Noah shook his head. He could see that this seemingly fearful monkey was actually more determined than anyone else in some positions.

Noah stopped trying to persuade him. He just said calmly,"Okay, but I believe you will come to me again!"

After that, Noah withdrew his sword from Borsalino. Just as Borsalino breathed a sigh of relief and was about to use his ability to distance himself, Noah suddenly released a stream of lightning that gathered on his feet and mercilessly kicked Borsalino in the face.

Borsalino vaguely heard Noah's last words:

"You kicked my beloved maid so hard, this kick is my return to you!"

Then Borsalino broke through the air and flew backwards.

It was not difficult to see from the sky that Borsalino was kicked by Noah to the other end of the island, and even a big hole was blown out.

However, after the smoke and dust dissipated, Borsalino was no longer in the pit.

Noah shook his head and smiled:"Although life is confusing, you are a smart person.~"

���When the sun was high at noon,

Alisa and other mythical beasts and Sibel, Roland and other physical monsters woke up first.

After Roland's development and nourishment of the Swallowing Fruit, his physical condition is getting closer and closer to Sibel's. When

Alisa and others woke up, they saw Noah lying leisurely in a chair in the sun. They did not look for Borsalino. Anyway, with Noah by their side, they felt safe!

They each struggled to get up from the ground, and saw that their injuries had been treated. They knew that Noah had done it while they were unconscious, but their injuries had not yet healed.

"Wow! You finally woke up!"

Noah raised the juice in his hand, took a sip happily and said.

Joanna pouted her cherry lips and said dissatisfiedly:"Why doesn't Lord Noah take us back to the boat!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was hit on the head by Alyssa next to her.


Alyssa crossed her arms and said,"There are so many of us, how can we trouble Lord Noah to run back and forth!"

Joanna had a bump on her head and said with tears in her eyes:"Yes!"


At this time, a scream was heard, and the girls looked over quickly.

They saw a girl with a bandage on her head, who asked in a slightly horrified voice:"My face...what happened to my face?!"

It turned out to be Michelle who had been kicked unconscious earlier.

If Joanna hadn't heard the voice at first glance, she really wouldn't have recognized her good sister. She held back a smile, stood up and walked over to comfort her:

"Okay, be quiet, your face is fine, Sister Vanessa has already taken care of it for you."

"Really? That's great!"

Michelle breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt unwell the moment she saw Joanna.

It was because the self-healing ability of the Suzaku Fruit was so amazing that Joanna had no injuries on her body now, and even because Noah had fed her the potion, her strength was fully restored.

Noah smiled and said,"Don't worry, my little maid, I will avenge you. I kicked that monkey away, so I guess his face is not much better than yours."

Michelle turned her head away and muttered,"Can a girl's face be the same as a monkey's? Their faces are much more precious!"

Noah pretended not to see it, put away his things, and led the girls and said,"Okay, let's rest on the boat for a day before collecting supplies."

Then the girls who woke up, one by one, helped the other unconscious people up and walked towards the sea.

After reaching the sea, Noah released the boat, and then the girls got on the boat and lay down in the medical room.

Joanna had recovered, so she was checking the injuries of the girls one by one, but fortunately Noah's first aid skills were good and the injuries were treated well.

Not long after, the other girls woke up. Elena had prepared food, and everyone fell asleep after a meal.

It is easy to recover physical strength after three days and three nights of fighting, but it is not so easy to recover mentally.

Noah was not surprised by this.

Navy Headquarters

"Quick! Lieutenant General Borsalino is seriously injured, get the doctor here!"

With the sound of hurried footsteps and a cart, Borsalino was pushed into the operating room in a daze.

"It's outrageous that the facial bones are broken like this!"

"Don’t worry about it, check if your brain is injured!"

"The intracranial pressure is normal, the pupils are normal, and the nosebleed is caused by the rupture of the capillaries in the nose."

"Well, it's just some broken bones, not a big problem for a big shot like a lieutenant general!"

"Anyway, Vice Admiral Borsalino doesn't rely on his looks to make a living."

Although Borsalino was confused, he heard this sentence very clearly. He wanted to complain at this moment:

Thank you so much, you said it so tactfully!

After being kicked away by Noah, Borsalino decisively dragged his confused body away. Fortunately, he had planned an escape route in advance, so even if he was confused, he could use the power of the Flash Fruit to escape back to the Navy Headquarters.

After hearing the news that Borsalino fainted at the dock, Sengoku and other iron triangles and Zephyr rushed to the hospital.

On weekdays, this slippery Borsalino was always unharmed, but today he fainted at the dock, which made Zephyr very curious, and he also planned to Let's have a good laugh at Borsalino and satisfy our craving for more.

However, Zhan Guo's face was gloomy. He had received news that Borsalino was afraid that some fishmen would go back to retaliate against the islanders, so he went to guard the island. Did the island encounter some powerful enemy?



Zhan Guo shook his head decisively. If there were fishmen with the strength of Borsalino, they would not need Whitebeard's protection. It would be more than enough for him to protect an island of fishmen!

It might be because of the monster's physique, or it might be because Noah did not use too much force. Anyway, Borsalino woke up soon after being pushed out of the operating room.

Zhan Guo asked with concern:"Borsalino, how do you feel? Who hurt you like this?"

Borsalino felt his face was very itchy, but the doctor said that it was because of bone healing, so he suppressed the urge to scratch and tried to pout with a bitter face, but his face could not make such an expression for the time being, and most of his teeth were gone, so he could only say vaguely:

"General Zhan Guo, you have to give me a paid leave this time, at least for three months!"

Zhan Guo rolled his eyes. He had just said polite words at the beginning. He had asked a doctor, and the doctor said that Borsalino only had a cracked facial bone, and the rest of the injuries were not serious. With adequate nutrition, Borsalino's physique would only need a few days to grow bones. Zhan

Guo said unhappily:"Okay, tell me!"

Upon hearing this, Borsalino did not delay and told the whole story of his encounter with Noah and his gang, from the fight with Noah's women to the fight with Noah.

Of course, he did not mention Noah recruiting him.

Zhan Guo's face was solemn and murmured:"It seems that the bounty for the group of women around Noah has to be increased!"

But the most important one is Noah. He has already agreed to cooperate with the World Government's previous encirclement and suppression of CP0, and was ready to send Borsalino over. But after taking a look at Borsalino lying on the bed, he probably won't go no matter what.

Then we can only replace him with Sakaski.

But listening to Borsalino's description, it seems that Noah's strength is unfathomable! He was not so difficult when he fought with Garp before.

And the changes in Noah's face that Borsalino mentioned, as if he had grown six or seven years older out of thin air, made Sengoku very concerned.

It seems that the navy needs to send more manpower.

While Sengoku was thinking, Zephyr approached the bed and sneered:"Borsalino, I told you a long time ago that the body is the foundation. Don't rely too much on your devil fruit ability. Look, you're suffering now!"

Borsalino raised his hand and said slowly:"Please spare me, Mr. Zefa, I am so injured and you are still here to lecture me. You are really strict~"

Then Borsalino raised his hand to signal the nurse to point at Zefa, saying that this person was affecting the patient's rest, and then the nurse drove Zefa out fiercely.

The ward is the domain of doctors and nurses. Even marshals and generals have to listen to doctors and nurses!

Zefa could only walk out with a depressed face


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