I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 598: The Athenian Empire assimilates the Mayans

There is no doubt about the outcome of the battle between Metis and Quetzalcoatl Eecotel.

The Mayans who worshiped the Quetzalcoatl god Iecotel are still a tribal civilization in the Neolithic Age.

Even if Metis cannot exert her full strength in the New World, she is still strong enough to carry out a dimension-reducing blow to the Quetzalcoatl God Eekotel.

Before the battle between Metis and Iecotel could be decided, Loy commanded the Athenian soldiers who landed and began to occupy the island of Haiti.

The Mayans had never seen bronze, let alone iron. When they saw Athenian soldiers wearing iron armor and holding iron weapons, the Mayans directly regarded the Athenian soldiers as soldiers of gods and showed no resistance in front of the Athenian soldiers.

Even if the Mayans saw that the Athenian soldiers were human beings like themselves, they had no idea of ​​resistance.

Because the Mayans instinctively knew that the Athenian soldiers had strength that they absolutely could not resist.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance--

Roy strongly agrees with this statement.

So Roy did not conquer the Mayans by force and force the Mayans to work as slaves.

Thousands of Athenians came to land and began to use various iron tools to reclaim wasteland, cut down trees, build houses, and dig wells.

These strange, novel and powerful tools soon attracted the attention of the Mayans.

Seeing that the Athenian soldiers could easily cut down the big tree with an iron saw and dig a two-meter deep pit with a shovel, the Mayan tribe leader excitedly knelt down in front of Roy and Philomela and prayed to Roy and Philomela. Ra gave them these artifacts.

That’s right!

These Mayans indeed regarded iron tools as artifacts.

After all, compared to the stone tools they used, the functions of iron tools were indeed incredible.

"There is nothing unearned in the world."

Looking at the Mayan leader with fanatical eyes, Roy said with a smile.

"Even gods will not let you get something for nothing. I can let you master these advanced technologies and tools, but you must pay the price."

"What sacrifice do you want?"

The Mayan leader said without hesitation.

"I could offer my daughter or my wife, or even myself, to the great god."

"I have no interest in your daughter or wife!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"The price you need to pay is not a sacrifice, but your labor. As long as you accept the work arranged by the Athens Empire, you can get everything you want."

Exchange labor for artifact——

To the Mayans, this was no different than giving it away for free.

In order to obtain the artifact-iron weapon, the Mayans happily joined the construction of the Athenian Empire on the island of Haiti.

Seeing the harmonious situation between the Mayans and the Athenians, Roy was confident that the Athenian Empire would assimilate the Mayans.

When night falls.

The Athenian soldiers also prepared a sumptuous dinner for the Mayans.

Tasting the delicious food containing spices, sugar, salt and other seasonings, the Mayan men, women and children all cried.

It was their first time to taste such delicious food.

And for the Athenians, this was just a normal dinner.

the next day.

In order to supplement the excessive food consumption, Loy bought some corn and sweet potatoes from the Mayans with salt, sugar and spices.

Although corn and sweet potatoes are both high-yielding crops, the Mayan tribe near the port is only a small tribe with a population of thousands.

Such a small tribe could only provide a drop in the bucket of food for the Athenian army.

Moreover, the Athenian army’s hard currency such as salt, sugar, and spices was not unlimited.

In order to give the Athenian army unlimited salt to trade with the Mayans, Loy sent a thousand Athenian soldiers to the island of Cuba and asked them to use the coast of Cuba to dry sea salt.

A blink of an eye.

The time comes to 1596 BC.


The Athenian army built a town named Haiti City by Roy in the northern port of Haiti.

Because the number of houses in Haiti City was enough to accommodate 20,000 people, not only Athenian soldiers, but also nearby Mayans entered Haiti City and became residents of Haiti City in the Athenian Empire.

The first group of Mayans to be assimilated by the Athenian Empire numbered approximately 5,000 people.

About 3,000 Mayans were assimilated in several salt drying fields on the island of Cuba.

The Mayans were assimilated by the Athenians who had mastered advanced civilization and technology, which was a natural result.

The most important thing is that Roy is very generous to the Mayans, not only bringing them a better life, but also allowing the Mayans to get returns beyond imagination for their labor.

without any exaggeration--

Roy's kindness to ordinary Mayans is ten times better than that of the Mayans' own leader.

April is the time to plant corn and sweet potatoes.

In order to open up wasteland for farming, Roy built dozens of workshops for smelting iron farm tools in Haiti and Cuba.

When Roy lent iron farm tools to the Mayans for free, allowing them to cultivate more farmland and harvest more food, almost all the Mayans on Haiti Island were assimilated by the Athenian Empire, and half of the Mayans on Cuba Island were assimilated by the Athenian Empire. .

In another world of history, before the arrival of the Spanish, the island of Cuba was inhabited by the Taíno, Siboney, and Guanajada Bey people.

Their ancestors wandered from the American continent.

The Taíno mastered pottery and farming.

The Guanajada Bei people are relatively backward and are hunter-gatherers who live in caves.

The situation in Haiti is similar. The natives catch birds, fish, rodents, and cultivate the land.

They use stone axes to open up the land and wooden shovels to cultivate the land.

The main crops are cassava and sweet potatoes.

This is the situation that people from the Old World saw when they came here around 1500 AD.

Now it is three thousand years ago - 1596 BC. The civilization and technology of the Maya will only be worse than three thousand years later.

In the process of the Athenian Empire assimilating the Maya, there will certainly be bloody conflicts.

After all, the tribal leaders or nobles of the Maya people are certainly unwilling to give up their power and wealth to become civilians.

For the leaders and nobles who are not aware, the Athenian Empire will strike mercilessly.

Those leaders and nobles who have awareness in the face of the military force of the Athenian Empire and voluntarily give up power and wealth can also get some compensation.


The Athenian Empire completed construction and cultivation on Haiti and Cuba, and thousands of Maya men became the labor force of the Athenian Empire. The time for the Athenian Empire to expand its territory in the New World is ripe.

Roy's eyes naturally turned to the Yucatan Peninsula.

The Yucatan Peninsula is adjacent to the Caribbean Sea in the east, the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay of Campeche in the west, and Cuba across the Yucatan Strait in the northeast, with an area of ​​about 200,000 square kilometers.

Agriculture is the main source of economy here, and crops include corn and sugarcane. It is one of the birthplaces of ancient Mayan culture.

Roy regarded the Mayans as the primary target of conquest, not because he had any interest in Mayan civilization, but because he thought that the Mayans were a group that worshipped the goddess of the earth, and it would be easier for the Athenian Empire to assimilate the Mayans.

If the Athenian Empire regarded the Olmecs who worshipped Tezcatlipoca or the Aztecs who worshipped Huitzilopochtli as the primary target, the difficulty of conquest would definitely be much greater than conquering the Mayans.

After all, the first requirement Roy made to the Olmecs and Aztecs was to let them abandon the gods they had always worshipped.

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