"What should we do? Should we rush in?"

"Yes, what if something happens to Lord Noah?"

Michelle and Joanna moved their feet anxiously, and their eyes looked at the colorful mist and Liya from time to time.

They hoped that Liya could give them orders.

At this time, Xibei, who was always thick-skinned, calmly held the two of them and said,"Lord Noah's words just now were not too panic, which shows that he should have some guesses about Lord Noah on the throne, so it is better for us to keep our troops in place for now."

Don't look at Xibei's clamor all day long. She has raised herself since she was thirteen years old. It can be said that she is one of the best on the ship in terms of observation. It

's just that she has Noah as a backing, Liya and Roland as commanders, and Alyssa and Vanessa as supplements in normal times, so she can lie down peacefully.

Liya and Roland nodded in agreement after hearing Xibei's words, but waiting is always accompanied by uneasiness.

At this moment, Rosalind noticed something, and she shouted in horror:

"Look! The fog seems to be shrinking!

Everyone quickly turned their attention to the colorful fog.

Sure enough, the fog was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What should we do? What if Lord Noah doesn’t come back after the fog disappears?"

Michelle was so anxious that tears were about to flow, and Joanna even spread her wings and flew over.

"No! I'll go check it out!"


Liya stretched out her hand to stop him, but Joanna had already passed her hand.

Seeing this, Liya could not care less and rushed forward with her foot on the"shaving".

The women behind her followed without hesitation.

"Hey! Calm down!"

Shanks stretched out his hand helplessly, turned his head and said:"Let's go in too."

Beckman said calmly:"If we go in, there will be no one outside, so what we should do now is to support from outside."

As he said that, he found a bundle of vines and was about to shout to the girls to tie them up. If it really didn't work, they could pull the girls out.

But at this time, Noah happened to step out

"Eh? Lord Noah!"

Joanna felt relieved when she saw Noah walking out slowly. She laughed and rushed over to hug Noah.

"Oh? Joanna! Didn't you say you would wait for me? What a disobedient maid!"

Even so, when Noah saw Joanna flying over, he happily opened his arms and was ready to welcome the cute girl into his arms.

But Roland noticed that Noah was different.

""Wait a minute! Joanna!"

Loran called out to Joanna.

When Joanna heard Loran's voice, she paused and turned to look at Loran in confusion.

Loran instantly appeared in front of Joanna, staring at Noah vigilantly.

She found that Noah at this moment looked exactly like Noah on the throne, and she couldn't help but asked in a stern voice:"Where is our Lord Noah?"

The women behind him also found that the Noah in front of them was more in line with the Noah on the throne before, both in appearance and temperament.

Thinking of this, the women also began to prepare for battle, staring at Noah fiercely.

Even Shanks and Beckman and others behind him pointed their weapons at Noah, their eyes were alert, and even their palms were slightly sweaty.

As soon as Noah came out, he found that everyone was looking at him vigilantly, and some even drew their swords.

At first he was confused, but he soon knew why everyone did this.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart that he was too unreliable. Wouldn't it be better not to let everyone see him from the beginning!

It's a bit of a headache now.

To prove that I am myself, I also have to prove that I am not that me?

Coach, I don't know how to do this!

Just as Noah was scratching his head, not knowing how to explain to everyone, another enemy descended on the island

"Boss, we've reached Fish-Man Island! What should we do next?"

A little brother who looked like cannon fodder ran over and reported to Squard, whose hairline had obviously moved up.

Squard nodded, holding his giant machete, staring at Fish-Man Island, and said,"Guys, remember not to destroy Fish-Man Island during the search, this is Daddy's territory!"

"When you find the red-haired bastard, don't do anything to him, come back and report to me!"

""Yes! Boss!"

The younger brothers straightened their faces and shouted in unison.


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