I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 61 Cadmus proposes marriage

Cadmus dared to go to the Acropolis alone, of course not because of the boldness of a skilled man.

But because in this era, people will follow guest etiquette.

Cadmus entered the Athenian tribe as a guest. As the host, Pandion not only cannot harm Cadmus, but also protects Cadmus' safety.


Pandion's stone house.

Cadmus entered the hall surrounded by Roy, Pandion, and Erechtheus. After everyone sat on the ground around the stone table, Pandion immediately ordered the maid to bring wine, white bread, fruits and pastries, and asked the male servant to A calf is slaughtered and roasted.

After the maids and footmen began to work, Pandion's wife Zeuxipus came to the hall with Procne and Philomela.

Because Cadmus was a stranger they met for the first time, the three of them, mother and daughter, wore veils to hide their faces.

Pandion prepared sumptuous food for himself and allowed his wife and daughter to meet him. He was indeed treating himself as an honored guest.

Cadmus took the initiative to toast Pandion with a wine bowl.

"Chief Pandion! We have wandered and sailed all the way from our hometown of Phenicia, and this is the first time we have enjoyed this kind of hospitality. I want to pray to my goddess for blessings, so that your beloved daughter can increase her charm to attract men."

Erechtheus, who was wary of Cadmus, said with a cold face.

"Foreigner! My sisters are originally beautiful and charming second only to the goddess. They don't need the blessings of your gods at all."

Cadmus seemed not to hear and ignored Erechtheus.

"Cadmus, thank you for asking the gods to bless my daughter."

Pandion said with a curious expression.

"Can you tell us why you and your soldiers came to the Attica Peninsula to get a place to live?"

"Because our territory in our homeland has been taken away from us."

Cadmus lowered his head and said with a sad expression.

"Chief Pandion, do you Athenians know about the war in Egypt?"

Hearing Cadmus' question, Pandion looked confused.

He didn't even know what was going on in Crete, so how could he possibly know what was happening in Egypt, which was more distant than Crete.

Roy took the initiative and said at this time.

"Chief Cadmus, is the war you are talking about a civil strife in the Egyptian Empire ruled by King Cephes of Egypt?"

Cadmus nodded and said.

"Since the Pharaoh Kamose of the Southern Egyptians succeeded to the throne, the Egyptian King Cepus has been unable to suppress the Southern Egyptians. Some Phoenician groups feel that the Egyptian King Cepus will eventually lose to the Pharaoh Kamose I was originally a prince of the Phoenician city-state, but the Phoenicians who migrated from Egypt took away my city-state and killed my parents and people. , drove me and my men out of the territory. In order to survive, my men and I took a boat across the sea to the Attica Peninsula, hoping to find a place to live here. "

After hearing what Cadmus said, Pandion frowned and said.

"Cadmus, although I sympathize with your situation, I cannot allow you to establish a foothold on the Attica Peninsula. Even the most generous host cannot share his territory with guests."

"If we are willing to merge with the Athenian tribe, will Chief Pandion accept us?"

Cadmus said with a serious expression.

"I myself am a hero [Hundred Enemy], and my three hundred subordinates are all soldiers who have experienced fighting. The most important thing is that I have advanced technology and civilization in the Near East. As long as Chief Pandion accepts us, I and I The three hundred soldiers will become the fighting force of the Athenian tribe. The technology and civilization I bring can help the Athenian tribe develop from a tribe to a city-state and conquer more land and population. "

Cadmus actually proposed such an attractive condition, Pandion asked with a solemn expression.

"Cadmus, what price will I have to pay to integrate you and your three hundred soldiers into the Athenian tribe?"

"In order to convince me and my three hundred soldiers that you will safeguard our interests and treat us equally with the Athenians, I hope you will marry your daughter to me and make me your son-in-law."

Upon hearing Cadmus' words, Procne immediately widened her eyes in panic.

Because if Pandion agrees to Cadmus' request, Procne, as the eldest daughter, will definitely be married to Cadmus.

Seeing that Pandion's expression did not change, Cadmus continued.

"Chief Pandion, although I am now a down-and-out wanderer, I am of noble birth. I was originally a prince of a city-state and my father's heir to the throne. I am a young hero [Hundred Enemies], and I have three hundred loyal followers who follow me. Soldier. I think based on my conditions, I should be qualified to be your son-in-law.”

Although Cadmus was not the leader of a large tribe or the king of a city-state, Roy had to admit that Cadmus was indeed qualified to be Pandion's son-in-law.

Because with Cadmus' own strength and his three hundred soldiers, he can completely conquer a large tribe and become the leader of a large tribe that meets Pandion's requirements.

Thinking that one of the sisters Procne and Philomela might be married to Cadmus, Roy had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Even if Roy doesn't fall in love with them, Roy doesn't want them to marry other men.

Procne's gentle and sweet smile——

Philomela’s playful and cute smile——

If it belonged to another man, Roy would feel that his things were taken away by others.

Pandion was silent for a moment, and finally spoke.

"Cadmus, I can't marry my daughter to you. Because I once said that only the leaders of large tribes or the kings of city-states are qualified to marry my daughter, so you are not my son-in-law. If I don't have such strict requirements for the son-in-law -"

At this point, Pandion looked at Roy.

"The priest of Roy who is as young as you and as good as you has long been my son-in-law."

Hearing Pandion's words, Procne blushed immediately.

Because according to Pandion's words, if Pandion did not have strict requirements for the son-in-law, the daughter of Roy who had been married to Pandion would definitely be Procne, the eldest daughter.

"Only the leaders of large tribes and the kings of city-states can be your son-in-law -"

Cadmus smiled helplessly.

"Since I cannot become your son-in-law, my three hundred soldiers and I cannot integrate into the Athenian tribe, and the advanced technology and civilization I master cannot be dedicated to the Athenian tribe to help the Athenian tribe develop into the Athenian city-state."

"Our Athenian tribe is protected by the goddess of wisdom Metis. I believe that with the help of the priests of Loi, our Athenian tribe will soon have advanced technology and civilization that is not inferior to that of the Near East."

Pandion said confidently, looking at Cadmus with a serious expression.

"Cadmus! Although I am sorry for you, you will no longer be my guest tomorrow. I hope you can take your soldiers and leave the territory of the Athenian tribe."

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