I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 82: Can be big or small, change as you wish

Under the witness of the goddess Mnemosyne, Loy and Harmonia made a sacred marriage contract.

Roy is now Harmonia's fiancé, and Harmonia is also Roy's fiancée.

As long as two people hold a formal wedding, they can become a real couple.

After Roy stood up with Harmonia in his arms, the goddess Mnemosyne suddenly said.

"Harmonia! I have something to talk to Roy. You should leave here first and prohibit others from entering the woods."


Although she was curious about what the goddess Mnemosyne wanted to talk to Roy, Harmonia did not express her curiosity.

After Harmonia turned around and left, Mnemosyne took the initiative to speak to Roy.

"Can you guess what I want to talk to you about?"

Looking up at Mnemosyne sitting on the altar, Roy said with a smile.

"Goddess Mnemosyne! Actually, I'm not used to looking up at you. Can you make yourself smaller?"

Hearing Roy's words, Mnemosyne said with an angry expression.

"How dare you make such a request to me? Don't you have any fear of the gods in your heart?"

"In front of the goddess Metis whom I serve, I will be as reverent as an employee facing my boss, but you are not the goddess I serve. Even if other people's bosses are richer than mine, I will not be in awe of other people's bosses. . In the same way, even if you are an older and more powerful goddess than Metis, as long as you are not the goddess I serve, there is no need for me to be in awe of you, because in my opinion, gods only have powerful power. Higher life forms. Even if they have incredible power and divine power, gods are not out of the realm of life. They are essentially the same as humans."

"You are such a strange human being."

Mnemosyne, who was pretending to be angry, said with a faint smile.

"In the thousands of years I have been protecting the Thebans, I have come into contact with thousands of people. Even if I didn't ask, those humans would respect me and worship me. This is the first time I have met someone like you. , who thinks that gods and humans are essentially the same. If other gods heard what you just said, they would definitely punish you for blaspheming the gods."

"I dare to say these words in front of you because I know that you are a kind and kind goddess."

Roy said with a sincere expression.

"Even in front of the goddess Metis whom I serve, I never expressed my true thoughts."

"Your words sound like the sweet talk a human man would say to a human girl."

As he spoke, Mnemosyne stood up from the altar.

Then Mnemosyne looked down at Loy and said.

"Since you think my figure is too huge, is it okay for me to look like this?"

After saying that, Mnemosyne's huge figure, which was ten meters tall, shrank to a height of five meters at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Mnemosyne transformed, the black dress she wore and the golden strappy sandals on her little feet also shrank.

Although Mnemosyne became about five meters tall, Roy still had to look up at her.

"Mnemosyne, please become smaller."

Mnemosyne's figure shrank again, becoming about two meters tall.

"Get smaller!"

At Roy's request, Mnemosyne's figure shrank again, turning into that of a girl of about eighteen years old.

At this time, Mnemosyne was already shorter than Roy, but Roy still spoke subconsciously.

"Get smaller!"

Mnemosyne had a displeased expression on her face, but she shrank her figure again and transformed into the figure of a girl about sixteen years old.

After the transformation was completed, Mnemosyne took the initiative to speak.

"Isn't this okay? If I continue to grow smaller, I will become a child who has not grown up in the eyes of humans."

Seeing that Mnemosyne was about to get angry, Roy hurriedly explained.

"Okay! In fact, your height just now met my requirements, but I subconsciously asked you to be smaller."

Hearing Roy's words, Mnemosyne's body flew backwards, sat down on the altar again and said.

"Then let's get down to business now!"

Roy stared at Mnemosyne on the altar with wide eyes, and his heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate.

When Mnemosyne appeared in a huge figure ten meters tall, even though she was an incredibly beautiful goddess, Roy had no other thoughts.

Now Mnemosyne has transformed into a girl of about sixteen years old. Looking at her delicate and perfect face and cute figure, Roy suddenly felt the same emotion as when he faced the goddess Metis.

"What are you doing?"

After hearing Mnemosyne's dissatisfied question, Roy came back to his senses and said.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, you are so beautiful that I lose my mind."


When Roy praised her beauty, Mnemosyne pretended to be dissatisfied and snorted, and then said coldly.

"Don't you realize that you're going to die?"

"Am I going to die?"

Seeing the confusion on Roy's face, Mnemosyne continued.

"Even though I am not a human, I know that among humans, only the truly strong can dominate beautiful women and become the leader or king of a region. Now you are about to become Harmonia's husband and the leader of the Theban tribe. You want to rule not only the Theban region, but also Eubia Island and the Attica Peninsula. But do you think that with your strength, you can defeat other strong men and keep the beautiful women and territories you own?"

Faced with Mnemosyne's soul-searching question, Roy frowned and said.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, I admit that I don't have enough strength now. Are you saying these words to make me give up Harmonia on my own initiative?"


Mnemosyne shook her head and said.

"If I wanted to stop you from being with Harmonia, I would have ordered Harmonia as a god just now to let her give up the idea of ​​marrying you. I made you realize the insufficiency of your own strength because I want to give you my blessing and improve your strength."

Roy immediately asked with a bright look in his eyes.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, what kind of blessing will you give me?"

"If you want to understand what blessing I give you, then you should experience it yourself!"

Mnemosyne jumped down from the stone on top of the altar and pulled up the two wooden spears on both sides of the altar.

After throwing a wooden spear to Roy, Mnemosyne raised the other wooden spear in her right hand and said.

"Roy! Now I will use this wooden spear to attack you and verify your strength."

After that, Mnemosyne waved the wooden spear and stabbed Roy.

Although Mnemosyne did not use the speed of the gods, her speed was still so fast that Roy had no time to react.

After the blade of Mnemosyne's wooden spear was against Roy's neck, Mnemosyne said disappointedly.

"Sure enough! Although you have the potential to grow into a hero [Enemy of Hundreds], you have not yet transformed your potential into strength."

Roy said somewhat unconvinced.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, I have been a priestess of Goddess Metis for less than a month. A month ago, I was just an ordinary person. Could it be that because I have divine power, I can become a hero [a hundred enemies] in less than a month?"

Thanks to the book friend Wanshibuqiuren for rewarding 251 points!

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you for all the support from the book friends.

In the new year, I will continue to ask for follow-up reading, follow-up reading, and follow-up reading!

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