I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 572: The Ice Wolf that Devours the Sun

Just like in the human world, only the strongest person can become the king.

In the world of gods, only the strongest god can become the king of gods.

In the Norse mythology of another world, Odin is the king of the gods of the Æsir clan. His real-life prototype is undoubtedly the most powerful among the Aryan gods in the Germanic region.

But in Norse mythology, there is Fenrir, a giant wolf who chased the sun and moon and killed Odin, the king of gods, at Ragnarok.

From the records of Fenrir and Odin, we can see that Fenrir is as powerful as Odin, or even stronger than Odin.

Interpreting the battle between Fenrir and Odin from a realistic perspective is a war between the Germanic natives who worshiped the giant wolf Fenrir and the Aryans who worshiped Odin.

After this war, the Germanic natives who worshiped Fenrir defeated the Aryans who worshiped Odin and suffered heavy losses themselves.

The people who worshiped the forest god Vader seized this opportunity to defeat the Germanic natives who worshiped Fenrir.

At this time, the giant wolf Fenrir, who was stronger than Odin, the king of gods of the Asa clan in mythology, swallowed Roy, the sun god, in one bite.

Just like in Norse mythology, Fenrir's clone and child Skull devoured the sun goddess Sur [Suna].

"Didn't anyone tell you that there are some things you shouldn't eat casually?"

Standing in Fenrir's wolf's mouth, which was as cold as an ice cave, Roy said helplessly.

"Fenrir, if you don't want to suffer, let me out quickly."

In Journey to the West, Sun Wukong often gets into the belly of his enemies and stirs up troubles, forcing enemies who could not be easily defeated to admit defeat.

But Roy didn't get into Fenrir's belly.

Because in the story of Journey to the West, there is also the story of the Lord Buddha entering the belly of King Peacock Daming and breaking out of his body, and worshiping King Peacock Daming King as Buddha's mother.

According to the same standard, if Roy enters Fenrir's belly, Fenrir will become Roy's cheap mother when Roy comes out.

"Don't make any noise!"

After hearing Roy's words, Fenrir said in a cold female voice.

"In this land, the heat of the sun cannot overcome the severe cold of Northern Europe. You will soon become an extinguished sun in my body."

"The heat of the sun cannot defeat the cold of Northern Europe——"

Roy teased with a sneer.

"It seems that you regard me as a sun god equal to the sun goddess Suna, but I am a sun god from the subtropical region. The heat of the sun can defeat all severe cold."

In the Nordic region, winter can last up to half a year.

It is true that the god of winter is more powerful than the sun god in this area.

Unfortunately, Roy is not the sun god of the Nordic region, and Roy does not follow the laws of the Nordic region.

As Roy activated the sun godhead to release endless heat, Fenrir's wolf mouth like an ice cave began to heat up rapidly.

"How can it be--"

Fenrir said in disbelief as he felt Roy's heat defeating his coldness.

"I am the most powerful child of the ancestor Ymir [Ogelmir]. Why is your heat so powerful?"

Just like the ancient earth goddess [Gaia] is the ancestor of all earth goddesses.

In the Nordic region, there is also an ancestor of the gods similar to the ancient earth goddess [Gaia].

In Norse mythology, this ancestor is called Ymir [Ogelmir]. She is not only the ancestor of the native gods [Giants] in the Germanic region, but is also regarded as the ancestor of the Aryan gods [Aesir]. .

"You are so rare and strange!"

Roy explained to Fenrir.

"You have been living in northern Europe, and of course you feel that the heat of the sun cannot defeat the severe cold. When you go to the south, you will know that the heat of the sun is the most powerful, and can even completely eliminate winter from the tropics."

"Do some areas in the south not even have winter?"

In Fenrir's shock, Roy's heat completely annihilated the cold air in Fenrir's wolf mouth and began to burn Fenrir's wolf mouth.

"You win!"

Fenrir immediately opened his wolf mouth and begged.

"Stop releasing heat inside me."

Looking at the outside world from Fenrir's open wolf mouth, Roy did not go out immediately, but continued to use heat to burn Fenrir's wolf mouth.

"Fenrir, there is a saying that it is easier to invite the gods than to send them away. If you want me to go out, you must swear to surrender to me and become a loyal dog by my side."


Fenrir said dissatisfied.

"I'm a wolf! I'm the incarnation of an arctic wolf with hair as thick as snow. You actually think of me as a dog?"

"If you are unwilling to surrender, I will keep releasing heat in your mouth."

"You hateful guy——"

Fenrir suddenly jumped into the Elbe River, and then buried his wolf's mouth into the Elbe River, letting the endless Elbe River water pour into his wolf's mouth.

"it's useless!"

Seeing that Fenrir wanted to use the water of the Elbe River to cool down, Roy released his divine power to prevent the river water from pouring into Fenrir's wolf mouth, and at the same time released the blazing fire of the sun, burning Fenrir's body with stronger heat. Wolf's mouth.

“It’s so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot, so hot—”

Fenrir couldn't bear the burning of the sun's fire and said in a crying voice.

"I surrender to you, please don't release any more flames."

Seeing that Fenrir finally gave in, Roy immediately withdrew his divine power and let the water from the Elbe River pour into Fenrir's wolf mouth to cool her down.

Roy himself also left Fenrir's fully opened wolf mouth and flew above Fenrir's head.

Looking at Fenrir from above, Roy saw that Fenrir was a very beautiful Arctic wolf, just like an elf in the ice and snow world.


Fenrir swallowed the river water in big mouthfuls to cool down his wolf mouth. Then Fenrir looked at Roy with lingering fear.

"You really left me an unforgettable lesson. I will never kill the enemy by swallowing the enemy again."

After saying that, Fenrir's huge body began to shrink.

In the blink of an eye, Fenrir turned into a goddess with wolf ears on her head, a wolf tail behind her, white hair and golden eyes.

Fenrir, who turned into a human figure, covered her wolf mouth with her left hand and said.

"When I become a human, I won't instinctively want to devour my enemies."


Looking at Fenrir's goddess form, Roy widened his eyes in surprise, flew to Fenrir and touched her wolf ears and said.

"I didn't expect you to be such a cute and beautiful female wolf. I shouldn't have treated you like that just now. I'm really sorry."


Fenrir frowned and stared at Roy.

"Do you have any bad thoughts about me?"

"It's worthy of the wolf's intuition!"

Roy said bluntly.

"Since you have become my property, of course I have to take the responsibility of helping you have children."

"You want to be my male wolf--"

Fenrir said with a complicated expression.

"Since you defeated me, you should have the power to dominate me. But you can only get my body, not my love."

"I'm not interested in your love!"

Roy said with a smile.

"I know that wolves are monogamous creatures. As long as I get your body, whether you love me or not, you will be a loyal female wolf for me."

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