I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 531: The Sun Goddess Never Marries

Although Hatepuna had already known about Roy's resurrection and return, she still couldn't help but feel a little excited when she saw Roy with her own eyes.

After calming down, Hatepuna smiled and joked.

"What do you mean you're back - I see you never left."

"You also think I staged a big show of faking my own death?"

Roy walked up to Hatepuna, then turned around and sat on the throne, holding Hatepuna in his arms with both hands.

Seeing this scene, King Colchis, King Sasbel, King Dali, and King Kopala either closed their eyes or averted their eyes, obviously thinking that this was a scene they should not see.

"You guys should step back first!"

Roy ordered them immediately.

"The rest of Hatpurna's time belongs to me, and you will come to see her later."

After King Colchis, King Sasbel, King Dali, and King Kopala left, Roy said straight to the point.

"Hatpurna, do you know why I came to you?"

"Isn't it because you miss me?"


Roy was speechless for a moment, and then said guiltily.

"I'm here to discuss with you the matter of worshiping the sun god Phaethon in the Hittite region."


Hatepuna refused without hesitation.

"The belief of the goddess Alina in the Hittite region has not yet been established, so the goddess Alina must be the unique sun god in the Hittite region."

Between Roy's interests and Alina's interests, Hatepuna chose to safeguard Alina's interests.

This is also a natural result.

For Alina, Hatepuna was her favorite priestess.

For Roy, Hatepuna was only remembered when needed, a girl who ranked in the dozen or even twenty in Roy's heart.

Who values ​​Hartepuna more, Roy or Alina——

The answer is of course self-evident.

After hearing Hatepuna's answer, Roy teased teasingly.

"If I became the husband of the goddess Alina, would you still object to the Hittite region enshrining the sun god Phaethon?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Goddess Alina is an absolute virgin!"

Hatepuna said with her eyes widened in shock.

"How can Goddess Alina, who is a virgin, agree to marry you."

Just like the name Athena means the Maiden Goddess of Athens.

The word Na means girl.

The name Alina means the Sun Virgin Goddess.

In the Caucasus, Mzekali's identity is the sun virgin goddess Mzekali.

These goddesses who have their identity as girl gods written into their names are the goddesses in mythology who vowed never to marry.

In the myth of another world, because the Hittite king Tieliepin was deified as the son of the storm god Teshub and the sun goddess, some people mistakenly believed that the storm god Teshub was the husband of the sun goddess Alina. King of the gods of the Hittite kingdom.

This is completely a misunderstanding that does not understand history and mythology, and does not understand the special meaning of the goddess's name.

According to this point of view, it can be deduced——

Because after Tieliepin was deified, he was the son of the storm god Taishub and the sun goddess, so Taishub was the husband of Alina.

So when Alexander conquered Egypt, the Temple of Amun worshiped Alexander as the son of the sun god Amun, plus Alexander’s identity as the son of Zeus——

If there is no double standard, would it be logical to conclude that Amon and Zeus are husband and wife?

In ancient history, rulers who conquered many ethnic groups were deified as the sons of gods who were the patron saints of different ethnic groups. This was a very common situation.

If Roy is willing to lower himself, Roy can now be deified into the son of Metis, the son of Mnemosyne, the son of Alina, the son of Sekhmet——

Could anyone think that Metis and Mnemosyne were husband and wife?

Are Alina and Sekhmet married?

In the history of another world, the Hittite Kingdom was a country with a huge territory.

In the huge Hittite kingdom, there lived the Hatites who worshiped the earth goddess, the Hittites who worshiped the sun goddess, and the Amorites who worshiped the storm god Teshub.

In order to please the Hittite king Tieliepin, it is normal for the Temple of Alina to worship Tieliepin as the son of the sun goddess and the Temple of Teshub to worship Tieliepin as the son of Teshub.

If no one considers Zeus and Amon as husband and wife because Alexander is both the son of Zeus and the son of Amon.

So because Tielieping is the son of both the Sun Goddess and Taishub, treating the Sun Goddess and Taishub as husband and wife is a proper double standard behavior.

Athena [the Maiden Goddess of Athens] is a virgin goddess who vowed never to marry.

Alina [Sun Maiden Goddess] has the same identity as Athena.

Therefore, in the myths of another world, the sun goddess and the storm god Teshub are regarded as husband and wife, or the Teshub temple fabricated false myths, hoping that people thousands of years later would regard Teshub as one of the Hittite gods. king.

Either people 3,600 years from now don’t understand history and mythology, and they draw wrong conclusions and believe them to be true.

But in this world, Roy really wants the Sun Maiden God Alina to be his wife.

Looking at Hatepuna's reaction, Roy said confidently.

"Why do you think it's impossible for Alina to marry me? Although Alina's name means [Sun Maiden Goddess], she is like a goddess who vows never to marry, but my goal is to marry someone who vows never to marry. The girl god got married."

After saying that, Roy's mind flashed to another girl goddess who had written her vow of never marrying into her name - Athena Metis.

"This is crazy, how are you going to make goddess Alina willing to marry you?"

"As long as the betrothal gift is large, even a goddess who has vowed never to marry will be willing to break her oath."

Roy turned his head and looked in the direction of the Alina Temple and said.

"If I give Alina the East European Plain and let Alina have a territory of 5 million square kilometers, do you think Alina will not be tempted?"

5 million square kilometers -

And it is not a desert or a mountainous area, but fertile land suitable for farming.

The area of ​​the entire European continent is about 10 million square kilometers.

The area of ​​Alina's territory alone is equivalent to half of the European continent.

Even a proud goddess will be moved by Roy's betrothal gift.


Accompanied by Alina's somewhat excited voice, Alina took the initiative to descend in front of Roy and Hatepuna in the form of a human girl.

"I heard what you said just now. Don't go back on your words."

"Then are you willing to marry me?"

Roy said with a smile.

"If you want to accept my betrothal gift, you must become a real couple with me."

Alina was silent for a moment, then asked Roy.

"Will I become your queen of gods?"

"I am willing to let you own 5 million square kilometers of territory. Is that not enough to prove my feelings for you?"

Roy said immediately.

"As long as you fulfill your wife's duty to support your husband, when I become the king of the gods of Athens, you will be the queen of gods sitting on the throne of the king of gods with me."

"When will we get married?"

Alina said with a bright and sweet smile.

"Please set a wedding date. I want to invite all the goddesses of the Athenian Empire to attend our wedding."

Roy's mind appeared the arrogant and stubborn little face of Metis, and he hesitated for a moment.

Recovering from his senses, Roy said with a firm expression.

"When the Mediterranean becomes the inland sea of ​​the Athenian Empire, that's when we get married."

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