I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 560 Princess Shechi, Wife of Indra

There was a muffled bang!

Luo Hu slapped the table, then stared at Roy with a vicious look and said.

"You can just say whatever you want."

"Then I won't be polite."

Roy said with a joking smile.

"I think the effort should be directly proportional to the harvest, so as the main force in defeating the Vedic people, I should get corresponding compensation from you. King Vritra has betrothed Princess Yueyi to me, and I ask King Rahu to also give Shezhi The princess is betrothed to me."

Hearing Roy's words, Princess Yueyi's eyes widened in shock.

He didn't expect Roy to ask for other girls in front of him.

Looking at Shezhi's pure and beautiful face and graceful figure, Yueyi lowered her head in shame.

It is said that Shezhi is the most beautiful woman in India.

In the past, Yueyi was still a little unwilling to admit defeat.

Now Yueyi already thinks that her face and figure may really be inferior to Shezhi.

"You're going to get my daughter—"

Upon hearing Roy's request, Luo Hu immediately stood up angrily and said.

"My daughter Shezhi is a priestess who serves the goddess Durga. She has sworn to become a virgin and serve the goddess Durga for the rest of her life. Do you want Shezhi to break her vow?"

"So what if I break my virginity vow? Maybe Goddess Durga doesn't object to Princess Shezhi marrying me!"

Roy looked at Shezhi and said.

"Princess Shezhi! Now the Vedic people are an enemy that the Kingdom of Vritra and the Kingdom of Rahu cannot defeat together. My help to you is crucial. In order to protect your family and all the subjects of the Kingdom of Rahu, are you willing to give up? Will you marry me as a virgin?"

"I want to ask Goddess Durga for guidance!"

After Shezhi finished speaking in a clear and moving voice, he immediately closed his eyes and prayed silently.

After a while——

Shezhi opened his eyes with a complex expression and looked at Roy and said.

"Goddess Durga told me that you are our trustworthy ally. Goddess Durga has no objection to me breaking my virginity vows and marrying you."

"What about your choice?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Shezhi said with a wry smile.

"In order to protect my family and the subjects of the Kingdom of Rahu, of course I will marry you willingly."

"My child, you don't have to force yourself."

Luo Hu said to her daughter distressedly.

"Even without the help of this foreigner, we can defeat the Vedic people."

"Father, I didn't force myself."

Shezhi said with a bright smile to Luohu.

"My father and mother have always been opposed to me remaining unmarried and serving the goddess for the rest of my life. You should be happy for my choice."

Seeing that Luo Hu still wanted to persuade Shezhi, Roy changed the subject and said.

"Now that King Vritra and King Rahu have become my father-in-law, we can cooperate without reservation. Regarding the attack on the Vedic people, I plan to let my fifty thousand cavalry be the main force for the attack. The 50,000-strong coalition of the Lido Kingdom and the Rahu Kingdom were responsible for occupying the Harappa Kingdom.”

"The Vedic people have a hundred thousand cavalry. Do you want to defeat them one against two?"

"If I can't defeat the Vedic people one against two, then what qualifications do I have to be your son-in-law."

Seeing Roy's confident look, Luo Hu sneered and teased.

"Then I will wait and see how you perform! If you lose to the Vedic people on the battlefield, then your engagement with Shezhi will be voided. If you win, the Harappa Kingdom should give me the territory—— All of it will be given to you as Shezhi’s dowry.”

Vritra also followed suit.

"If you win, the territory that the Harappan Kingdom should allocate to me will also be given to you as a pleasant dowry. In other words, the Harappan Kingdom occupied by the Vedic people will completely belong to you."

1597 BC.

Early March.

After Roy's 50,000 cavalry and the 50,000 allied troops of the Kingdom of Vritra and the Kingdom of Rahu were ready to go out, Roy led 50,000 cavalry to attack the Harappa Kingdom ruled by the Vedic people.

In response to Roy's attack, the Vedic people abandoned the villages of the Harappan kingdom and concentrated all their soldiers in the Harappan city.

When Roy's 50,000 cavalry arrived unimpeded on the plain south of Harappa city, Harappa city not only gathered 100,000 Vedic cavalry, but also 50,000 Dravidian soldiers.

In other words, Roy did not want to use an army of 50,000 to defeat an army of 100,000, but to use an army of 50,000 to defeat an army of 150,000.

Before the battle between the two armies, the Vedic king Phineus sent a Brahmin priest to negotiate with Roy.

The Brahmin priest came to Roy's horse and bowed his head to Roy very respectfully.

Looking at the Brahmin priest in front of him who was wearing a priest's white robe and a white V painted on his forehead, Roy asked directly.

"What words did Phineus ask you to bring?"

Elsewhere, the priestly aristocracy, although privileged, was not above royal power.

The Brahmin priests were the exception who placed their status above that of the king.

In the caste system invented by Brahmin priests by borrowing divine power, Brahmin priests belong to the first caste.

The royal family and nobles are only the second caste Kshatriyas.

In real history, Brahmins enjoyed many privileges due to their special responsibilities and status.

They were exempted from paying various taxes, as it was believed that the Brahmins had paid off this debt by their pious deeds, and could not be punished with death or any kind of corporal punishment, as the Brahmins were sacred and inviolable.

Those who give gifts to Brahmans are guaranteed to receive a certain reward in this life and the next.

The most popular gift is land, which can [relieve all sins of the giver].

Therefore, Brahmans own a lot of real estate, including entire villages.

In the mythology of another world, Brahman priests are even more deified as Brahman sages who are feared by the gods - and can even curse the supreme Trimurti.

It is natural that Brahmans have a status above Trimurti in mythology.

Because it is not others who make up myths and enhance the status of gods - it is these Brahmans.

If the mythology is regarded as a novel, and the Brahmans are regarded as the authors of the novel -

Brahmans are the gods in the mythology - including the real father of Trimurti. Their power and prestige in the mythology are all fabricated by Brahmans. Brahman sages can certainly suppress the gods and Trimurti.

"Great Emperor!"

The Brahman priest raised his head and looked into Roy's eyes on the horse and said.

"King Phineus asked me to tell you that India is a very good land. There are Dravidians who are as obedient as cattle and sheep. King Phineus and his followers no longer miss their hometown, so King Phineus wants to live in peace with you. As long as you are willing to let King Phineus go, King Phineus is willing to pay taxes to you and become the hereditary governor of India of the Athenian Empire."

"Phineus wants to become the hereditary governor of India of the Athenian Empire-"

Roy said with a playful smile.

"Even if I am not interested in ruling the Indian region, I should let the Indian region become the fiefdom of my cheap father-in-law or cheap brother-in-law. Phineus is only the uncle of my wife Andromeda. He is not qualified to become the hereditary governor of India of the Athenian Empire. If he does not want to be my enemy anymore, he should surrender to me unconditionally."

The Brahmin priest bowed his head and said.

"I will convey your words to King Phineus, but he should not surrender to you unconditionally."

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