I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 6 The future of Athens lies in the sea

Roy's alcohol tolerance is really not good. Even low-proof wine can make Roy drunk.

After answering Pandion's question, Roy stopped drinking and ate dry bread to sober himself up.

Just after Roy ate two slices of bread, Pandion's wife came in with a group of maids. In the pottery basin held by each maid, there was a piece of chopped and boneless roasted meat.

After the beautiful lady sat down next to her husband Pandion, the maids put the roasted meat in front of Roy and Pandion's family.

Roy picked up a piece of roasted meat and tasted it. He found that the roasted meat was smeared with sea salt and olive oil, and the meat was very good. It was indeed a rare and delicious roasted meat.

Pandion whispered in his wife's ear.

"Dear! The purpose of Roy's priest coming to our Athens tribe is to make our Athens tribe worship the goddess of wisdom. What do you think?"

Pandion's wife frowned and said.

"Do you want to accept a new god? Our Athenian tribe now worships the Rain Goddess, asking her to bless our territory with good weather and good harvests, so that we can harvest more olives, grapes, barley, wheat, vegetables and other foods during the harvest season."

"If the Rain Goddess is a real god, or if the goddess of wisdom Metis does not exist, I will continue to worship the Rain Goddess."

Pandion said with a serious face.

"But the priest Roy has proved to us that the goddess of wisdom he serves is a real god. Today he used the goddess's power to salt my body."

"He serves a real god who can lend him divine power--"

Pandion's wife said to Roy with a serious face.

"Priest Roy! I heard that your purpose in coming to the Athens tribe is to make us worship the god you serve as our patron god. In fact, our Athens tribe now worships the goddess of rain, and I am the priest who serves the goddess of rain."

"Madam is also a priest?"

Roy looked at the lady with a surprised expression, and then said with a confident smile.

"I can't feel any divine power from the lady. It seems that the goddess of rain served by the lady is not a real god, or this goddess of rain has no intention of protecting the Athens tribe. The goddess of wisdom I serve is a real god. Chief Pandion has personally experienced the miracle of saltization that I performed with the power of the goddess Metis. The Athens tribe worships the goddess of wisdom Metis as its patron god, which can get better development, because the future of the Athens tribe lies in the sea."

In order to persuade the Athens tribe to worship the goddess of wisdom Metis and complete the task assigned to him by the goddess, Roy directly used the grease on his fingers to paint on the tabletop of the stone table, drawing a map of the Attica Peninsula where the Athens tribe is located.

"Captain Pandion! Madam! Look, this is the Attic Peninsula where the Athenian tribe is located, and the Acropolis of Athens is here. To the north of the Attic Peninsula is the Theban region of the Thebans, and to the west is the Isthmus of Corinth of the Corinthians. Because the population of the Thebans and Corinthians is larger than that of the Athenians, it is difficult for us to develop on land and compete with the Thebans and Corinthians for territory. If the Athenian tribe wants to grow and develop, it must trade with other places through the sea and obtain advanced weapons and more food through trade. With advanced weapons, we can arm Athenian soldiers. With more food, the Athenian tribe can have a larger population and develop into the Attic Peninsula - even the most powerful city-state in the entire region."

Pandion and his wife looked at the map drawn by Roy on the stone table, with strange expressions on their faces.

Just when Roy suspected that there was something wrong with the map he drew, Pandion finally said.

"Priest Roy! We Athenians have lived in the Attica Peninsula for generations, and we don't even know what the map of the Attica Peninsula looks like. You are a foreigner from the far east, why do you know the Attica Peninsula so well?"


It is indeed very suspicious that a foreigner knows their homeland better than the locals.

Roy was only flustered for a moment, then smiled and explained.

"I can draw a map of the Attica Peninsula because the great goddess of wisdom Metis gave me the wisdom to understand all this. Chief Pandion! Do you agree with me that the future of the Athenian tribe lies in the sea?"

Pandion remained silent and did not answer Roy's question.

Seeing his father's reaction, Erechtheus sneered.

"Foreigner! Going deep into the sea is a very dangerous thing. We may get lost at sea and never return home. We are more likely to encounter sea monsters that are bigger than the ship. The most important thing is that we don't need to go deep into the sea. Those Phoenicians and other sea peoples who are good at sea navigation will come to our territory with bronze utensils and food, and exchange with us for olive oil, wine, cattle, sheep or slaves."

Sea monsters that are bigger than ships--

Could it be whales?

Roy came back to his senses and said to Erechtheus.

"Prince Erechtheus! Of course I know that even if the Athenians do nothing, there will be sea merchants who will trade with you with all kinds of goods. But do you think that these sea merchants are all selfless and kind people? The essence of merchants is to buy goods from one place at a low price and then sell them to another place at a high price, so that merchants can make a huge difference. For example, if we trade with sea merchants, perhaps a jar of wine can only be exchanged for one kilogram of bronze. But if we cross the sea and sell wine to places rich in copper mines, perhaps a jar of wine can be exchanged for five or even ten kilograms of bronze."

After hearing what Roy said, Pandion finally couldn't help but say.

"Priest Roy! In fact, I also realize that when we make deals with those maritime merchants, they completely regard us as objects of plundering wealth. Since you can come here from the far east, then you can allow us Athenians to develop maritime Trade?"

“As long as the Athenian tribe worships Metis, the goddess of wisdom, as its patron saint, the Athenian tribe can develop maritime trade.

Roy said with a confident smile.

"The great goddess Metis is not only the goddess of wisdom, but also the daughter of Pontos [the sea], the goddess of the sea who can protect the Athenian ships from sailing safely on the sea."

Pandion and his wife looked at each other, and seeing that his wife had no objection, Pandion turned to Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, I am willing to enshrine the goddess Metis as the patron saint of our Athenian tribe, and I will also let my wife serve as the priest of the goddess Metis."


Roy was about to nod in agreement when he suddenly realized a problem.

Do the Athenian tribes need two priests of Metis, the goddess of wisdom?

If the Athenian tribe only needed one priest, Pandion's wife would become superfluous.

Will Metis take back the divine power given to him?

How should I survive in this world after losing Metis's divine power and becoming an ordinary person?

Do we have to humblely plead with Pandion to let him agree to live in the Athenian tribe as an ordinary tribesman?

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