I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 538 Marry my daughter and help me become a god


royal palace.

Iros did not summon the royal family and nobles of Troy to the hall to hold a grand banquet in honor of Roy.

Because Roy's current identity is not only a guest of Troy City, but also a potential enemy of Troy City.

After the two sat down around a dining table, the young and beautiful palace maid brought food and drinks, and Iros said straight to the point.

"Young man! I heard you died a few months ago, and that you reappeared four months later, claiming to be resurrected as a god—are these things true?"

"it is true!"

Roy nodded and said.

"King Iros, I did die once. Now I am not only a heroic god who became a god after death, but also a sun god who took the sun godhead from the Armenian sun god Areg."

Seeing Roy's serious expression, Iros couldn't help laughing.

"Then should I respect you as a god? You look no different from a human being, not like a god at all."

"Both gods and humans essentially belong to the category of life."

Roy said with a smile.

"Although I have become a god now, I don't need others to respect me as a god or even worship me with faith. If someone wants to become my believer and place a statue of my god in his home, I will tell him not to do so. If you place my statue at home, you should place the remains of your ancestors or family members at home. I am a god worshiped by the Athenian Empire, and human worship is dispensable to me.”


Iros frowned and said with a serious expression.

"Can you prove that you are really a god?"

Iros originally didn't believe Roy's identity as a god at all, but now he became half-convinced.

Roy picked up a golden bronze wine glass from the dining table, and then the fire of the sun burst out of his palm, melting the bronze wine glass into liquid in an instant.

After Roy poured the liquid bronze into another bronze wine glass, Iros opened his eyes in shock and held his breath unconsciously.

After witnessing Roy's miracles with his own eyes, Iros finally believed that Roy was really a god.

"I didn't expect that you are really a great god! Can I have this honor and know your true identity?"

"I am Roy, Emperor of Athens. Didn't you already know that?"

Roy rolled his eyes and complained.

"King Iros, do you think I am a god disguised as a human being, and don't believe that I am really the emperor of Athens who became a god after his death?"

"Can we humans... really become gods like you?"

"Others can become gods like me as long as they meet certain conditions."

After hearing Roy's answer, Iros took a deep breath and said.

"Great Lord Roy, do you think I can become a god like you?"


Roy shook his head without hesitation.

"King Iros! Although you are the overlord of the Troy region, at most you can become an ordinary heroic god after death. If you want to become a god like me, you need to meet very harsh conditions."

After explaining, Roy continued.

"King Iros! My time is very precious, let's get to the point! I came to the city of Troy not to enjoy the hospitality of the city of Troy as a guest, but to incorporate the Troy area into the territory of the Athenian Empire. If the city of Troy is willing Take the initiative to surrender to the Athenian Empire, and I can exchange some benefits with you. For example, if you are interested in becoming a god, I can guarantee that you will become one of the heroic gods worshiped by the Athenian Empire."

Become an immortal god——

Even great people like the First Emperor Ying Zheng long for eternal life.

"I know the policies of the Athenian Empire very well!"

Iros said with a smile.

"Although the policies of the Athenian Empire are very beneficial to the common people, they are very unfavorable to us royal families and nobles. You demoted all of us royal families and nobles to civilians and made your royal family the only ruling class in the Athenian Empire. Don't you think so? Isn’t it fair to us?”

Now the Athenian Empire is well deserved and is the most powerful and wealthy country in the world.

If Roy is willing to allow the royal families and nobles of other regions to retain their status and power as the ruling class——

Perhaps without Loy conquering them, they themselves would take the initiative to join the Athenian Empire.

"King Iros! Do you know why I was able to establish such a huge Athenian empire in just three years?"

Without waiting for Iros to answer, Roy continued.

"You were already the king of Troy twenty years ago - the overlord of the Troy region. Now you are still just the king of Troy and cannot turn the entire Troy region into your territory. Why is this?"

Iros was silent for a moment, then said with a wry smile.

"I understand what you mean! You were able to build such a huge Athenian empire in more than two years because you treated everyone fairly and received support from everyone. I have been the king of Troy for twenty years, and I have not The reason why I can establish a hegemony like you is because I am only the king of the Trojans and I will only protect the interests of the Trojans, so I cannot get the support of other ethnic groups."

Roy nodded and said.

"King Ilos! We are human beings, so we know very well that the greatest resonance of human beings is fairness. To achieve fairness, we must eliminate the ruling class such as the royal family and the nobles. I am the emperor of the Athenian Empire. The Athenian royal family centered on me does not exist as a ruling class, but as a defender of the law. If there is no strong force to defend the law, someone will trample on the authority of the law, so the existence of the Athenian royal family is necessary."

"Although your reason convinces me, I can't give up my interests for this reason."

Ilos looked at Roy and said.

"If you can meet my two requirements, I will surrender to you."

"Please speak!"

"My first requirement is that you marry my daughter Cassandra and let my descendants [grandson and granddaughter] become the royal family of Athens. My second requirement is that you help me become a hero god."

"No problem."

Roy immediately smiled brightly and said.

"I agree to both of your requests. Not only will I marry your daughter Cassandra, but I will also let her become the queen who rules the Troy region on my behalf. Since you become my father-in-law, I will certainly help you become a hero god, but you must also establish achievements that match your status as a hero. If the king of Mysia City, Teukros, is unwilling to submit to the Athenian Empire, you will defeat Teukros as your first achievement after joining the Athenian Empire."

"Teukros is my father-in-law!"

Ilos smiled confidently.

"I know his character very well. This old man has no courage to fight against the Athenian Empire. As long as I send an envoy to tell him that Troy has surrendered to the Athenian Empire and his granddaughter Cassandra will marry you, he will definitely make the right choice. Dear son-in-law, since we are now a family, I will gather the royal family and nobles of Troy City, hold a grand banquet for you, and tell them our decision."

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