I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 614 Xia Heng'e, the Most Beautiful Woman in the Three Realms

In ancient times, not only did Europa continent have a citizens' assembly, but China continent also had people discussing government affairs.

Just as the citizens' assembly is an occasion for nobles to strive for public support, the people's deliberation is also an occasion for princes and nobles to strive for public support.

Neither citizens nor countrymen have the power to elect officials or even remove them.

After Xia'e became Roy's tool, Roy held a national political discussion in Haiyang City.

Haiyang City Plaza.

There are citizen families of the Hai clan, and 3,000 people participated in this national discussion.

Roy and Xia E sat in the center of the square where the people of the country discussed politics and took the initiative to introduce it to the people of the country.

"My fellow countrymen! I am Emperor Luoyi who will become the co-lord of the world. The girl beside me is E, the daughter of Xia Houjie, the co-lord of the world. She will become my wife and inherit Xia Houjie's identity as the co-lord of the world. Under my rule, you can speak freely if you have any dissatisfaction with the policies of the Athenian Empire.”

Any dissatisfaction?

Under Loy's rule, ordinary families could own twenty acres of land, and Chinese families could own fifty acres of land.

Moreover, taxes and corvees are completely exempted——

Although Roy is a foreigner, Roy's rule is more than ten times better than that of the local princes and nobles.

Comparing it with the local princes and nobles, no one can express dissatisfaction.

No one in the world is a fool.

These Chinese people have absolutely no intention of driving away outsiders and letting the princes and nobles continue to exploit themselves.

Just when Roy thought no one wanted to express his opinion, an old man stood up and said.

"Emperor! Your policies are better than those of our own princes and nobles. I'm only worried about whether these policies will change overnight. You have just ruled us now, so you will naturally treat us better. When you wait in the future -"

The old man did not finish his sentence.

Roy said with a smile.

"I believe you all have such doubts, but I can assure you that the policies of the Athenian Empire will only make your life better and better. Because under the rule of the Athenian Empire, the officials in charge are not appointed or dismissed by me, but by me. It is up to you to elect and remove officials. If the officials you elect cannot make you live a better life, it is not my fault."

After hearing Roy's words, all the people in the country were in an uproar.

After all, this was an era when princes, generals and ministers were born with talent.

Tracing back to our ancestors, all princes and nobles are descendants of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Now Roy actually wants to break the tradition and let the common people control the appointment and dismissal of those in power——

Even Xia E, as Roy's fiancée, couldn't help but say.

"If you do this, will it cause chaos in the world?"

Roy shook his head without hesitation and said.

"Your father will lose to Cheng Tang because the Xia Kingdom is only the Xia Kingdom of Xia Jie, not the Xia Kingdom of the princes, nobles and people. Even if the monarch changes to another person, it will have no impact on the people. Cheng Tang's army only has 6,000 people , even if Xia Jie lost the Battle of Mingtiao, he should not lose the Xia Kingdom. The fact that the princes and nobles of the Xia Kingdom had no resistance to Chengtang who won the Battle of Mingtiao was the real reason for the defeat of Xia Jie. Become the master of the country and give them power and wealth that the princes and nobles can never give them. The people of the country will fight to the death to defend the Athenian Empire, because they are not fighting for me, but to keep their own power and wealth. "

Chengtang defeated Xia Jie at the Battle of Mingtiao, and immediately led his army to the west, and soon occupied the Xia capital, Zhenwei.

All the noble ministers of Xia State expressed their willingness to surrender to Chengtang.

After Chengtang appeased the subjects of Xia State, he held a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven in Zhenwu, showing to the subjects of Xia State that they were punishing the guilty Jie according to the will of God.

Maybe Chengtang will come and exploit the people of Xia Kingdom.

Didn't Xia Jie exploit the people of Xia State when he was there?

Being ruled by Cheng Tang was no different from being ruled by Xia Jie. Naturally, the princes, nobles and people had no reason to defend Xia Jie to the death.

The second day of the People's Political Consultative Conference.

Roy took Xia E and a large fleet of 5,000 people to Nanchao, which was ruled by Chao Kingdom.

