I was a priest in the city-state era

New book [Duke Knight and Witch]

First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. The last chapter was originally scheduled to be posted on Monday.

But because I didn't do it carefully, the content was blocked due to duplication.

As all the book friends know, I wrote this work to study the history and gods of ancient times.

But now that all the things I want to write are finished, the book will naturally be finished.

The first sentence of the new work is that the time setting is the early Middle Ages in 456.

So it is obvious that the new work is about medieval myths and magical fairy tales.

If the book friends are interested in my magical fairy tales and myths, I hope you can continue to support the new work.

Thank you for your continued support for this book.

Thank you for the book friends who like the history and myths of ancient times as much as I do.

Thank you very much.

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