In the following days, Noah and the others would come here in the morning to take a walk and do necessary training, and in the afternoon they would go to watch and listen to Uta's practice.

As for the evening, Noah had a special program.

However, because he was afraid that Guina would think too much, Noah secretly signaled the girls to leave before letting a few girls come over.

This kind of licentious and immoral life lasted for a month.

Liya lay in Noah's arms, looking at Noah with some concern, and said,"Lord Noah, you haven't had a good sleep for more than a month. This will exhaust your body."

In the past month, Noah played with the girls every day until the next morning, and slept for one or two hours at most every day. Such a short time was at most a nap.

So Liya began to care about Noah's physical condition more than half a month ago.

Noah gently stroked Liya's smooth back with his hands, and occasionally slid down to her buttocks and kneaded them gently. Hearing Liya's persuasion, he smiled indifferently and said:

"This is just the beginning. Unless I am seriously injured, sleep is not necessary for me.���Vanessa."

Noah said as he gently placed his hand on the ivory legs that were resting on Noah's hips.

Vanessa pressed her body against Noah's back, her hand gently stroking across Noah's eight-pack abs, and after listening to Noah's words, she smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Liya, I checked, Lord Noah is in good health, I've never seen such a healthy body before."

Liya was a little unconvinced. After all, doing nothing for more than a month, just not sleeping can make people crazy and exhausted, not to mention the daily effort.

She said,"How is it possible?"

Vanessa gently brushed Noah's abdomen and smiled seductively:

"Liya, haven't you noticed? The changes in your body, whether it is physical talent or cellular potential, have been constantly improving since you came into contact with this thing. I even feel that there is no need to use skin care products all day long."

Vanessa's charming look completely belies the gentleness of the usual Yamato Nadeshiko, but Liya is used to working with her, so she didn't think there was anything strange. She is just a black-bellied and stuffy woman, which is normal!

After listening to this, Liya found that it was true. She originally thought that it was due to the harmony of yin and yang, but she hasn't seen any bottlenecks in her practice recently, and even her efficiency has been rising.

Vanessa explained:"This is the bloodline of Lord Noah!"

Vanessa looked at Noah with some obsession. If it wasn't Lord Noah in front of her, she would have wanted to dissect him for research.

Noah felt that Vanessa's hands were not honest, and smiled:"Don't play with fire, have you rested? Without waiting for the two to respond, Noah turned over and pressed Vanessa under him, and began to"punish" the bold maid in front of him. Vanessa's seductive eyes and her fearless appearance made Noah's heart burn.


Soon the day came when it was time to leave

""Uta, there are quite a lot of people here today!"

Liya smiled and bent down to say to Uta.

Uta looked at the people coming from all over the island to listen to the concert and felt excited.

Because Gordon told her that he could arrange a stage for her at the end of the concert.

"I will definitely give everyone a refreshing feeling!"

Uta was not afraid or nervous about today's concert. Instead, she was full of confidence. The amazing encouragement from Gordon and others on weekdays greatly enhanced Uta's confidence.

The sisters Joanna and Michelle also smiled and sent their blessings, rarely escaping as usual.

Noah and Shanks smiled and nodded. Noah said with a slightly teasing expression that even if Uta was nervous on the stage, he would not laugh at her. As soon as he said this,

Uta rolled her eyes and rushed over to argue, but was suppressed by Noah with one hand using his height.

After every singing and playing at the concert, they received love and applause from everyone present.

Although most of Liya and others have no musical talent, However, they firmly believe that so-called good music should be appreciated by both the elite and the masses. Except for a few songs that did not quite suit their mood and were not very good, most of the performances intoxicated them.

Noah narrowed his eyes slightly and enjoyed the performance of a gray-haired old man on the stage.

As a king, he also systematically learned this knowledge when he was a child, so he has some insights in appreciating songs. He may not like the songs, but he can still give comments.

After the singing, Noah applauded slightly and said with a smile:"This song is good. Although I have never seen the music score and I don't know if it is due to human factors, I personally think that the last pitch of a part of the second movement can be a little higher."


Punch was slightly surprised and said with a smile:"It turns out that Noah also understands music. I think so too, right, Mengshida!"


Mengshida grabbed Punch's face and nodded.

Shanks said with a little jealousy:"Noah actually knows music, and his strength is so strong!"

Noah smiled and waved his hand, and said with a slightly pretentious smile:"This is the basic skills learned when I was a child, it's a piece of cake!"

Shanks and others didn't want to talk anymore. Those who can pick out the flaws of the performers here are all experts. This kid actually said what basic skills are?!

Too pretentious!

Liya also smiled dryly and nodded.

At this time, the host below said with a smile:"The next show is by the special guest, Miss Uta……"

""Here she comes!"

Joanna and Michelle hurriedly reminded everyone.

When Uta walked onto the stage, everyone seemed to see a little princess.

The audience below saw it and talked about it. Some thought Uta was very cute and fantasized about having such a granddaughter (daughter), but some people questioned the little girl who was not even as tall as their waists.���Can she sing a song well?

But when the singing started, the whole place was silent. As an audience member who came to the venue, she still had the necessary qualities.

Sure enough, as soon as Uta opened her mouth, all those who were not optimistic about Uta shut up.

That light voice gently brushed everyone's heart and took away their impetuousness.

The explosive part of the following songs was impeccable, which aroused everyone's passion.

People stood up and shouted Uta's name, not looking down on her because of her age.

In just one song, Uta conquered everyone present.

After the song was over, the people present were still not satisfied and asked for another song.

Uta was a little overwhelmed by this enthusiasm at the beginning, but after calming down for a moment, a happy expression appeared on her face.

Gordon certainly did not refuse the audience's request to add a song, because he was one of them.

Uta of course did her best to respond to the audience's enthusiasm and sang five songs in one breath. Finally, the audience left the venue with a sense of satisfaction after Gordon promised to hold another concert exclusively for Uta tomorrow.


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