I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 580 The Fall of Balder, the God of Light

Seeing that Freya actually wanted to challenge the Sun God Badr, Roy said immediately.

"Freya, you are no match for Badr."

Among the Aryan gods, the Sun God is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Even if the tribes that worship Odin have been developing in the Germanic region for thousands of years, they are still no match for the tribes that worship the sun god Badr and carry out dimensionality reduction strikes with bronze weapons.

Similarly, Odin, the king of the Æsir gods, could not defeat the sun god Baldr.

On the surface, it seems that the tribe that worships Baldr has a smaller population than Freya's tribe, so Baldr's strength should be weaker than Freya's.

This is the source of Freya's confidence in challenging Badr.

Hearing Roy say that he was no match for Baldur, Freya asked with some dissatisfaction.

"I am the goddess of war, why do you think I am not Badr's opponent?"

"Because Baldur is the sun god like me!"

Roy said with a smile.

"If you don't believe me, you will definitely suffer."

Taking the initiative to admit defeat before the fight——

Of course Freya couldn't do this.

Just when Freya hesitated, Baldr also said to Freya.

"Freya, please step back! My real opponent is Roy, who is also the sun god with me."

Freya was immediately enraged and said as she swung her war spear towards Balder.

"Arrogant guys, let me see what strength you Sun Gods have to dare to look down on other gods."

Facing Freya's spear attack, Balder did not dodge, but directly raised his right hand to release a burst of solar fire.

Freya's war spear came into contact with the sun's fire and was immediately burned to ashes.

Even Freya herself was not burned by Balder's sun fire because she retreated in time.

"You see! This is the strength gap between you and Badr."

Roy came over at this time, blocking Freya behind him and said.

"In a one-on-one battle, the only one who can defeat the Sun God is the more powerful Sun God."

Freya gritted her teeth and said with some reluctance.

"If Baldur didn't have the powerful fire of the sun as a weapon-"

"Whether it's a weapon or a war horse - it's all part of the strength."

In the history of the migration and expansion of the Aryans, war horses were their most powerful tool.

Because the weapons of the Aryans were not more advanced than those of agricultural civilization.

At this time in the Germanic region, the tribes that worshiped Badr not only had war horses, but also advanced bronze weapons.

The tribe that worships Freya and the tribe that worships Baldr can be said to have two levels of strength gap.

So Freya is vulnerable in front of Balder.

"Badr - or should I call you Helios?"

Roy looked at Badr with a joking smile and teased.

"Without my appearance, your tribe would have been able to dominate the Germanic region with its bronze weapons, and you would have been able to replace Odin as the King of the Gods."

"All my clones in the east have been destroyed by you."

Bader looked at Roy with a solemn expression and said.

"Now you come to destroy me again - it seems that you really want to completely replace me and become the sun god worshiped by the Aryans."

"There can be many sun goddesses in this world, but this world does not need two male sun gods. This is why I must completely eliminate you."

Roy said expressionlessly.

"If you don't want to be destroyed and annexed by me, then use your strength to defeat me."

After saying that, Roy activated the sun godhead, and his body released the blazing fire of the sun and walked towards Badr.

Balder also wrapped his body in the fire of the sun, and then walked towards Roy.

Under Freya's surprised gaze, the bodies of Roy and Balder - two blazing fires of the sun collided and began to annihilate and devour each other.

Northern Sudetenland.

The territory of the Badr tribe.

While Roy and Badr were fighting a battle of gods, 50,000 Athenian cavalry led by Caesar also launched an attack on the Badr tribe.

The tribe of Badr had only 10,000 knights with bronze weapons, while the Athenian army was an elite army of 50,000 with iron weapons and iron armor.

Five times the difference in numbers plus the difference in weapons and equipment——

The Athenian army's attack on the Badr tribe was completely a dimensionality reduction attack.

Therefore, the Badr tribe was vulnerable to the Athenian army, and the Athenian army soon controlled the entire tribe. Even the open-air temple of the priest Sun God Badr was set on fire by Caesar and burned to the ground.

The Badr tribe was controlled by the Athenian army, and Badr’s open-air temple was destroyed by Caesar—

The battlefield of Ragnarok.

Roy successfully annexed Baldr's sun godhead and walked out of the blazing fire of the sun.

Freya witnessed Roy annexing the powerful Baldr with her own eyes, and now she looked at Roy with awe in her eyes.

After all, she was vulnerable to Badr.

Roy's ability to annex Badr in such a short period of time proves that the gap in strength between her and Roy is unimaginably huge.

Roy didn't pay attention to Freya's changes and walked directly towards Odin.

At this time, Odin was still engaged in an indestructible battle with Skadi and Nasus.

Looking at Odin's tenacious fighting form, Roy couldn't help but sigh.

"Being able to become the King of Gods of the Asa Clan, there is no doubt about your power."

Odin's name usually means madness or rage.

He has hundreds of aliases, which means he has many avatars and has swallowed up many gods.

In Norse mythology, not only Freya's husband Od is an avatar of Odin.

Even the lying god of trickery Loki is also an avatar of Odin.

So Fenrir, who is powerful enough to kill Odin, and the giant snake Jörmungandr [Jjord] who can die with the god of thunder Thor, are considered to be Loki's children.

Because Loki is Odin, Vali is both the son of Loki and the son of Odin.

Because Loki is Odin, although Loki's identity is set as a giant, everything he does is to help the Aesir.

Gungnir, Odin's eternal spear, and Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, are treasures given to them by Loki.

Loki is the other side of Odin.

Because Odin must be the glorious and great king of the gods, many things that Odin is not convenient to do are all arranged on Loki.

For example, lying and using tricks - is this what the glorious and great king of the gods Odin can do?

Since Odin is not convenient to do these things, let Loki do it.

Seeing Roy approaching, Odin laughed and teased.

"The two goddesses can't defeat me, and now it will become three on one? I am Odin, the king of the gods of the Aesir, who is invincible. It is not a shame to lose in a three-on-one battle."

"Three on one?"

Roy sneered.

"You want to lose gloriously, but I won't give you this opportunity. Skadi! Narcissus! You two retreat, I want to deal with Odin myself now."


Narcissus immediately refused.

"Give us some more time, we will defeat Odin soon."

Skadi also said dissatisfiedly.

"Do you want us to live with the shame that even two people cannot defeat Odin together?"

"I will personally fight, and it will only take a moment to end the battle-"

Seeing Narcissus and Skadi start to fight anxiously, Roy sighed and said.

"I respect your ideas. You can defeat Odin through a war of attrition. Even if you fight Odin for ten days and ten nights, I will not rush you."

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