Vanessa raised a slender finger and said:

"The first way is to find some devil fruits that can replenish vitality, or find devil fruit users who can help replenish vitality."

Neptune and Otohime looked at each other and smiled bitterly:"We are not closely connected with the outside world in Fishman Island. The news comes from newspapers and other publications like ordinary people, so it is probably difficult to find. As for devil fruits,……"

Neptune also showed a helpless expression.

They all hated devil fruits, whether they were fishmen or mermaids. After all, they were proud of being the darlings of the sea.

So there was no reserve of devil fruits.

Vanessa didn't care, and didn't say that her good sister could help. After all, her good sister couldn't leave this place for a long time.

Vanessa still wouldn't do anything that would harm herself and benefit others.

But when the little girl Joanna saw the pitiful look of Shirahoshi, her heart softened, so she looked at Noah for advice.

Noah certainly knew Joanna's temper, and she was usually so kind. But today she actually wanted to bring someone on board, and now it was probably affected by the mermaid princess. It was the same with Joy Boy back then. The charm of the mermaid princess was still very great.

Even a wooden head like Joy Boy could be affected, not to mention someone like Joanna who had a soft heart.

Noah didn't refuse. His unfinished ship was very large, and it didn't matter if one more person lived there.

Well, it can be regarded as the mercy of being the king of the world. After all, the glory of the king did not fall into the deep sea, which made him a little regretful.

Seeing Noah nodded, Joanna was instantly delighted and said to Princess Otohime:

"My devil fruit ability can help you heal your body, but as Noah's maid, I can't stay on Fishman Island for long, so I need you to come on board with me."

"What do you think?"

The girls were a little surprised when they heard Joanna's words. After all, taking people on board must be approved by the captain, but when they saw Noah nodded, they understood immediately.

On the contrary, Neptune was a little hesitant.

It was because the sea was too dangerous. Mermaids were even more dangerous on the sea, and the danger for Noah and others was simply doubled. The attack on the Celestial Dragons alone was destined to lead to the World Government's continuous attacks on Noah.

He was now making friends with Noah for the prophecy and for Noah's future.

On the contrary, when Otohime heard that she could go to the sea with him, she quickly walked to Joanna, grabbed Joanna's hand, nodded with shining eyes, and said:

"I agree, please give me your guidance!"

Neptune was speechless when he saw this, and quickly controlled his body to float over and pull back Otohime, and said softly:

"Otohime, they fought against the Celestial Dragons. What if the World Government sees you on their ship and they think that we, Fishman Island, are in cahoots with Noah?"

"And they may not be able to protect you."

Neptune emphasized the last point.

The four children of his family said to their father pitifully,"Father, please let mother go with you."

How could they understand so many things? They only knew that their mother would not live for more than five years if she didn't go.

On the contrary, Otohime woke up instantly, but unlike her husband who was concerned about her own safety, she was concerned about the attitude of the World Government.

She has devoted her life to the peaceful coexistence of the fishmen and humans.

And the simplest and most direct way to achieve this is of course for the World Government to mediate.

If she offended the World Government because of her own selfishness, then this road would not work.

Thinking of this, her heart began to waver again.

Finally, her eyes were determined, and she bowed to Joanna with a little apology and smiled:

""I'm sorry, Miss Joanna, I still won't go on your ship. Thank you very much for agreeing to take me on board to treat my illness."

Otohime was very grateful to Joanna. She knew that she had the opportunity to go on board because of her.

She couldn't fight, and she couldn't do any odd jobs. She was undoubtedly an extra person on the ship with extra mouths to feed. She needed others to help her treat her body, and she had to trouble others to protect her during the battle.

She was embarrassed to go on board, but the most important thing was that she couldn't gamble with the future of the fishmen.

Joanna looked at Otohime with a little regret, wanting to persuade her, but seeing her determined eyes, she opened her mouth and swallowed what she was about to say, and then she opened her mouth again and became:

"All right……"

She was unusually in a low mood.

Shirahoshi was also looking at Otohime with tears in her eyes, and the three princes were crying and begging their mother to agree.

They even blamed their father, thinking that it was because of his talkativeness that their kind mother was worried and refused.

Otohime, however, smiled and stroked their heads, saying,"It's okay. There are things in this world that are more important than life."

"Children, I did this voluntarily, don't blame your father."

"Even if your father didn't say it, I would get off the ship alone when I remembered it later."

Hearing this, the children cried even more sadly.

Neptune felt guilty when he saw the children crying.

Hey! You are so talkative!

Just say you are afraid that Noah and the others can't protect you, and that's it. What about the World Government's opinion! The World Government is shit! How can it compare to your beautiful wife!

Except for the one meeting when Fishman Island just joined the World Government, no one from their royal family has ever participated in the World Conference.

They only paid Tian Shangjin, but when buying slaves, the place with the most fishmen and mermaid slaves was in Marijoa.

Neptune was also angry when he took the money but didn't do anything.

"Okay, okay, there are other ways."

Seeing Neptune and the others looking hopeless, Vanessa interrupted unhappily.

Neptune looked up in surprise, stared at Vanessa and smiled,"Is there any other way?"

"As long as you can cure Otohime's disease, you will be the top guests of Fishman Island in the future."

Neptune made up his mind that if Vanessa could cure his princess, he would"measure the resources of Fishman Island and win the favor of Noah and others."

Vanessa waved her hand and said with some distress:"The second method is naturally to take medicine, which takes a long time to work, and you can't stop taking the medicine. Most medicines are not rare, but there are two medicines that are rare."

"I have to prepare those two rare medicines for you."


Neptune's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it and said,"Dr. Vanessa said that taking medicine can cure it?"

Vanessa corrected him,"This disease can't be cured completely. It's a congenital deficiency, and it hasn't been supplemented in time, so now and in the future, we can only take medicine to get through it."

"Drinking medicine can cure, and taking medicine can make you live normally, this is not considered a cure?"

Neptune said in disbelief. He was ready to collect all kinds of treasures.

Vanessa said with a little dissatisfaction:"For a doctor, it is undoubtedly a shame for his patients to take medicine for a lifetime."

Vanessa didn't know if she was infected with Dr. Kuleha's habit. She firmly believed that the patients who had passed through her hands should be healthy when they left to be considered cured.

Just like Kuleha said:

There are only two situations in which the patient disappears from his sight: 1. The disease is cured, 2. Death.

Neptune's eyelids twitched when he heard it, but when he heard Vanessa say that his princess could still be saved, the whole person became cheerful, and thought to himself: I guess this is the so-called strange habit of a genius.

Vanessa said:"Quickly bring two clean glass bottles, and sterilize them at high temperature.

I will use my ability to make the extracts of the two rare medicinal materials for you.

I will give you the seeds of the two medicinal materials later, and I will write you the planting methods.


"One more thing. Bring me a pen. I need to write you a prescription."

"Oh, and one more thing. I only have this much seeds. You only have three attempts. If you succeed, remember to leave some seeds for me."


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