In the evening, Noah stopped Vanessa and said that he wanted to discuss the use of medicine for cultivation with her.

Vanessa did not suspect anything else. After all, Noah usually reads a wide range of books. In addition to history books, he is particularly fond of research books such as biology and physics, so he may have some requirements and suggestions for pharmaceutical manufacturing. It’s just that Liya looked at Vanessa a little strangely, which made Vanessa a little puzzled.

It seemed that she was a little jealous, and seemed to be more intimate, and at the same time contained a trace of sympathy.

Vanessa was a little confused when she saw this, but she didn’t think much about it.

After everyone left, Vanessa smiled gently and asked:"Lord Noah, do you have any advice?"

Noah stood up slowly, stretched out his hand and gently brushed Vanessa's bun, then slid to her pretty face, and smiled:

"Yes, Vanessa, I have some questions recently and would like to seek advice from professionals. Could you give me some advice?"

Noah said as he stretched out his hand and slightly lifted Vanessa's chin, staring at her with a domineering and aggressive look.���Vanessa.

Vanessa finally recovered from her daze and smiled softly and charmingly,"I forgot that Lord Noah has grown so big. It's time for someone to teach him some physiological knowledge."

None of the girls thought about what Noah's growth would cause. Vanessa saw Noah's tormenting endurance from the fire in his eyes.

After Vanessa finished speaking, she squinted her eyes and said,"It seems that Liya cheated first. No wonder something is wrong today."

Careful people noticed that Liya's breath was a little weak, but they all thought it was because she was busy with the work arranged by Lord Noah too late and didn't get enough rest.

"It seems that Liya really works until very late~"

Vanessa looked at Noah meaningfully.

This made Noah's decades of shamelessness a little bit uncomfortable. After all, he was a demigod, and the mythological history of his previous life often mentioned the powerful energy of Gilgamesh. So even if he had restrained himself last night, he still let Liya work overtime until dawn.

Noah smiled and said,"It's okay, she's resting today, it's your turn to work overtime, I think you have a good talent in biology!"

As he said that, Noah picked up Vanessa horizontally, and Vanessa also hugged Noah's neck obediently, and the two moved to the bed.

I can't sleep tonight,"Why not face the sea, with spring flowers blooming"!


The next day, the women were a little surprised. Except for a few people with thick nerves, the other women found that Vanessa did not get up today.

You know, as a ship doctor, Vanessa has always had a regular schedule. In addition to going to bed early and getting up early, she also likes to do some exercises facing the morning sun.

According to Vanessa,"If you don't move for a night, your qi and blood will stagnate. The first step in the morning should be to activate the qi and blood. One movement and one stillness conform to the law of all things."

Liya knew that Vanessa probably couldn't get up.

There was no way. Vanessa's physique could be said to be the worst except for Luo Lan, of course, Guina didn't count.

After a long time, Vanessa came out radiantly, and greeted the women with a smile as if nothing had happened. When she greeted Liya, each other's faces showed a meaningful smile.

Joanna asked naively,"Sister Vanessa, have you developed any new cosmetics recently? I feel that you are so beautiful today and look very good!"

Vanessa said seriously,"Yes, I took a medicine with strong yang energy, thinking that it would be good for the female body to balance yin and yang, and I also applied it on my face to test the effect."

""Wow! Sister Vanessa, you see I help you a lot, when can you give me some?"

Joanna flattered her in a fawning manner.

But Liya blushed and spat softly. Vanessa was so bold that she could say anything!

The others looked at Vanessa with eager eyes.

Vanessa smiled and said,"Okay, you will be able to use it soon, uh……"

When Vanessa glanced at Kuina, she paused and said strangely:

"Maybe Guina's medicine is not good enough, this medicine has an age limit."

Vanessa lied fluently without blinking.

"Ah, that's such a pity."

Guina said with some regret, but as a woman who aspires to become the world's number one swordsman, kendo is what she cares about most, and appearance can only be ranked second.

Joanna suddenly shouted at this time:"I said that I felt something was wrong yesterday!"

Joanna pointed at Liya and said:"Sister Liya suddenly became so beautiful yesterday!"

Then she held Vanessa's hand pitifully and said:"Since my good sister has given it to sister Liya, why don't you give me one now."

Liya's face was also slightly red when she heard it, and Vanessa evaded the question:"Okay, I'll give it to you later, okay? It will be very soon."

Joanna gave up.

Roland asked curiously:"What kind of medicine has an age limit? But this instant cosmetic is very interesting."

But seeing Vanessa's secretive expression, Loran didn't ask much. She was just curious out of habit.

Every night after that, Noah would keep a maid down, either to guide practice or arrange work, etc.

At first, everyone thought it was normal, but when they noticed that the people who were called over could not get up the next day, except for Irene, Joanna and Michelle, everyone else had some guesses. The first person to discover it was not Loran, but Sibel.

Sibel stayed in Noah's bedroom that day. After seeing the door closed, she directly loosened the mouth of the bath towel, and then walked towards Noah step by step. The bath towel also slowly slipped off her body, revealing a graceful figure.���The graceful and delicate body appeared in front of Noah.

Noah was a little stunned at that time. Sibel explained with a smile that she had discovered it from Vanessa.

Although the injury was not serious for those of them who had just mastered physical skills, she still keenly discovered the truth.

After all, she grew up in all kinds of people. Even if she had never eaten pork, she had seen pigs run.

In the end, Joanna and Michelle were the only two little white rabbits left.

At this moment, the two of them were still complaining about Noah's atrocities with an innocent look on their faces.

Michelle said,"Lord Noah is really something. Sister Rosalind does so much work on weekdays, but she still lets her work overtime to study some recipes at night. Look at how soft Sister Rosalind's legs are. I guess she was trying to cook last night."

Joanna nodded in agreement, and then complained to Michelle about Vanessa's favoritism.

"That’s right, and it seems that we are the only ones who didn’t give sister Vanessa’s cosmetics. They all used them. How abominable!"

When Michelle heard the word"cosmetics", she also began to say indignantly:"Yes, it’s abominable! Their skin has become so good! Sister Vanessa is too partial!"

Joanna said with a guilty conscience:"Could it be that our waste of sister Vanessa’s herbs a few days ago has been known."

Michelle also whispered with a guilty conscience:"No."

The two of them had wasted Vanessa’s precious herbs a few days ago. In fact, they had never thought of wasting these herbs. At first, they were looking for a kind of licorice that looked very similar to this herb.

Licorice is a slightly sweet herb. It is usually good as a snack or soaked in water.

It’s just that this herb is slightly cold and not very friendly to women, so Vanessa has always forbidden the two gluttons-Joanna and Sibel to eat more.

When Joanna took her sisters to find it that day, because Joanna mainly studied surgical medicine, she was also half-hearted about herbs. Bucket of water, so that they made a mistake.

While they were whispering over there, Alyssa, who was a few meters away, blushed slightly, and smiled and talked about the little meeting of the two little cuties with Luo Lan and others next to her. Everyone laughed out loud after listening.

They looked at Joanna and the others with strange eyes that day. Every time Joanna asked, they just smiled and didn't say anything, and pinched her pretty face slightly.

The feeling of teasing a little girl made Joanna feel particularly uncomfortable.

It's okay for others, but why is Sister Irene the same as them?!

Obviously we are in the same group!


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