I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 86 Melanius, the leader of Ocharia

Although the Theban tribe was not a coastal tribe, the Theban tribe also had boats.

Because the Theban tribe was stationed in the south, which was the Asopas River that entered the Aegean Sea from west to east.

The Theban tribe's ships were all small fishing boats and cargo ships, and there were no large cargo ships or large warships that could accommodate thirty sailors.

When the sun rises from the east.

Loy and Harmonia, with two hundred and fifty Phoenicians and fifty Thebans, sailed down the river Asopas in thirty boats to the island of Eubia.

It's noon.

Loy and Harmonia led the fleet to the port of Okalia in the middle of Eubia Island.

The port of Okalia belongs to the Okalia tribe, the largest tribe on Yuba Island.

A fleet of three hundred men entered the port and immediately alerted the Okalia tribe.

As soon as Loy and Harmonia brought the Phoenicians ashore, Melanius, the leader of the Okalia tribe, hurried over with three hundred tribal warriors.

After the confrontation between the two sides at the port, Harmonia stepped forward and said.

"Chief Melanius, don't you recognize me anymore?"

"Priest of Harmonia——"

The leader of the Okalia tribe, Melanius, was a strong man about thirty years old. When he saw Harmonia, Melanius immediately asked the tribe soldiers behind him to put down their weapons, and then walked towards Harmonia. Ya said.

"I thought there was a foreign invasion! Harmonian priest, why did you bring so many people to our Okalia tribe?"

Harmonia did not answer Melanius' question, but looked at Roy and said.

"Chief Melanius, now I want to introduce you to a very important person. This is my fiancé Roy. After we get married, he will replace me as the leader of the Thebes tribe."

Roy walked to Harmonia, smiled at Melanius and said.

"Chief Melanius, let me answer the question you just asked. We came to the Okalia tribe because there is a copper mine on Ubia Island. This copper mine is in the territory of your Okalia tribe. "We came to the Okalia tribe not only to mine copper, but also to bring your Okalia tribe under our rule. Are you willing to hand over your identity and power as the leader?"

The Okalia tribe is also a large tribe with a population of three thousand.

As the leader of the Okalia tribe, Melanius is not as famous as Cadmus, Perseus, and Pandion, but he is also a hero at the level of the founder of the city.

After hearing Roy saying that he wanted to seize the dominance of the Okalia tribe, Melanius immediately looked at Harmonia with a solemn expression and said.

"Priest Harmonia, does your fiancé also mean what you mean?"

"Melanius, who do you think I am?"

Harmonia glared angrily at Melanius and shouted.

"Even if I am a priest who serves the gods and the leader of the Thebes tribe, I am also an ordinary woman. Of course I will serve my husband like I serve the gods. You should not ask such stupid questions at all, as long as Whatever my future husband wants to do, I will fully support him.”

Seeing Harmonia's firm support for Roy, Melanius raised the bronze war spear in his hand and said.

"Priest of Harmonia! Although we Eubiians are descendants of immigrants from Thebes and worship the earth goddess Mnemosyne just like our ancestors. But I won't do it because you are a priest of the goddess Mnemosyne. , I will hand over the identity and power of the leader to you.”

Melanius's reaction was completely expected.

If he handed over the identity and power of the leader because of Harmonia's words, such a mediocre person would not be able to become the leader of the Okalia tribe.

Melanius refused to surrender the identity and power of the leader. All two hundred and fifty Phoenicians immediately prepared for battle, and the tribal soldiers behind Melanius also raised their wooden spears again.

Seeing that the war between the two sides was about to break out, Roy raised his bronze war spear, pointed the spear blade at Melanius and said.

"Melanius! The Thebans and Eubias have the same ancestors, so I don't want ordinary soldiers to kill each other. Now I invite you to a duel. As long as you can defeat me, you can continue to serve as the Russian The leader of the Kaliya tribe. If you lose to me, you will hand over your identity and power as a leader and become a vassal of me and Harmonia."


Harmonia said worriedly when she heard Roy inviting Melanius to a duel.

"Although Melanius has not been blessed by the gods, he is still a hero [An Enemy of One Hundred], so let me duel with him on your behalf!"

"Don't you have confidence in your man?"

Roy pretended to be dissatisfied, pressed Harmonia's cute little nose with his left index finger and said.

"When I really lose to Melanius, you can defeat him for me."

At this time, Melanius was hesitating whether to have a duel with Roy.

As Roy said, the Thebans and the Ubias have the same ancestors, so the relationship between Thebes and the Ubias has always been as close as one family.

Legend has it that the charioteer of King Laius of Thebes was a Ubea.

You must know that in this era, the king's charioteer is an important position that can affect the king's life and death. Many kings have lost their lives because of the betrayal of their charioteers.

Therefore, only the king's most trusted friends can become the king's charioteers.

King Laius of Thebes made the Uobians their charioteers, which shows the Thebans' trust in the Uobians.

Later, King Laius of Thebes was indeed beaten to death by Oedipus who did not know their identity because his chariot treated Oedipus roughly.

The Thebans and Eubiians were as close as one family, and Harmonia was a priest serving the earth goddess Mnemosyne.

If Melanius insists on going to war with Loy, I am afraid that many Yubians will be dissatisfied.

So Melanius finally nodded and said.

"Okay! I will duel with you. If I lose to you, it will prove that I am not qualified to continue to be the leader of the Okalia tribe."

After saying that, Melanius stepped towards Roy.

Roy also walked towards Melanius.

The two came to the same position. Melanius waved a spear in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, and asked Roy while attacking Roy.

"Young man, don't you use a shield? You are the fiancé of the Harmonian priest. I don't want to seriously hurt your body."

Roy laughed as he easily dodged Melanius' attack.

"Melanius, you can rest assured that you can use all your strength, because you can't hurt me even if you use all your strength."


Melanius roared angrily and swung his spear at hero-level speed to stab Roy.

But Roy seemed to predict Melanius's attacks in advance and was always able to dodge Melanius's attacks with ease.

Melanius said in disbelief as his attacks were dodged by Roy again and again.

"Are you actually a young hero?"

"If I don't have the strength of a hero [Hundred Enemies], how can I be qualified to be the husband of Harmonia and the leader of the Thebes tribe?"

While speaking, Roy finally fought back and swung his war spear to stab Melanius in the neck.

Thanks to book friend Qi Guogong Lu Shang for the reward of 100 points!

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