Noah elegantly crossed his legs and smiled,"And I once visited your Fishman Street, um… because I heard that the hero Fisher Tiger came from there, and I was curious about what kind of place could breed such a person, but I was disappointed.……"

When talking about disappointment, the corners of the other people's mouths twitched slightly, because Noah's expression at this time did not show any disappointment at all.

"I can't believe this is where Fisher Tiger was born and raised. Hmm... looks more like your fishman's garbage recycling station to me."

"There was no sunlight at all, it was gloomy, dirty and messy. What I saw in the eyes of the fishmen there was numbness and hatred, hatred towards humans."

Otohime said apologetically:"Sir Noah, in fact, the place was originally intended to adopt orphans, but we didn't know how to manage it, so it was suddenly occupied by some children who had gone astray, and later it was Tiger who led them."

Noah waved his hand and said:"Princess Otohime, this is not the point"

"Well, I won't beat around the bush. Since you want the merfolk and humans to coexist peacefully, why do you allow a group of merfolk to hate humans?"

Seeing that Otohime didn't understand the point, Noah pointed it out directly.

Otohime suddenly realized it, but said with some helplessness on her face:"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do."

What can she say? Can she say that the fish-man soldiers can't beat the thugs of Fish-man Street?

You have to know that the masters of Fish-man Island all came from Fish-man Street.

Sometimes Noah feels that it is necessary for him to come to this world. This world lacks a king, a real king.

Seeing Otohime's helpless look, Noah remembered the appearance of most kings when he conquered other countries more than 800 years ago.

They all seemed to not know how to govern the country. The tyrants were completely bad and kept asking for things from the people; the wise kings were too good and kept giving to the people, but they didn't let the people live well.

Just like Otohime and Neptune now, the regular army can't beat the thugs, haven't they ever reflected on it?

Is it because the regular army's food is too good and there is no pressure, which makes them lazy and gluttonous?

Noah was speechless about this and pointed out bluntly:"You have simply given up on them, right! Treating it as a garbage station, turning it into a dark place that Fish-man Island cannot illuminate, breeding batches of radicals, and you still want to have a good relationship with humans?"

"You should know that even you who want to coexist peacefully with humans have not tried to make these fishmen let go of their hatred, but instead let them grow wildly. Do you expect humans to actively understand you? How many people like you can there be?"

Noah was speechless more than 800 years ago. This group of mermen wanted to come up one by one, and their mermaid princess also shouted like Otohime that they would live in peace with humans, but they didn't even set a good example themselves. It was the same more than 800 years ago. There was always a part of mermen who hated humans, and even constantly hurt and retaliated against humans for this.

Noah was also drunk at the time, and he immediately ordered the extermination of this part of the mermen.

But the great saint Joyboy came out to stop him, saying that he would handle the matter.

Noah saw that his general had spoken, what could he do, so he sat and watched him deal with it.

In the end, he really handled it, and even picked up the mermaid princess.

Noah was a little afraid of Joyboy's magic.

What the hell? The group of mermen who were shouting for killing were suddenly silent?

Noah compared it at this moment and found that without him, this world would not have made any progress in more than 800 years.

Well, I am indeed the chosen one.

Noah said in a good voice:"Princess Otohime, haven't you ever thought about it? What is the reason for the difficulty in management?"

"They are people! Not objects! It is not that they will grow well just by giving them a place to live."

"Have you ever thought about opening a school? Then let a group of children have an education to go to, educate them uniformly, so that there won't be any rebellious people."

Noah was a little earnest. He never thought in his life that after building a large number of schools, more than 800 years later, only the naval academy was left. There were only a few countries with schools, and even studying at sea was still an activity for the rich.

He once again felt that he was the savior of the world. The world could not do without him!

While Noah was being narcissistic, Yiji was unable to react for a while and asked in confusion:

"School? Is it to teach the murlocs karate? But if we teach them, it will be very troublesome if some of them go astray."

Noah covered his face with his hands, and his expression was a little out of control.

Im, you are really great!

You wiped out decades of development for me in one go!

Helplessly, Noah then talked to Yiji about the concept of school, and then emphasized the difference between this kind of mind control and brainwashing, so as to prevent this princess who is keen on brainwashing from doing anything weird again. Yiji immediately threw her previous blow to Raftel. At this moment, she was full of energy and used a notebook to record some key points, and asked Noah some questions about the school from time to time.

She felt that she had found a new path - to educate the murlocs.

At the same time, she It was found that although Noah's words were unpleasant to hear, they were all good advice, and many of them even hit the point directly. The construction of the school was even more comprehensive, and all kinds of problems were easily answered.

Noah said: Needless to say, I have been a wise king for decades.

Even Yiji didn't realize that she seemed to be attracted to Noah. If she was not a mother of several children, she would have wanted to sacrifice herself and ask Noah for the way to save the fish people.

There was actually a reason why Noah worked so hard, all for the sake of repaying Joy Boy's debt.

If the kings of other countries asked questions, Noah would say bluntly:"Why ask so many questions?! If you don't understand anything, don't be a king, just get off the throne obediently!"

However, facing Yiji's endless questions, Noah couldn't bear it, and he left directly after the banquet. After leaving the Dragon Palace, Noah wiped his sweat and said:"Really, I thought I was going to be swallowed by that woman."

The fiery look in Otohime's eyes made Noah shudder. Even when she was about to run away, Otohime was still reluctant to let Noah go, uh, to talk about two more questions.

Noah felt like he was being squeezed dry.

The girls smiled at Noah's feelings. It felt like they hadn't seen Lord Noah in such an awkward state for a long time.

When leaving, Neptune also looked grateful to Vanessa, and promised that Fishman Island would be obliged to help if there were any difficulties.

Shanks and others ate comfortably, and took away a lot of wine from the banquet.

After eating and drinking, it was time to set off.


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