Yangtze River waters.

The flagship of the Athenian fleet.

Roy stood on the bow of the boat admiring the scenery along the coast.

Xia E, standing next to Roy, had her long hair and sleeved skirt blown high by the wind.

Looking at this cute and charming girl, Roy couldn't help but think of the most beautiful woman in the Three Realms with the same name as her - Chang'e.

Chang'e's husband, Xia Houyi, was the king of a poor country and the sixth queen of Xia in the Xia Dynasty.

As the wife of Xia Houyi, Chang'e was of course also from the Xia Dynasty.

Chang'e, also known as Chang'e, flew to the moon because she secretly ate the elixir of life.

The Shang Dynasty hexagram book "Gui Zang" records the most original version of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon". However, "Gui Zang" has been lost for a long time, and only two Qin bamboo slips "Gui Zang·Gui Mei" remain.

It is recorded above that in the past, Chang'e stole Wu's [missing] and flew to the moon, but she seized [missing].

During the pre-Qin period, the "Book of Mountains and Seas·Dahuangxi Jing" recorded that there was a woman who was bathing in the moon. Emperor Jun's wife Chang Xi was born on the 12th day of the lunar month. Xi gave birth to the moon twelve times, and then he began to bathe the moon].

The three characters Xi, Yi and Chang'e have the same ancient pronunciation. In addition, the moon connects Chang'e and Chang Xi. The names of Chang'e and Chang Xi are combined to form Chang'e.

Chang'e and Chang Xi are both prototypes of Chang'e, but Chang'e and Chang Xi are two completely different goddesses.

Hou Yi's wife Chang'e took the elixir of the Queen Mother of the West and became the moon goddess.

Before the Shang Dynasty, the king was called the queen, so in the Xia Dynasty, the queen was the king.

The original pictographic character of the word "土" represented a woman, so the word "土" means mother.

The Queen Mother of the West before the Shang Dynasty was actually the Queen Mother of the West.

The Eastern Niaoyi tribe, represented by the Shang Dynasty, worshipped the sun god Dijun.

Because the Niaoyi tribe was located in the east, the sun god Dijun was also the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The Xia Kingdom was located to the west of the Niaoyi tribe, so the earth goddess Houtu of the Xia Kingdom was also called the Western Queen Mother - that is, the Queen Mother of the West.

The trinity of the earth goddess Nuwa, Houtu Niangniang, and the Queen Mother of the West is the most powerful, ancient, and authoritative goddess in the Shenzhou Continent.

Heng'e flew to the moon and became a god because of the grace of the Queen Mother of the West and Houtu.

Chang Xi is the moon god because she is the wife of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the sun god Dijun.

Chang'e, who was formed by the fusion of Heng'e and Chang Xi, is related to the most powerful goddess and the most powerful male god at the same time.

This makes tracing the origin of Chang'e complicated.

Roy originally thought that Heng'e, like Xia'e, was also a princess of the Xia Kingdom.

Houyi usurped the throne of the Xia Kingdom. In order to increase the legitimacy of his usurpation of the throne, he married the Xia Kingdom princess Chang'e.

But the royal family of the Xia Kingdom was surnamed Si, and Chang'e was surnamed Heng.

So there is another possibility for Chang'e's identity.

During Houyi's reign, he conquered the Niaoyi tribe that worshipped the sun god Dijun - this is the prototype of the myth of Houyi shooting nine suns.

Just like Mei Xi was a princess of the Youshi tribe conquered by Xia Jie.

Chang'e was actually a princess of the Niaoyi tribe conquered by Houyi.

The Niaoyi tribe worshipped the sun god Dijun, and the god of fire and the moon goddess, which were related to the sun, were also worshipped as vassals of the sun god Dijun.

Chang'e was the wife of Xia Houyi, who worshipped the goddess of the earth, but became the vassal moon god of the sun god worshipped by the Niaoyi tribe, perhaps because Chang'e came from the Niaoyi tribe.

Chang'e's identity may be a witch serving the moon god.

It is also possible that she was a priestess of the sun god Di Jun - so she was regarded as Di Jun's wife.

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