After a while, Liya and the others returned to the ship.

Noah heard Liya say that she had seen the Lord of the Sea, and even described the Lord of the Sea's appearance.


Noah felt sick just thinking about it, and threw the picture out of his mind fiercely, and couldn't help but secretly praise his decision for being accurate.

If he hadn't sent someone to deal with them first, his eyes would have been poisoned.

The other women couldn't help but feel sick when they heard about the ghost ship Flying Dutchman. However, when they heard about the encounter with the ghost ship Flying Dutchman, they were somewhat interested.

However, Liya said that it was just a broken ship, and the captain was a fishman.

Even when Irene saw Vander Decken jump out to give orders, she was disappointed.

She thought she could see the legendary ghosts.

Well... the most important thing is to try how it feels to chop ghosts.

Roland said,"The Flying Dutchman is really sturdy. It can still sail in the sea after hundreds of years. It can't be made by the treasure tree Adam." The three women looked at each other and shook their heads, saying that they didn't know how to distinguish Adam wood.

As we were talking, Fishman Island was right in front of us.

"Ah, it's just a dream island!"

Joanna exclaimed with her head raised.

Michelle also nodded, admiring the Fishman Island with an intoxicated look.

The entire Fishman Island is an island wrapped in bubbles.

Under this ten thousand meter deep sea, there is the sunshine brought by the sun tree Eve, and even in the bubble, you can vaguely see white clouds on the island.

It's like a paradise!

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of Fishman Island, Noah and others saw a group of mermaids and fishmen guarding the door.

Seeing this, Shanks hurriedly called his crew over, stood at the bow, smiled and waved his hand and shouted:

"Hey! King Neptune, it's me! Shanks!"

It turned out that the tall mermaid standing in the front was the king of Fish-Man Island - Neptune.

Neptune narrowed his eyes and asked the mermaid beside him with a little respect:"Charlie, could it be him?"

Don't blame Neptune for asking too much, Shanks reminded him of Roger.

More than ten years ago, Roger also came like him, and he accidentally regarded Roger as the enemy who destroyed the gate in the prophecy.

Charlie shook her head and said:"I don't know, I just know that someone very important to Fish-Man Island is coming today, and I must make friends with him!"

Charlie's mind was also a little confused. This was the most vague prophecy she had made hundreds of times. It even predicted the date and the scene of the entrance to Fish-Man Island. In addition, there was a message telling her that today she would welcome a very noble person to Fish-Man Island.

This was different from the previous prophecy.

Neptune scratched his head, turned around and changed his face in an instant, and greeted him with a smile:"Who was I thinking? It turned out to be the little guy next to Roger!"

"I didn't expect that I'm already that old. Time flies. It seems like yesterday when I met Roger!"

Shanks couldn't help but fall into memories, but he quickly came to his senses and asked curiously:

"King Neptune, who are you welcoming?"

Neptune hesitated for a long time, and finally told Shanks about Shirley's prophecy.

"Charlie was talking about this time today. You should know that her predictions have never been wrong. I just don’t know if it’s you or that ship."

After hearing this, Shanks immediately determined that Neptune and others were waiting for Noah.

There was no way, he knew his own business.

He was just an ordinary Celestial Dragon who was lost outside. He was definitely not a distinguished guest for Fishman Island.

On the contrary, Shanks always felt that Noah was very mysterious. He was young and powerful, and he didn’t know what ambition he had to roam the sea.

Shanks thought for a moment and smiled,"That ship is my friend, the Noah who killed the Golden Lion, beat up the Celestial Dragons, and beat up that old monster Garp."

Neptune was shocked when he heard this. Just based on Noah's record, it was worth it for him to come out to greet him even without the prophecy.

As a person of the older generation, who doesn't know the value of Golden Lion and Garp?

"That [Legendary Hunter] Noah?"

Shanks nodded and said,"And I think he is the one you are looking for."

Shanks had no intention of impersonating someone else or hiding his guesses.

After all, he was very happy that his friend could gain the friendship of Fish-Man Island.

Neptune thought it was very likely and walked up to him and said politely,"Hello, Sir Noah. I am the king of Fish-Man Island. You can call me Neptune. Welcome to Fish-Man Island."

Noah did not eavesdrop on the conversation between Shanks and the others. Seeing that Neptune was polite to him, he guessed that he had learned about his achievements from Shanks.

The information on Fish-Man Island is relatively closed. After all, it is in the deep sea, and the seagulls reporting the news cannot get in at all.

Noah smiled and nodded,"You're welcome, Neptune. Let's go in first."

Neptune also smiled and nodded, and asked someone to clear the way for Noah, Shanks and others to enter the island.

Leah chuckled and said,"It seems that our Lord Noah has a great reputation and record, and he can even make the king of Fishman Island so polite to us."

Roland pondered and said,"Does the king of this country usually have to guard the gate?"

The women looked at each other and were speechless.

Noah was also a little confused after hearing this. Logically, Neptune should not appear in this place.

But soon the women were amazed by the colorful corals on the island and a group of mermaids in Mermaid Bay.

Even Noah couldn't help but look sideways when he saw this scene.

After getting on the island, everyone parked the boat and went ashore.

There is no water on the island, which is equivalent to being on land.

Neptune moved with the help of a circle of bubbles around his waist.

Along the way, Neptune introduced the characteristics of Fishman Island to the women and Noah.

"This area on our Fishman Island is for tourists, so there is no sea water."

"However, most of the remaining areas are filled with seawater, so if you want to play, you need to put on bubbles."

After Neptune introduced the distribution of the areas to the girls, he left a map of Fishman Island.

"Well, I will go back and prepare for today's banquet. Just come to our Dragon Palace at dinner time. I will arrange for someone to welcome Mr. Noah and you."

Neptune said with a smile, and the girls could not see any kingly demeanor in him.

Shanks said with envy and jealousy:"King Neptune, Captain Roger had such a good relationship with you before, but I never saw you so enthusiastic."

Neptune said with a dark face:"When did I not prepare a banquet for that bastard Roger when he came!"

"You always finish my fine wine from the Dragon Palace, and you still have the nerve to say that!"

Shanks smiled awkwardly after hearing this, obviously knowing his captain's personality, he would never pay for something for free, he was very thick-skinned, and never lost when he drank for free.

"Then we will go too, okay? We are Noah's good friends!"

Shanks pointed at himself and grinned.

Neptune thought about it hesitantly, and finally gritted his teeth and said,"Come on! My Dragon Palace can't lack a sip of wine from you!"

With that, Neptune led his people away quickly, fearing that he would regret it.

Shanks made a"yeah" gesture to his friends, and he smiled so hard that even his back teeth could be seen.


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