I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 55 Pandion, who loves his daughter dearly

Patrolling the territory - this is a very important task for both the tribe and the city-state.

Only by patrolling the territory well can we discover the enemy invading the territory and then prepare to deal with the enemy in advance.

If the Athenian tribe attacks the Eleusis tribe, the Eleusis tribe can rely on patrolling the territory to discover the invasion of the Athenians. The Eleusis tribe can summon all the young and strong men in advance and fight the Athenians with the walls of the garrison.

In addition, the Eleusis tribe has the advantages of being high above and the number of people. If the Athenians want to conquer the Eleusis tribe, they must make a lot of sacrifices.

If the goddess of fate does not favor the Athenians, even if the Athenians make a lot of sacrifices, they may eventually lose the war against the Eleusis tribe.

Because the work of patrolling the territory is so important, Pandion, the leader of the Athens tribe, always personally patrols the territory with his guards.

In the afternoon when the sun begins to fall in the western sky.

Pandion brought Erechtheus and a dozen soldiers to the northeast of the Acropolis Mountain, and saw the foot of Mount Parnesa and Mount Pendeli. The Eleusinians were busy. The men used the cut trees to build the skeletons of the wooden houses, and the women covered the wooden houses with woven straw mats, which became straw mat roofs and straw mat walls.

Roy was with Procne and Philomela at this time, teaching them how to manage the Eleusinians.

Chione came to Roy to remind him, and Roy, Procne and Philomela only then discovered Pandion's arrival.

Roy immediately brought Procne, Philomela and Chione to Pandion.

"Chief Pandion! It seems that you are not here to find Princess Procne and Princess Philomela, but to pass by here while inspecting the territory."

Pandion looked at Procne and Philomela behind Roy.

Seeing Procne and Philomela wearing veils to hide their faces, Pandion said with a satisfied smile.

"Procne! Philomela! Have you learned anything from managing the Eleusinians here?"

Procne nodded and said.

"Father! Now I finally understand how difficult it is for you and mother to manage the Athenian tribe with a population of 5,000."

Philomela said like a spoiled child.

"Father! Is it really useful for my sister and I to learn management?"

"Silly girl!"

Pandion said to Philomela with a doting look.

"Anything I do for you is good for you. In the future, when you marry the chieftain of a large tribe or the king of a city-state, once your husband goes to the battlefield, it will be up to you to manage the tribe or city-state. If you have no experience in managing your people, your tribe or city-state will definitely be in trouble, and even others will take away your ruling power. Now you learn to manage your people, so that you can become a qualified chieftain's wife or a city-state queen in the future."

Looking at Pandion, who loves his daughters so much, Roy couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Could Pandion be a daughter slave?

The legendary King Pandion of Athens seemed to have died of grief after learning about the unfortunate experiences of his two daughters.

Aware of Roy's gaze, Pandion turned to Roy and said.

"Priest Loi! I asked you, Procne and Philomela to manage half of the Eleusinians respectively. Why didn't you separate the Eleusinians, but let them gather together?"

"Captain Pandion, we have already separated the Eleusinians."

Loi pointed to the mountain road between Mount Parnesa and Mount Pendeli with his left hand and said.

"We used this mountain road as the dividing line to divide the 3,000 Eleusinians into two villages. The village of Par at the foot of Mount Parnesa and the village of Pendeli at the foot of Mount Pendeli, each of which has 1,500 Eleusinians."

Pandion looked carefully at the Eleusinians and saw that the Eleusinians were indeed divided into two groups. Pandion nodded and said.

"It's really good that you arranged the Eleusinians here. In the future, they can not only grow food and olives around here, but also graze cattle and sheep on the slopes of Mount Parnesa and Mount Pendeli."

Hearing Pandion's words, Chione immediately frowned with dissatisfaction.

Because Pandion obviously wanted the Eleusinians to become farmers or herdsmen who planted the land to provide food and meat for the Athenians.

"Captain Pandion, do you remember the cement I mentioned?"

Roy couldn't help but say at this time.

"After the Eleusinians build the wooden houses they live in, a large number of manpower will be idle. I propose to make use of all the idle manpower of the Athenians and the Eleusinians to build a cement wall of more than five meters in the area where the Athenians and the Eleusinians live. After this kind of cement wall is built, even if the number of enemies is ten times that of our soldiers, it will be difficult to break through our fortress."

Now Pandion no longer doubts Roy's ability to invent.

Knowing that the cement wall can defend against more than ten times the enemy, Pandion immediately nodded and said.

"Priest Roy! If the cement wall you said really has this effect, I will definitely give you a huge reward."

"Captain Pandion! If you really want to reward me, then please meet one of my requests! I hope you will not use your status as a leader to command the Athenians and Eleusinians, but let them become workers. You give them 100 kilograms of food every month as a reward for their labor. I hope to use this method to increase their enthusiasm for participating in the work."

Although Pandion could not understand what workers were and why they should be paid every month, Roy's request was obviously not excessive.

So Pandion said after a little hesitation.

"If this method can really improve their enthusiasm, then as you said, I will give them 100 kilograms of food as a reward every month."

Then, Pandion looked at Procne and Philomela and said.

"Procne! Philomela! Now I will continue to patrol the territory. You must return to the Acropolis before sunset, and always bring the fifty guards who protect you with you."

Hearing Pandion's words, Philomela laughed playfully.

"Father, are you afraid that the Eleusinians will hurt us, or that the priests of Roy will hurt us?"

Pandion glared at Philomela and turned away.

Erechtheus did not follow his father's footsteps, but came to Roy, looked at Chione affectionately and said.

"Priest Roi, let's make a deal! I haven't touched Khione's sisters yet. Now I will use Khione's two sisters to exchange Khione with you."

Eretchtheus had not given up on Khione yet, Roi rolled his eyes and complained.

"Prince Erechtheus, have you been dazzled by Khione's beauty? Khione's father and brothers were killed by you and Chief Pandion. You want to get Khione, aren't you afraid that Khione will kill you for revenge? Khione is not a delicate girl, she is a female warrior who is stronger than the captain [Ten Enemies]. Chief Pandion didn't want you to get Khione at the beginning, it was completely out of his love for you."

After saying that, Roi turned around and left with Khione, leaving Erechtheus in a daze.

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