I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 76: Offering sacrifices to two goddesses at the same time

"Priest Roy, I will let the Thebans serve as apprentices and learn bronze smelting and shipbuilding techniques from the craftsmen. Do you have any objection?"


"From now on, half of the bronze utensils produced on Ubiah Island will belong to me and half to you. Do you agree to this distribution?"

"I agree! Not only the bronze utensils, but also the iron utensils we make in the future can also be distributed according to this proportion."

After Harmonia got the answer that satisfied her, she immediately returned to the Thebes tribe.

Not long after, a group of Thebans brought food, clay pots for water, and bronze tripods for cooking to Loy and the Phoenicians.

The Phoenicians, who had been hungry, immediately began to collect firewood for cooking.

Roy sat next to the altar of the goddess Mnemosyne and murmured while looking at the busy Phoenicians.

"Can I surpass Cadmus and become a leader more worthy of their loyalty than Cadmus?"

Now that he has become the leader of the Phoenicians, Roy can't help but compare himself with Cadmus.

Although Roy has wisdom and vision beyond this era, Roy's force is far inferior to Cadmus.

"After receiving the divine power given by the goddess Metis, although I have the potential to become a hero [Hundred Enemies], my strength is growing too slowly. Is there any way that I can do it without having to put in time and effort? Do you have the strength of a hero [Hundred Enemies]?”

"Priest Roy!"

The Phoenician named Taurus by Roy walked up to Roy and said.

"My companions and I have regained our freedom. Although you saved us, we still want to follow tradition and hold a sacrificial ceremony to thank the gods for their help."

You guys know that I saved you, but you still want to thank the gods for their help?

Do you think I am following the will of the gods to save you?

Roy said after complaining in his mind.

"Since it is your tradition, then you should hold a sacrificial ceremony to thank the gods!"

Taurus said with a hesitant expression.

"But we don't know whether we should sacrifice to the goddess Aphrodite or the local goddess Mnemosyne. The failure of the goddess Aphrodite to help us defeat the Thebans proves In the area of ​​Thebes, the goddess Mnemosyne has more powerful divine power. I hope you, as the leader, can tell us whether we should sacrifice to the goddess Aphrodite or to the goddess Mnemosyne. "

"There is a saying that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, the one that can catch mice is a good cat. Since you don't know which goddess to sacrifice to, then sacrifice to two goddesses at the same time. Which goddess is willing to accept you Sacrifice, which goddess you will enshrine as your patron saint from now on.”

Hearing Roy's words, Taurus widened his eyes in horror and said.

"Priest Roy, if we offer sacrifices to two goddesses at the same time, won't we offend both goddesses at the same time?"

"So what if you offend two goddesses at the same time? Now that you have lost the protection of goddess Aphrodite, you will not lose anything even if you offend two goddesses at the same time."

Unable to think of a reason to refute Roy, Taurus nodded blankly and said.

"You are our leader. Since you said you want to sacrifice to the two goddesses at the same time, let's do it!"

After saying that, Taurus turned and left from Roy.

About half an hour later.

Taurus and fifteen Phoenicians brought a lively sika deer to Roy.

"Priest Roy, this is the sacrifice we caught in the woods. Now please kill the sacrifice and perform a sacrificial ceremony."

Looking at the very cute sika deer, Roy felt a little sympathy in his heart.

But Roy was both a priest of the gods and the leader of the Phoenicians, and it was indeed Roy's responsibility to slaughter the sacrifices.

Moreover, slaughtering the sacrifices is not only a responsibility, but also a power that belongs to Roy. Of course, Roy cannot give up this power that belongs to the priests and leaders to others.

So Roy stood up, walked to Taurus, and took the knife used to slaughter the sacrifice from Taurus's hand.

"Now that we have sacrifices, let's use the altar in front of us to perform a sacrificial ceremony to the goddess Aphrodite and the goddess Mnemosyne."

After Roy finished speaking, Taurus immediately called out to other companions and asked all the Phoenicians to gather over.

When all the Phoenicians gathered around the altar, Roy held the neck of the sacrificial sika deer with his left hand, raised the knife with his right hand and said.

"The goddess Mnemosyne is both the goddess of the earth and the goddess of springs who is responsible for the water of life. Therefore, we sacrifice the goddess Mnemosyne with the blood that symbolizes life to please the goddess Mnemosyne. Aphrodite The goddess of war is the goddess of the sky and the queen of the battlefield, so we can also please the goddess Aphrodite with blood sacrifices. Dear goddess Mnemosyne! Now! On behalf of my companions, I sincerely offer sacrifices to you, hoping that you can protect each of my companions."

After saying that, Roy waved the knife with his right hand and directly chopped off the head of the sacrificial sika deer.

The sacrificial sika deer fell to the ground, and the blood flowing from its body poured into the ground.

Seeing this scene, Roy and the Phoenicians all held their breath and waited for the goddess to arrive.

A figure blooming with golden divine light suddenly descended from the sky and landed on the stone on top of the altar. It was the goddess Aphrodite with a pair of white divine wings behind her.

The beautiful blonde goddess glanced at Roy and the others with her green eyes, and then said expressionlessly.

"It's you, a priest who serves other gods, who is offering sacrifices to me. What a waste of my precious time."

After saying that, goddess Aphrodite flapped her wings and turned into a golden streamer and flew to the east.

Although Roy witnessed the arrival and departure of Aphrodite, the Phoenicians could not see the goddess they had always worshipped in the past.

I didn't expect that the weight of two hundred and fifty Phoenicians in Aphrodite's heart was not as important as Cadmus alone.

Seeing that Aphrodite didn't care about ordinary Phoenicians, Roy whispered.

"This is the patron saint of the city-state! As long as there is royal support, even if there is no believer, the god can get the throne of the patron saint, so the patron saint of the city-state doesn't care about ordinary believers at all."

Just when Roy was about to tell the Phoenicians that they had been completely abandoned by goddess Aphrodite, the figure of goddess Mnemosyne walked down Mount Helicon.

Seeing the goddess Mnemosyne walking on the water of the ancient spring of Dirk to the front of the altar and sitting on the stone on the top of the altar to accept the sacrifice, Roy couldn't help but say.

"Goddess Mnemosyne, are you willing to accept these Phoenicians and protect them like the Thebans?"

Sitting on the altar, Mnemosyne looked at Roy, then looked at the Phoenicians around her with her beautiful golden eyes and said,

"These people are destined to stay in my territory and become my new people. You are a priest serving other gods. It is precisely to accept these Phoenicians that I will accept the sacrifice ceremony you hold."

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