I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 570: Goddess Grid, Goddess Lind

Of course, Roy would not be so naive as to think that he could use his words to make the earth goddess Jiao De willingly surrender to him.

So before negotiating with Goddess Jiaode, Roy was already prepared to engage in a battle of gods with Goddess Jiaode.

Seeing Roy showing the power of the sun god, Jiao De said with a solemn expression.

"You are actually the Sun God - it seems that I cannot defeat you, but I will not give in to you. As long as you use the power of the water of the Elbe River, you may not be able to defeat me."

After saying that, Jiaode's body turned into a giant black snake that was 100 meters long, and then rushed towards the Elbe River between the Sudeten Mountains and the Erzgebirge Mountains at great speed.

The Elbe River has a total length of about 1,165 kilometers and a total drainage area of ​​about 144,000 square kilometers. Together with the Rhine River, it is called the mother river of the Germanic region.

Seeing that Jiaode wanted to use the power of the Elbe River to fight against him, Roy stretched out a pair of white wings from his back and flew into the sky, chasing Jiaode at great speed while saying.

"It's useless. The gap in strength between us is greater than you think. If you think of me as an equal opponent to the Germanic Sun Goddess Suna or the Aryan Sun God Balder, then you are totally wrong. wrong."

As soon as he finished speaking, Roy flew over the Elbe River at great speed.

Jiao De, who transformed into a giant black snake, also dived into the water of the Elbe River.

After hearing what Roy said, Jiao De, who was hiding under the water of the Elbe River, joked.

"You boast about your strength, but can you still evaporate the water of the Elbe River?"

"Do you think I can't do it?"

In Greek mythology from another world, the demigod hero Achilles once challenged the river god Scamander on the battlefield of Troy.

In order to save Achilles, Hephaestus, the god of fire, used his fire to burn the trees on both sides of the Scamandros River and burn all the water of the Scamanders River dry.

The river god Scamandros therefore begged for mercy from the fire god Hephaestus.

Although the God of Fire Hephaestus did not burn up the water of the Scamandros River in the end, Loy was confident of evaporating the water of the Elbe River so that Jiaode could not use the power of the Elbe River's water against him.

Boom boom boom—boom boom boom—

As Roy activated the power of the sun godhead, endless light and heat burst out from Roy's body.

As if two suns appeared in the sky, the water level of the Elbe River began to drop at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Jiao De, who was hiding under the water of the Elbe River, was immediately frightened by Roy's power.

After all, the Elbe is not a small stream, but a real big river.

The Sun Goddess Suna and the Sun God Baldr that Jiao De knew could never evaporate the water of the Elbe River like Loy.

"It seems that you are not lying. Your strength is indeed not comparable to that of Suna and Badr."

As Roy continued to evaporate the water of the Elbe River, a green arrow suddenly struck Roy.

Unfortunately, the arrow was burned to ashes by Roy's sun fire before it even got close to Roy's body.

"That's it!"

Then, an angry female voice said.

"Your war of gods has already had an impact on the surrounding environment and humans. Stop it quickly."

Roy looked in the direction of the sound and saw a hunting goddess dressed as a huntress running from the Erzgebirge Mountains.

"Glid, this is not a war started by me."

Jiaode explained to the Hunting Goddess.

"This man is an alien invader, and he demands that we surrender to him."

Another female voice said.

"Jiao De, of course we believe this is not your fault."

Roy turned around and saw a female war goddess holding a golden spear running over from the northeastern area of ​​the Alps.

After a moment, the two goddesses surrounded Roy one after another.

Jiaode also leaned out of the Elbe River and sprayed a jet of water towards Loy.

Facing the siege of the three goddesses, Roy said with a relaxed smile.

"Before the battle, let's introduce our identities to each other and show respect for each other! I am the emperor of the Athenian Empire, the hero god of the Athenian Empire and the only male sun god. As the human emperor, my name is Loy. As the sun God, my name is Burning Phaethon.”

The Hunting Goddess said with a cold face.

"My name is Grid, the goddess of the forest and the hunt."

The female war goddess using the golden divine spear followed.

"My name is Linde, goddess of nature and war."

"The forest goddess—the goddess of nature—"

Roy looked at Goddess Grid and Goddess Lind and said.

"It seems that you are native gods worshiped by the Germanic aborigines who worship nature. If it is not a coincidence that you are both goddesses, it means that the Germanic aboriginal tribes still retain the traditional beliefs of the matrilineal clan era."

Roy was no stranger to the names Grid and Lind.

In the Norse mythology of another world, Grid and Linde are not only the giants, the enemies of the Asirs [Aryan gods], but they are also the lovers of Odin, the god-king of the Asirs.

Grid is the mother of the forest god Vader.

Linde is the mother of Vali, the god of nature.

In Ragnarok, the forest god Vader and the nature god Vali are the gods who survived Ragnarok after defeating their enemies.

As members of the giant family, the enemies of the Asa, Grid and Lind are likely to be based on native gods from the Germanic region, and were goddesses conquered by Odin with force.

In the myth of Vali's birth, it is clearly stated that Odin obtained Lind's body by force.

"Jade! Grid! Lind! Your names look like three sisters."

Looking back at the black giant snake incarnated by Jode, Roy couldn't help but tease.

"If I can defeat your alliance, you three sisters will serve me together! I think if it's you, you will definitely be able to give birth to a strong child for me."

"Go to hell!"

The angry Grid immediately bent the bow and shot a dense rain of arrows like raindrops to attack Roy.

"It's useless!"

Faced with Grid's rain of arrows, Roy did not react at all.

Grid's rain of arrows flew to Roy's side, just like throwing dry firewood into a fire, making Roy's sun fire burn more vigorously.

"Dear Grid, you are attacking me on the surface, but actually want to help me defeat your sister?"

Seeing that Grid's arrows could not hurt Roy, Lind waved the golden spear to stab Roy, and Jiaode also sprayed water to help her extinguish the sun fire around Roy's body.

Just when Lind's golden spear was about to stab Roy, Roy suddenly released a golden thunder with his left hand to attack Lind.


The powerful golden thunder hit the golden spear in Lind's hand, and Lind instinctively threw the golden spear to the ground to avoid being hurt by the power of thunder.

After neutralizing Grid and Lind's attacks, Roy flew above the Elbe River and said to Jiaode in the Elbe River with a playful smile.

"Dear Jiaode! You don't think that I, as the sun god, can't swim, so you can hide in the Elbe River all the time? You guessed right, I really can't swim."

Roy was once blessed by the goddess and had the ability to move in the water.

After being resurrected from the dead and becoming a god, Roy lost all his blessings and became a landlubber who couldn't swim.

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