On the Red Force.

Shanks' brows twitched, and he looked helplessly at his beloved daughter Uta who was about to cry, then he looked up at Noah and said with a little tiredness and resentment:

"Noah, how come you told me everything? I thought you knew me very well."

Noah first looked at Shanks with a warning look and said,"We are familiar with each other, but don't show this kind of expression. It's easy for people to misunderstand me."

Then he found a place to sit down leisurely and explained,"We didn't want to say it. Who would have thought that you would joke about Uta's courage. She came to me sullenly and said that Shanks had told her everything and asked how many people died. Anyone would think that you told it."

After that, Noah looked up and down at Shanks with a strange look in his eyes and said,"I thought you were quite conscious at first, but I didn't expect that I was wrong."

Noah shook his head and looked regretful.

Shanks' face twitched slightly when he heard it, and he wanted to slap himself hard.

What a joke!

Uta started sobbing and asked,"Shanks, is what Noah and the others said true? Did I really kill so many people?

Shanks hugged Uta distressedly and said with a smile:"Uta, this is not your doing. You were just bewitched. It was not your intention."

"But...but, it is because of my coming that these people died, otherwise the monster would not have been summoned."

Uta obviously did not buy this explanation, and her inner kindness made her fall into an endless vortex of self-blame.

Shanks was embarrassed now, and stammered:"But...but……"

Beckman took over the conversation and said patiently:"But if they hadn't collected such dangerous music scores, you wouldn't have been bewitched, and the monster wouldn't have been summoned, so the root cause is still the music score's fault."

Shanks nodded and said,"Oh, yes, yes, listen to what Mr. Beckman said. He is the intelligent computer on our ship. Do you think his logic could be wrong?"

Uta stopped sobbing. She turned her head to look at the dilapidated castle and said softly,"Shanks,……"


Shanks responded softly.

Uta said:"You said that my singing will bring happiness to the world, right?"

Shanks seemed to understand something, and said with a reluctant smile:"Of course, Uta!"

Uta turned his head to look into Shanks' eyes, and said seriously:"Shanks, I plan to stay here for a while, I plan to study music seriously, and I also want to dispel the sadness of this island through my singing, and bring happiness to this island. This is my first stop to bring happiness to the world."

Uta grew up among pirates since she was born. Shanks was a good father and did not raise her astray. Even on the ship, he gave Uta a good outlook on life, so Uta decided to stay.

In the original work, if Shanks had not been self-righteous for Uta's good and left her in Elegia without authorization, it is estimated that Uta might really bring happiness to the world.

In response to this, Shanks just hugged Uta silently without saying anything, but he felt sad and happy that his daughter had grown up.

Joanna was surprised by this and said:"What's the situation? Uta, didn't Mr. Beckman make it clear? This is not your fault!"

Joanna began to feel guilty. Because of her misunderstanding, Uta knew the truth and overturned the plan of Shanks and others. Now if Uta wanted to stay because of this, Joanna would feel even more guilty.

Noah smiled and stretched out his hand to stop Joanna from stepping forward, saying:"This is Uta's way of redemption. Only in this way can she let herself go. Let's not interfere."

"Noah is not right, this is not redemption."

Uta left Shanks' arms, wiped away the tears from her eyes gently, and said with a smile:"Sister Joanna, I really appreciate you telling me the truth. I understand what Mr. Beckman said, but I want to stay and try if my singing can really bring happiness to everyone."

Noah curled his lips, thinking that this girl was being stubborn. Although she might not have such a strong sense of guilt in her heart, she must still have some knots that she couldn't let go.

But sometimes, the slight pain that doesn't stop is more crazy than enduring the sharp pain like a knife.

Noah crossed his legs and smiled lightly:"What do you mean? How long are you going to stay here?"

Uta thought for a while and said,"Five years."

Then she looked at Shanks and smiled:"Shanks, remember to pick me up in five years!"

Shanks smiled and touched her little head, and scolded with a smile:"Stupid! I will definitely come to see you often."

Elegia is in the New World. If he wants to improve his strength, he must continue to conquer the New World. So it is very easy for him to come and see Uta, otherwise he would not be willing to leave Uta here.

And if Uta is bullied, he can run over as fast as possible.

Noah smiled, thought for a moment and said:"Then I will station here too."


Shanks and others looked at Noah in surprise. Uta was even more touched and surprised, while Shanks' eyes revealed confusion and vigilance.

Uta: Why does Noah want to stay here? Is it for me? Hehehe, it must be!

Shanks: Noah actually wants to stay here! Is he afraid that something will happen to Uta? Could it be that this kid is still obsessed with Uta?!

Noah frowned slightly and said somewhat displeasedly:"Shanks, what are you looking at?"

Shanks immediately retracted his eyes after hearing that. There was no way. He couldn't beat him, so he had to hide first.

So Shanks laughed and said,"Nothing, I'm just a little surprised that you would stay."

Noah looked at Shanks suspiciously and asked doubtfully:"Really?"

"Of course!"

Shanks looked at Noah calmly, his eyes not dodging at all.

Noah put away his doubts a little after seeing this, and said:"What's so surprising! Liya and the others have mastered the two-color domineering, and it is best for them to practice and fight in the new world in the future. It just so happens that this place is not bad."

Yes, there is a large open space in the back mountain of this place that can be used for practice, and there is music to enjoy on weekdays. It is a good place for Noah to relax.

From time to time, he can take Liya and the others to the territory of the Three Emperors for a few rounds, fight, and level up.

However, Noah remembered that he had promised Kozaburo to go to Wano Country to take a look, but Wano Country has always been closed, so he doesn't have the permanent pointer of Wano Country, and he has to go and see if he can buy it.

But the black market is a mixed place, so it is not difficult to buy a permanent pointer.

Noah vaguely remembered that someone in his previous life said that Kai The reason why many people are always running around in the sea is because they are poor, so they took a bunch of whiteboard permanent pointers to various islands to charge magnets, and then sell them wholesale.

I don't know if this rumor is true.

Shanks thought about Noah's explanation after hearing it, and found that there was nothing wrong with it. To be honest, being able to reach the New World with your own strength and go to the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Line gives people the feeling of frying fish.

No one can fight!

So it is not unreasonable for the people in the New World to call the first half of the Grand Line and the Four Seas Paradise.

So Shanks believed Noah's words by 70% or 80%.

"Well, I feel relieved that Noah is here. Thank you for your help!"

Shanks sincerely thanked Noah. He also knew that no matter what Noah said about this place being good, this and that... that was not the point!

Otherwise, Noah would not have thought of leaving with him in the beginning.

The real reason was because Uta was here.

Eh?! No!

Damn it! This thief is still staring at Uta!


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