The issue of Noah's identity came to an end...

After the girls got along with each other, they found that Noah was no different from when they first met him, except that he was a little more mature and more noble (royal). He kept a distance in dealing with people, and even Shanks felt a little uncomfortable when talking to him.

It was as if a king was receiving his subjects.

Fortunately, Noah's way of treating the girls did not change, and he could even be said to be more enthusiastic.

The original Noah had become a little silent due to his physical growth, and he became more like a king in front of the girls.

But now Noah treats them as if he had first met them, relaxed and comfortable.

On the way back, Shanks stared at Noah who was chatting and laughing with the girls with his dead fish eyes, and said indignantly:

"This guy wouldn't be putting women before friends, he talks to me like that, and talks to the girls like that."

Shanks acted out the same way as Noah when he talked to him and when he chatted and laughed with the girls.

The younger brothers laughed and said,"Boss, you are so good!"

"Come on, boss, isn't it better to have a nice-smelling woman to chat and laugh with than a stinky man like you?"

"Yes! Yes!"

Even Beckman nodded in agreement and said,"Shanks, don't be too sad, they are right. I usually leave you and go to the beach to find beautiful ladies to drink. It's normal!"

"Hahahaha, our deputy captain is a famous gentleman in the North Sea!"

""The deputy captain said it well!"

The younger brothers all shouted in a jeer.

Shanks looked at Beckman with a sad face, as if he saw a traitor among his brothers.


The soldiers guarding the shore saw the ship flying the Whitebeard pirate flag approaching and immediately reported it to King Neptune.

""Your Majesty! A pirate group under Whitebeard has landed at the dock. According to the report, it is the Great Whirlpool Spider Pirates, captained by Squard."

Neptune was just chatting and laughing with the beautiful Queen Otohime about the distinguished guest. Otohime was also very happy, wondering if this distinguished guest would allow the people of Fishman Island to live freely on the sea one day.

At the same time, she also wanted to ask Noah for his way of peaceful coexistence.

At this time, when the soldier came in to report the matter of Squard, Neptune was stunned for a moment, and then smiled at Otohime:

"Why are there so many guests coming today?……"

Neptune was a little confused. Logically, he hadn't received a call from the Whitebeard Pirates.

And usually the captains came, so why would the captain of his fleet come today?

He shouldn't come here just for fun, after all, Whitebeard's every move is watched. Once a pirate group under Whitebeard runs to the front half, they will be detected in an instant, and even arranged for the navy to intercept.

So what is he doing here in Fishman Island?

"What's wrong?"

Otohime saw Neptune frowning and looking puzzled, so she asked softly

"Ah, nothing, I just wonder what they are doing here. After all, even if they hand in the offerings, it is Jinbei or the captain who receives them."

"Forget it." Neptune waved his hand and said to the soldiers,"Pass it on. If Captain Squard is interested, he can come to the Dragon Palace for a banquet and drink. At the same time, tell Sir Noah that the banquet is ready and invite them to come to the banquet."

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

The soldier retreated respectfully, his hand on his shoulder.


"Oh? Banquet? King Neptune is so polite! We will go."

Squard was not too surprised to see the Dragon Palace soldiers coming. After all, he was in someone else's territory. If no one came to ask about it while he was flying the Whitebeard Pirate Flag, it would be a disrespect to his father.

After the soldiers left, the younger brothers immediately laughed and said:

"Boss, you are worthy of being the captain of Whitebeard. Even Neptune has specially hosted a banquet for you."

"Yes, yes, he must have seen Whitebeard's pirate flag and hurriedly arranged for someone to prepare a banquet and invite us over."

"Who else could make the King of Fishman Island so respectful except the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"In this sea, anything that the Whitebeard Pirates set their sights on will sooner or later belong to the Whitebeard Pirates."

"You're right!"

Seeing the younger brother below with a smug look on his face and his lips curled up to the sky, Squard couldn't help but slightly curl up his lips, but still said in a deep voice:

"What are you doing? This is all thanks to daddy. King Neptune is giving daddy face. Stop gossiping here!"

Although they said so, the younger brothers could see from the corner of their boss's mouth that he was very satisfied with Neptune's behavior and the younger brothers' advocacy.

That is, compared with their daddy, Neptune was nothing. He just had some relationship with daddy when he was young, and daddy protected him out of righteousness.

What they didn't see was that several fishmen were standing in the shadow corner watching them, and they saw and heard their arrogant looks and words.


A piece of stone was broken off the wall in the corner in an instant, and several fishmen with ferocious expressions stared at Squard and others with bloodshot eyes.

The expression was like a shark choosing its prey.

"Damn it! Neptune, this begging thing, is not worthy of being our king!"

"How dare these lowly humans say this about our murlocs!"

"Jinbei is not a good guy either. He is a disgrace to us fishmen. He actually recognized a human as his father!"

Several fishmen angrily scolded Neptune and Jinbei. There was no respect in their words, and they even had endless resentment.

They felt that it was Neptune who disgraced them by begging for the protection of a low-level creature.

"Well! After all, he is the strongest man in the world!"

The leading fishman shouted angrily, stopping the younger brothers from venting their complaints, but then he smiled grimly:

"But as long as we can get the things in the treasure house, our fishmen will be the strongest. What does a mere Whitebeard matter?!"

"Ninety percent of this world is ocean, and we the fishmen are the strongest creatures!"

If Noah were here, he would definitely find that this fishman is the ignorant and ridiculous fishman of the future - Hody Jones.

The fishman's jujutsu is average, and he doesn't even know Haki. If he hadn't relied on being in the sea, he probably wouldn't even be able to beat Luffy two years ago.


Neptune was just playing with his little princess when another soldier came running over.

"Report! Your Majesty, our people found that Captain Squard seemed to be looking for someone."

Neptune waved his hand indifferently and said,"Then you can help him find someone."

After all, he was a captain under Whitebeard, and he was also living under someone else's roof. He would help him if he could do a little favor on his own territory.

" seems that he is looking for Red-haired Shanks."

The soldier looked embarrassed and hesitantly said:"And Captain Squard seems to have a grudge against Red-haired Shanks."

This is really difficult for a small soldier like him. Both sides are guests. Although they all know the location of Red-haired Shanks, they can't offend the other for the sake of one guest.

The soldier quickly threw this"bomb" to his own king.

Neptune frowned and even stared at the soldier with some dissatisfaction, thinking:

"This question really confuses me. This soldier is really ignorant. Wouldn’t it be better for him to just pretend that he didn’t see or hear anything like this?"

"OK, now I know, who should I throw it to?"

One is the crew member of my dead friend, and the other is the captain of my friend and golden thigh.

Oh, it seems... it seems that it is an easy choice...

But Neptune is not such a careless person. Although he should lean towards Squard according to the pros and cons, he still decided to inform Red Hair.

As for which side to help?

Of course, he will not help either side!

Now Neptune also understands that Squard came here on his own initiative, so it is best for him to just stand by and watch.

Help Squard?

The crew members of Roger's pirate group are not old enough to lift a knife!


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