I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 583 The Nine-in-One Ice Queen


Roy is certainly not unfamiliar with the goddess of creation in Norse mythology.

Just like all the earth goddesses on the Eurasian continent, they all originated from the ancient earth goddess Gaia Tiamat in the West Asia region, so in Greek mythology and Babylonian mythology, the ancient earth goddess Gaia Tiamat is worshipped as the goddess of creation.

The native goddesses in the Germanic region also originated from the ancient Germanic goddess Ymir, so Ymir is also worshipped as the goddess of creation in Norse mythology.

In Babylonian mythology, the thunder god Marduk killed Tiamat and created the world with Tiamat's body.

In Norse mythology, it was Odin who killed Ymir and created the world with Ymir's body.

It is really hard to say that this is accidental and coincidental.

The myth that Marduk killed Tiamat to create the world and the myth that Odin killed Ymir to create the world may be created based on the same logic.

The god of thunder [Marduk Zeus] led the ancient Aryans to defeat the ancient earth goddess [Gaia Tiamat] and the tribes she protected, and turned the territory of the ancient earth goddess into the living space of the ancient Aryans - perhaps this is the real prototype of Marduk creating the world with Tiamat's body.

Odin led the ancient Aryans to defeat the ancient Germanic goddess, and turned the territory of the ancient Germanic goddess into the living space of the ancient Aryans, which is the real prototype of Odin creating the world with Ymir's body.

Marduk and Odin are both gods of the Aryans.

In addition, they used the same method to seize the living space for the ancient Aryans who worshipped them -

So it is inevitable that Marduk and Odin have the same creation myth.

Looking up at the huge figure of Ymir, who is 10,000 meters tall, Roy said with a smile.

"Ymir! Now that your enemies, the Aesir gods, have fallen, do you regret surrendering to me? Or do you want to get more respect from me?"

"I don't regret it."

Ymir said coldly.

"But I just surrendered to you, not to become your slave or servant. Don't you think you don't respect me enough?"

"I don't think so!"

Roy shook his head and said.

"You are not only a subject who surrenders to me, but also my woman. Isn't it natural for a wife to obey her husband? It is because I regard you as my woman that I will kill Tyr on your behalf."

"You haven't proposed to me yet, let alone held a formal wedding with me. What qualifications do you have to regard yourself as my husband? This is another proof that you don't respect me!"

Ymir gritted her teeth and said.

"Although you say nice things, your arrogance is not hidden at all."


After listening to Ymir's accusation on behalf of the nine goddesses, Roy sighed and said.

"As expected of a goddess worshiped by untamed tribal civilizations, you are so barbaric. In a city-state or kingdom where the people have been domesticated, whether it is humans or gods, they will be in awe of those who are stronger than them. Don't you realize that I am stronger than you, so you want to resist me in this way?"

"You are stronger than me?"

"Don't you believe it?"

Roy urged his own divine power and turned into a huge figure with a height of ten thousand meters like Ymir.

"Ymir! If you can defeat me, I will make you a goddess with the same status as me. If I defeat you, you must obey me like a wife obeys her husband."

"I can't lose to you."

Ymir said confidently.

"In the Germanic land that belongs to me, I will not lose to foreign gods."

After that, Ymir stretched out his left hand to the Arctic Circle and summoned the cold wind of the Arctic Circle to the Germanic region.


The cold wind of the Arctic Circle whistled, as if to turn the Germanic region into an ice and snow world.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, soon covering everything on the ground.

The beautiful Ymir was like the ice queen standing in the ice and snow world.

"If it was winter or the Little Ice Age, maybe you could really beat me."

Looking at Ymir's powerful power to change the sky, Roy said with emotion.

"It's a pity that it's not the Little Ice Age, let alone winter. In front of the power of the sun god, your ice and snow world is vulnerable."

After saying that, Roy stretched out white wings behind him, and then flapped his wings to fly to the top of the atmosphere.

Looking down from the atmosphere millions of meters high, seeing that Ymir was covered by thick clouds, Roy used all his strength to activate the sun god's personality, and sprinkled endless light and heat to the Germanic region.

At this moment, Roy was like a second sun.

Under the heat of the two suns, the clouds above the Germanic region were first dispersed, and then the cold wind from the Arctic Circle was suppressed by the heat of the two suns.

Seeing the ice and snow covering the earth begin to melt, and her own ice and snow world collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Ymir was filled with resentment.

"This is unfair! You used the power of the sun!"

"Didn't you also use the power of the Arctic Circle?"

Roy fell from the top of the atmosphere and came to Ymir and said.

"If you are not convinced, we can continue to compete with our own strength. Let's see if you can freeze me, or I can melt you into water."

"I won't lose to you!"

Ymir summoned a huge ice spear with her right hand, and then swung it at Roy.

Roy summoned a fire spear condensed from the sun's fire with his right hand, and then used the fire spear to fight against Ymir's ice spear.


The ice spear and the fire spear collided and began to annihilate each other.

Under the burning of Roy's flames, Ymir's body continued to melt into water.


When half of Ymir's body melted into water, Ymir suddenly gave up resistance and looked at Roy with gentle eyes.

"I lost! According to the natural law of the jungle, I am willing to obey your will."

Roy said in surprise.

"Aren't you going to fight to the end?"

"We are not enemies!"

Ymir explained with a smile.

"We will be husband and wife in the future, why should we fight like enemies? You can prove that you are indeed stronger than me, that's enough."

After that, Ymir's body was divided into nine, and turned into nine goddesses again.

Seeing that the nine goddesses were looking at him with gentle eyes like Ymir just now, Roy said with a smile.

"It seems that my conquest of Ymir just now is equivalent to conquering the hearts of the nine goddesses at the same time. Dear goddesses! Now I ask you to convey the oracle to your tribe and let them accept the transformation of the Athenian Empire. Are you willing to follow my orders?"

"Of course we are willing!"

Fenrir said excitedly, shaking his wolf tail.

"As long as it is your request, we will do our best to meet it."


Jade said with a look of unbearable to look at.

"You look like a tamed she-wolf."

Naseus also said.

"Even if he defeats Ymir, we can't forget the pride and reserve of the goddess."

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