I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 68 Harmonia's Abnormality

Cadmus turned out to be the victim of the attack——

Knowing this fact, Roy did not feel guilty about Cadmus' death.

After all, Cadmus' identity is a foreign invader. If Harmonia had not taken the initiative to attack Cadmus, it would have been Cadmus's tribe that took the initiative to attack Harmonia.

As a qualified tribal leader, Harmonia made the right decision to attack Cadmus preemptively.

It's a pity that Harmonia underestimated Cadmus' strength and overestimated her own strength.

Without Loy's intervention, Harmonia would have lost to Cadmus and become his prisoner and trophy.

Cadmus, who became the victor, would also use Harmonia to control her tribe.

Roy came back to his senses and met Harmonia's eyes again.

Harmonia said with a blushing face.

"Please help me up!"

Roy immediately hugged Harmonia with his left hand and helped Harmonia stand up.


Harmonia said with wide eyes shyly.

"I asked you to help me up, not you to hold me up."

Roy immediately retracted his hands and said.

"I'm sorry... I just wanted to help you up. I didn't mean to offend you."

Harmonia turned her head to the other side and said.

"When I was about to lose to the foreigner, you helped me kill the foreigner. Not only did you save me, but you also saved our Theban tribe. Even if you deliberately offended me, I am willing to forgive you."

After hearing what Harmonia said, Roy said with confusion.

"Why has your attitude towards me changed so drastically? You were very wary of me before you fell into coma. Now you-"

"I don't know what's going on!"

Harmonia said with her back to Roy.

"When I woke up and saw your face, I had an inexplicable feeling in my heart, which made me feel like I was no longer myself."

After explaining her situation, Harmonia turned around, looked at Roy with a red face and said.

"You are the benefactor who saved me and the Thebes tribe. I cannot turn my back to you rudely. Foreigner! Now let me formally introduce to you. You are now the Thebes tribe, the largest tribe in the Thebes region. , I am Harmonia, the priestess and leader of the Thebes tribe. I... I am seventeen years old and an unmarried girl. "

"You said you were only seventeen?"

Roy's eyes widened in shock, staring at the big and vicious thing under Harmonia's beautiful neck.

"I thought you were at least eighteen years old! If I didn't look at your face, I would have thought you were at least twenty years old."

"Don't keep staring at me, I can be shy too."

Harmonia said to Roy with a shy and proud smile.

"Foreigner, tell me your situation!"

"I'm not a foreigner!"

Seeing Harmonia's confused expression, Roy continued.

"Priest Harmonia, I am actually your neighbor. I come from the Athenian tribe on the Attica Peninsula. Like you, I am a priest who serves the gods. The foreigners you attacked are Phoenicians, and their leader His name is Cadmus. Cadmus and his soldiers first landed on the Attica Peninsula and made contact with our Athenian tribe, and then came to your area of ​​Thebes."

"Are you a priest of the Athenian tribe?"

Harmonia looked at Roy suspiciously and said.

"Although you have black hair and black eyes, your skin is not as white as the locals. You should be a foreigner from the East."

"It is true that I am a stranger from the far East, but I am also a priest of the Athenian tribe."

Roy said while looking at Harmonia's golden golden hair.

"Priest of Harmonia! If I am a foreigner and cannot become a priest of the Athenian tribe, then you are also a blond girl and should not be able to become the priest and leader of the black-haired and dark-eyed Thebans."

"Although I am not black-haired and black-eyed, I am a true Theban."

Harmonia said while holding her blond hair in her right hand.

"My father was the previous leader of the Theban tribe. I have blond hair and blue eyes because my mother is a Dorian woman with blond hair and blue eyes. I am a mixed-race child born to my father and a Dorian woman. This is Thebes Everyone in the Si tribe knows this, so everyone can accept me as a priest and leader."

To the north of the Thebes region is the Thessaly region where the blond nomads, the Dorians, live.

As the neighbors of the Dorians, the Thebans did have the opportunity to intermarry with the Dorians and give birth to mixed-race children.

"Chief of Harmonia! Let me formally introduce you, I am Roy, the priest of the Athenian tribe. I am twenty years old and an unmarried man. I come from the very far east, and the god I serve is the great The goddess Metis.”

This is not a blind date, so why should I introduce my age and marital status?

But Harmonia had already introduced her age and marital status, and Roy could only introduce his own situation in equal measure.

"You're not married yet?"

Harmonia said with her eyes widened in surprise.

"When a man reaches adulthood at sixteen, he must prepare for marriage. I thought you were already married, and even had several women. I didn't expect you to be unmarried as well."

Then, Harmonia said with a joyful smile.

"Priest Roy! You are the benefactor who saved me and the Theban tribe. Now I will go to deal with the affairs of the tribe, and then I will hold a grand banquet for you. Welcome to our Theban tribe."

After that, Harmonia left the stone house as if she was running away.

Looking at Harmonia's back, Roy murmured doubtfully.

"Harmonia didn't fall in love with me at first sight because I saved her, did she?"

In a blink of an eye, night fell.

A huge bonfire was lit in the open space outside Harmonia's palace to illuminate the surrounding space.

Thousands of Thebans gathered around the bonfire to participate in the feast to celebrate the defeat of foreign invaders.

This was indeed a grand banquet.

But the protagonist of this banquet was not Roy, but the patron saint of the Thebans, the earth goddess Mnemosyne.

The joyful Thebans sang and danced around the bonfire, thanking the goddess Mnemosyne for her grace and for helping them defeat the invaders.

Roy stood with Harmonia, feeling that his credit was taken away by the goddess Mnemosyne.

After all, if he hadn't intervened, the winners today would be Cadmus and Aphrodite.

Harmonia seemed to sense Roy's thoughts and said with a bright and sweet smile.

"Priest Roy! You are also a priest serving the gods. You should understand that the gods should be the most important protagonist in terms of form. When the ceremony dedicated to the goddess Mnemosyne is over, I will introduce you to the tribesmen and make you the real protagonist."

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