention that it involves the Celestial Dragons? The Celestial Dragons over there have started to quarrel."

Zefa said with disdain:"The hero Fisher Tiger just died, and it hasn't settled yet, and they have to deal with another Noah. Those fat pigs will only make things difficult for people."

Zefa had no prejudice against fish people. He even applauded the Marijoa incident, so he was a little sad when he heard about Tiger's death.

In private, he even took out his favorite sherry to see him off.

Sengoku said helplessly,"Be careful with your words!"

Zephyr curled his lips and said,"Saying a few words won't hurt them. I'm just an instructor without real power. At worst, I'll resign."

To be honest, if the world didn't need a world government, he, the hero Z, would be the first to destroy them. Sengoku was helpless to see this. How could Zephyr become as reckless as that bastard Garp after he stopped being an admiral?

Looking at the freedom of his two good brothers, he inexplicably wanted to retire before he even became a marshal.

Maybe it's really like what that bastard Garp said, if you want to be free, you don't need such a high position.


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