I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 592 Gods of the Iberian Peninsula

There is a worship of the earth goddess and the sun god on the Iberian Peninsula.

The Greek mythology of another world has already hinted at this information.

In the myth of Perseus beheading Medusa, Medusa and her two sisters lived in the Iberian Peninsula, so in the story of Hercules, Medusa's son Chrysaor was the king of the Iberian Peninsula.

The name Medusa is derived from the variation of the name [Metis].

In the story of Poseidon and Medusa, it is directly stated that Medusa is a priestess serving Athena, the patron saint of Athens.

Poseidon took Medusa for himself in the Temple of Athena and humiliated Athena.

From this information, it can be seen that the real prototype of Medusa is either a priestess serving Athena or the goddess Athena herself.

The Mycenaeans made up the story of Poseidon occupying Medusa and Perseus beheading Medusa, which was to spiritually degrade and humiliate the city of Athens, which they could not conquer by force.

Medusa and her two sisters are set to live in the Iberian Peninsula, which is obviously a hint of the gods of the Iberian Peninsula.

In the story of Troy.

Athena is set as the patron goddess of Troy.

In real history, Troy certainly could not have worshipped Athena, the patron goddess of Athens, as its patron goddess.

In the myths made up by the Mycenaeans, Athena became the patron goddess of Troy only because Hesione, the patron goddess of Troy, was the incarnation of the ancient earth goddess, just like Athena.

Medusa and her two sisters became the mistresses of the Iberian Peninsula in Greek mythology -

It is obviously the same logic as Athena becoming the patron goddess of Troy.

The Iberians of the Iberian Peninsula certainly could not worship the patron goddess of Athens.

The earth goddess who has the same origin as Medusa, Metis and Athena, and has a trinity, is the patron goddess of the Iberian Peninsula in the Perseus era.

The Perseus era is now - around 1600 BC.

In the era of Hercules, the patron god of the Iberian Peninsula became the sun god.

In the story of Hercules, Hercules went on an expedition to the Iberian Peninsula to seize the cattle of the giant Geryon.

Before crossing the Strait of Gibraltar and landing on the Iberian Peninsula, Hercules threatened the sun god Helios with his bow and arrows -

This is exactly the same as Hercules going to the underworld and threatening Hades with his bow and arrows.

The same logic.

Hades is the master of the underworld, and Helios is also the master of the Iberian Peninsula.

The island of Erytia, where the giant Geryon grazed his cattle, is the sacred island of Helios, the sun god.

In the story of Odysseus, Odysseus' companions stole the sacred cattle of Helios, the sun god, on this island, and the angry Helios threatened Zeus to punish Odysseus' companions.

Greek mythology is no longer a hint, but a clear indication that the master of the Iberian Peninsula is the sun god Helios.

In the era of Perseus, the Iberian Peninsula worshipped the trinity of the earth goddess.

In the era of Hercules, the Iberian Peninsula worshipped the sun god.

All this information from Greek mythology is consistent with real history.

4000 years ago BC, the tribe that worshipped the earth goddess migrated to the Iberian Peninsula with the civilization technology of the Neolithic Age.

From then on, the Iberian Peninsula became the territory of the earth goddess.

The problem is that in the history of another world, the branch of the Aryans, the Celts, invaded the Iberian Peninsula around 1200 BC, making the sun god Luger the master of the Iberian Peninsula.

It is now 1597 BC.

The Aryan invasion of the Iberian Peninsula was four hundred years earlier.

South bank of the Tagus River.

Looking at the moon goddess Shana who was aiming at him with the moonlight arrow, Roy said with doubt.

"The Aryans are coming to the Iberian Peninsula now. Could it be that my conquest of the European continent caused a butterfly effect?"

The world is a linked whole.

As Roy conquered the European continent from east to west, those Aryan tribes who were unwilling to submit to the Athenian Empire would inevitably migrate westward.

Perhaps this is the truth behind the Aryan invasion of the Iberian Peninsula four hundred years in advance.

Looking at Roy's absent-minded look, the moon goddess Shana said angrily.

"I was distracted in the battle. You really underestimated me completely. You arrogant guy, go to hell!"


A silver arrow condensed from moonlight attacked Roy.

Roy was still distracted and did not respond to Shana's attack.

Seeing that Shana's moonlight arrow was about to hit Roy's body, the sun fire that wrapped Roy's body suddenly annihilated the moonlight arrow.

"How is this possible--"

Seeing that her moonlight arrow could not break through the sun fire that wrapped Roy's body, Shana widened her eyes in disbelief.

Roy came back to his senses at this time, and explained with a playful smile.

"Dear Shana! The Sumerians, who worship the stars, worship the sun, moon, and Venus as independent gods. Therefore, the sun god is not a vassal of the moon god, and the moon god is not a vassal of the sun god. But you are not The moon goddess worshiped by the Sumerians, you are the moon goddess worshiped by the Aryans. In the worship of the Aryans, the moon goddess is a vassal of the sun god and the sister of the sun god. All the power and power of the moon goddess come from the sun god. . Even if you have your own tribe to worship as an independent god, you still can't challenge your brother, the Sun God. Unfortunately, my sun godhood comes from the Aryan sun god. Although I am not your real brother. , but my Sun Godhead is the real brother of your Moon Godhead.”

After saying that, Roy activated his Sun Godhead to release waves of divine power.

Under the impact of Roy's divine power fluctuations, Shana found herself trembling involuntarily, wanting to surrender to Roy's sun godhead.


It was the moon godhead in Shana who wanted to surrender to the sun godhead in Roy.

Although Loy himself is not the Aryan sun god, the sun godhead in Loy is the genuine sun godhead worshiped by the Aryans.

Moreover, Roy's sun godhead is now very close to the ancient sun god worshiped by the ancient Aryans.

As long as the sun god of the Iberian Peninsula is annexed, Roy's sun godhead can become the godhead of the ancient sun god worshiped by the ancient Aryans.

Just when Shana's body was about to lose its support and she was about to kneel down on one knee and surrender to Roy, a sun suddenly appeared in the night sky, suddenly lighting up the night into day.

Roy raised his head and saw a flame giant with flaming hair and eyes standing among the clouds in the night sky - the blazing sun god Oronzaro.

"elder brother!"

As the power of the sun god Oronzaro offset Roy's power, the pressure Roy put on Shana immediately disappeared.

Shana, whose body returned to normal, looked at Oronzaro with gratitude and worry.

Because only one sun god can appear at the same time.

After Loy and Orenzaro met, only one sun god remained in the Iberian Peninsula.

It's obvious that Roy is more powerful than Shana's brother Oronzaro.

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