I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 97 Perseus Attacks Athens

The second day back to the Athenian tribe.

When Roy came to the villages of Par and Pendelli, where the Eleusinians lived, he saw that these two villages had been surrounded by five-meter-high cement walls, like a small city independent of the city of Athens.

On the road that serves as the dividing line between the two villages, there stands the gate leading in and out of the two villages.

In the open space outside the high cement wall, Aries was leading the teenagers who followed Roy and three hundred Eleusinian soldiers, conducting combat training with wooden spears.

Seeing Roy's figure, Aries immediately widened his eyes, as if he thought he was hallucinating.


After Roy called his name, Aries came back to his senses and ran to Roy excitedly and said.

"Master Priest, you are finally back. If you don't come back, my companions and I will not know where to go."

After hearing Aries' words, Roy realized that it was really time for him to have a wife and children.

If Roy has a wife and children, let alone Roy not coming back for a long time, even if Roy really dies outside, Aries and the others, as Roy's followers, can continue to be loyal to Roy's wife and children.

Legend has it that Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, left his hometown for twenty years to participate in the Trojan War.

Even after Odysseus left for twenty years, his throne was not taken away because Odysseus' father and wife guarded the throne for him.

Now Roy is alone. If anything happens to Roy, Roy's followers will lose their loyalty.

So even if Roy loses news for just a few days, it will leave followers confused and uneasy.

Thinking of this, Roy stretched out his right hand and patted Aries on the shoulder.

"Aries! If you encounter this kind of situation in the future where you can't find me in a short period of time, you should regard Princess Procne as your object of loyalty. Don't let your companions lose their loyalty."

Aries immediately opened his eyes in surprise and joy and said.

"Master Priest, you will marry Princess Procne - will Princess Procne become your wife?"

Although Harmonia is Loy's first fiancée, Aries and the others are Athenians.

Harmonia is from Thebes. If Roy asked these Athenian teenagers to regard Harmonia as a target of loyalty, they might not be able to accept it.

If any of them regarded Roy as a traitor to the Athenian tribe and told Pandion about Roy's relationship with Harmonia, things would develop out of control.

So Roy could only use Procne to make these followers loyal to Procne as his wife.

Looking at Aries' expression, Roy nodded and said.

"In order for you to follow me with peace of mind, I will ask Chief Pandion to marry Princess Procne. Even if there is no news from me for a long time, or even if something happens to me, Procne will take care of you on my behalf. These followers.”

"Then...can I tell everyone the good news?"

"Not yet!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"This matter is related to Princess Procne's reputation. You must keep it a secret before I make an engagement with Princess Procne."

After Aries nodded heavily, Roy changed the subject and asked.

"How are these Eleusinian soldiers trained?"

"They already have a certain amount of combat power!"

Aries turned to look at the three hundred Eleusinian soldiers and said.

"Many of these people were originally tribal soldiers of the Eleusis tribe. After our training, these people have the combat power of ordinary soldiers. But the leader of Pandion still cannot trust the Eleusis people, so the Eleusis people Soldiers can only use wooden spears, not bronze war spears, and they cannot be equipped with paper armor."

After answering, Aries said happily.

"Master Priest! Originally, the two Eleusinian villages were managed by the Master Priest and Princess Procne respectively. When the Master Priest married Princess Procne, the Eleusisians and the three hundred Eleusinians The soldiers are all under the control of the priest."

If he hadn't met Harmonia, Roy might have had the same reaction as Aries now.

But now, by marrying Harmonia, Roy can rule the tens of thousands of people and thousands of soldiers of the Thebes tribe, sitting on the fertile plains, rich mountains and forests, and copper and iron mines.

Marrying Procne would give him a population of 1,500 and 150 soldiers, which could no longer make Roy's heart fluctuate.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang--

Just as Roy was about to pass through the city gate and check out the small city of Eleusis, which was composed of two Eleusinian villages, a loud and rapid sound of bronze being struck suddenly sounded from the Acropolis in the distance.

Aries' face immediately changed, and he said to Roy anxiously.

"Master Priest, this is the alarm sound of the Athenian tribe facing war. We must go to the war immediately."

"The Athenian tribe now has a population of tens of thousands and is already the most powerful tribe on the Attica Peninsula. Which force would be crazy enough to launch a war against the Athenian tribe?"

Roy looked in the direction of the Acropolis, and the face of Perseus appeared in his mind.

Now only the Mycenaeans who conquered the Argos region had both the strength to attack the Athenian tribes and the ambition to conquer the Athenian tribes.

"Are they really Mycenaeans? Perseus left the Athenian tribe yesterday and led the Mycenaeans to attack the Athenian tribe today. This did not give the Athenian tribe any time to respond to the war."

Guessing that the enemy attacking the Athenian tribe was Perseus, Roy clenched his bronze spear in his right hand and turned to Aries to order.

"Aries! Now you go and order the Eleusinian soldiers to guard their village. You and other companions put on paper armor and take bronze spears to follow me to participate in the war."

After Aries nodded, he immediately took action.

After Roy rushed back to the Athenian tribe with fifty fully armed teenagers, the three hundred Eleusinian soldiers were divided into two groups to guard the west gate and east gate of the small city of Eleusis.

Now not only the two villages of the Eleusinians are surrounded by cement walls, turning into a small city of Eleusis.

The Athenian tribe is also surrounded by cement walls, turning into a city of Athens that can accommodate 20,000 people.

Roy rushed to the west gate of Athens with fifty teenagers, and saw Pandion with eight hundred soldiers, fighting with the invaders with their backs against the gate.

The invaders who attacked the city of Athens were indeed Mycenaeans.

Because one of the three leaders of the invaders was Perseus, and the other two leaders were two middle-aged men of the same age as Pandion, and their faces were somewhat similar to Perseus.

"Is that Perseus' father and uncle?"

Because the faces of the two middle-aged leaders were similar to Perseus, and they both looked at Perseus with concern, so Roy couldn't tell which one of them was Perseus' father and which one was Perseus' uncle.

"Why did Perseus' uncle care about Perseus like his son? Is there some secret relationship between Perseus' uncle and his mother Danae?"

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