I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 72 Aphrodite's Blessing

After hearing the words of the goddess Mnemosyne, Roy immediately felt it and found that there was indeed a divine power in his body that was beyond his control.

As Roy's consciousness came into contact with this uncontrollable divine power, a stream of information flooded into Roy's mind.


Age: twenty years old

Blessed by gods: Metis’s blessing [wisdom improvement], Aphrodite’s blessing [charm improvement]

Strength Level: Hero [Hundred Enemies]

"Aphrodite's blessing...charm boost?"

Roy murmured with a dumbfounded expression.

"Is this why Harmonia suddenly fell in love with me?"

After hearing Loy's soliloquy, Harmonia asked Mnemosyne.

"Mnemosyne, what on earth is going on?"

"The Cadmus who fought you yesterday was the favorite of another goddess, Aphrodite."

Mnemosyne looked at Roy and said.

"Although Aphrodite is essentially a goddess of war with sky attributes, she obtained the godhead of love from other goddesses. Roy's interference not only allowed you to turn defeat into victory and kill Cadmus, but also allowed Aphrodite You completely lost to me. In order to take revenge on Roy, Aphrodite gave Roy the blessing of the goddess of love, making it easier for girls like you to like Roy to fall in love with him."

"Do I have a crush on Priest Roy?"

"Yesterday he saved you when you were in the most danger and changed the fate of the Thebes tribe being conquered by the invaders. Isn't it normal that you have a good impression of him?"

Harmonia nodded shyly and said.

"I suddenly fell in love with Priest Roy. It seems that it was really because I was grateful for his kindness in saving me and the Thebes tribe, and I had a good impression of him."

Then, Harmonia turned to look at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy! Although I have returned to normal now, I am still willing to keep my promise. Are you willing to propose to me in the presence of the goddess Mnemosyne?"

Before Harmonia returned to normal, she actively wanted to marry Roy.

Now that Harmonia is back to normal, her attitude has changed to wanting Roy to propose to her.

Roy came back to his senses, shook his head at Harmonia and said.

"Priest Harmonia, since you fell in love with me and proposed the marriage agreement to me because of Aphrodite's blessing, now that you have returned to normal, our marriage agreement will naturally be invalidated."

"You don't want to marry me?"

She didn't expect Roy to give up the opportunity to marry her, Harmonia said in surprise.

"To be honest... I am very confident in my beauty and figure, and I am also the priest and leader of the Thebes tribe. As long as you marry me, you can become the leader of the strongest tribe in Thebes. Luo Yi Priest! Are you giving up the chance to marry me because you already have a girl you like?"

Roy shook his head.

Because what he loves is not a human girl, but a goddess with the same identity as Mnemosyne,

Mnemosyne then stood up from the altar and said.

"Now that your matters have been resolved, it's time for me to go back."

After saying this, Mnemosyne turned and walked towards the peak of Mount Helicon.

Seeing Mnemosyne ascending the mountain road and Harmonia still looking in the direction Mnemosyne left, Roy understood that Harmonia could no longer see Mnemosyne. .

"I am indeed different from others! Harmonia is the priest of the goddess Mnemosyne, and no one can see the figure of the goddess Mnemosyne after she is far away from her. And I could see Mnemosyne until she left my sight."

When the figure of the goddess Mnemosyne disappeared from the snow-capped peak of Mount Helicon, and seeing Harmonia still looking at the direction in which Mnemosyne left, Roy took the initiative to remind her.

"The Harmonian priest, the goddess Mnemosyne has returned to the summit of Mount Helicon."

Harmonia looked at Roy with wide eyes in shock and said.

"Priest Roy, can you see the form of the god? Could it be that other priests can see the form of the god, but I am the only one who cannot see the form of the god because I have only been a priest for a year?"

"I...I guessed based on my feeling!"

Roy explained in a panic.

"I can no longer feel the fluctuations of the goddess Mnemosyne's divine power nearby, so I guess the goddess Mnemosyne has returned to the peak of Mount Helicon."

"Can we human priests sense the fluctuations of the gods' power?"

Just when Roy's lie was about to be exposed, Harmonia took the initiative to change the subject.

"Priest Roy, let's go back to the Thebes tribe and let me entertain you again!"


Roy hurriedly agreed and followed Harmonia back to the Thebes tribe.

Theban tribe.

Palace of Harmonia.

In the spacious and bright stone hall.

Roy and Harmonia sat opposite each other at a stone table, and the maids quickly brought sumptuous food and wine to the stone table.

Harmonia smiled shyly while pouring wine for Roy.

"Priest Roy, actually when I was with you yesterday, all I could think about was how to marry you. Now I want to solemnly treat you as the benefactor who saved me and our Thebes tribe."

Roy and Harmonia looked at each other, and seeing Harmonia's eyes filled with gratitude to him, Roy couldn't help but say.

"Priest Harmonia, are you willing to become allies of the Theban tribe with our Athenian tribe? I can teach you all kinds of advanced technologies and help the Theban tribe enter the city-state civilization. To prove my ability, I can now teach you how to make night lighting tools-candles."

Seeing Roy's eager expression, Harmonia smiled and said.

"I am very interested in the candles you mentioned. How to make candles?"

"The candles I mentioned are made of animal fat as the main material-"

Roy told Harmonia the specific method of making candles, and then Harmonia ordered her maids to make candles according to Roy's method.

After the maids went to make candles, Harmonia asked curiously.

"Priest Roy, there is no such thing as getting something for nothing in the world. What do you want from our Theban tribe?"

"I want food, copper and iron ore."

The Attica Peninsula where the Athenian tribe is located is barren, and the food produced is not enough to feed the population.

Although the Attica Peninsula has many mountains, it has neither copper nor iron mines except for a silver mine.

Unlike the Attica Peninsula, which has poor land and no copper or iron mines, the Theban region has fertile plains irrigated by lakes and rivers. Mount Helicon is a rich mountain suitable for grazing cattle and sheep. There are iron mines in the north of the Theban region, and in the east of the Theban region, on the island of Eubia where Theban immigrants live, there are both copper and iron mines.

"Priest Harmonia! The Theban region has fertile plains and metal mines that can be used to smelt weapons. I hope that your Theban tribe can sell the excess food to the Athenian tribe and mine metal mines with the Athenian tribe."

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