I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 528 The Balkan Peninsula is divided into three

Roy's original identity was as a priest serving the goddess Metis.

Therefore, Metis will not allow Roy to become an independent god and compete with her for the throne of the King of the Athens Gods - this is beyond doubt.

It was precisely in order to avoid becoming a subordinate god of Metis that Roy exchanged interests with Persephone and Alina, and with their help, he became a heroic god and resurrected a human body.

The throne room fell into silence.

After Roy and Metis looked at each other for a while, Metis sneered and teased.

"It seems that I really underestimated your ambition."

"I've never hidden my ambitions."

Roy said with a smile.

"When I was alive as a human being, I did not enshrine any god as the Protector of Athens, just because I wanted to keep the throne of the Protector of Athens to myself."

"A mere human——"

Metis said angrily.

"How dare you dream of becoming a god king above all the gods."

"I not only want to become the king of the gods above the gods, I also want to be your husband and realize my long-cherished wish."

Roy stretched his right hand towards Metis' little head and said.

"Dear Metis, are you willing to accept the pursuit of the great sun god Phaethon and become my queen?"

Before Roy's right hand could touch him, Metis stepped back to avoid Roy's right hand and said.

"You are really crazy! In the past history, no human has ever become the king of the gods. We gods are the guides of humans, and you humans are the people of the gods - this is the right relationship between gods and humans. Relationship. You actually want to subvert the relationship between gods and humans. Do you really think your ambition can be realized? "

"You are such an arrogant goddess!"

Roy said without showing any signs of weakness.

"I don't deny that your gods have more powerful power, but the essence of humans and gods is the same. Human life will end, and gods who lose everything will also perish. Since I now have the identity and power of gods "Why can't I become the King of Gods just because I was a human in the past?"

After being left speechless by Roy, Metis finally sneered.

"Then let us wait and see whether the humans in the Athenian Empire accept it - you, who were once human, became the king of the Athenian gods."

After saying that, Metis disappeared from Roy.


After Metis left, Roy immediately called in the herald who was waiting for orders.

"Immediately convey the emperor's order to the city of Athens and all areas of the Athenian Empire - all cities in the Athenian Empire must worship the sun god Phaethon."

Of course Roy knew that his order would definitely cause an uproar.

That’s it for those areas that are not dedicated to the Sun God.

The sun goddess Sekhmet is already worshiped in the Egyptian region, and the sun goddess Alina is already worshiped in the Hittite region.

If these areas were to be dedicated to the sun god Phaethon, Sekhmet and Alina would definitely oppose it.

After walking out of the hall and into the courtyard outside, he saw snowflakes falling from the sky. Roy stretched out his right hand and let the snowflakes fall on his palm.


Feeling the coldness in the wind and snow, Roy couldn't help but smile.

"This is the season when humans are most receptive to sun worship."

The next moment!

Roy's figure suddenly disappeared.

The city of Thebes.

A temple dedicated to Loy.

The statue on the throne suddenly turned into Roy himself.

Looking at Harmonia standing under the throne, Roy said with a gentle smile.

"Dear Harmonia, I heard your prayer, so I came."

After saying that, Roy jumped down from the throne.

"It's really you—"

Harmonia threw herself into her arms excitedly and said with tears.

"I received news that you were back in the city of Athens. I didn't believe it at first. I just prayed to you with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but I didn't expect you to really come back."

"I'm sorry I couldn't come to you the first time."

Just like Roy thinks the best way to convince girls is to sleep with them.

Roy felt that the best way to comfort girls was to sleep with them.

So Roy directly picked up Harmonia in a princess hug and walked to the room behind the temple.


Because he could not teleport with Harmonia, Roy carried Harmonia and flew back to Athens from Thebes.

Royal Palace of Athens.

Procne, Philomela, and Harmonia sat together after a long absence, but their atmosphere was not like sisters serving the same husband and loving each other, but more like competing enemies.

"Brother Roy, why did you bring this woman back? She is not a homeless wanderer."

Being called "this woman" by Philomela, Harmonia said while maintaining a smile.

"Sister Philomela, I am also Loy's wife. Any place that belongs to Loy is my home. Just like the Palace of Athens is my home, my Thebes Palace is also your home, because you are also Loy's. Yi’s wife.”

In order to prevent the two from quarreling, Roy said immediately.

"You three are the girls I value most. I brought you together to discuss the management of the Athenian Empire. As the territory of the Athenian Empire continues to expand, the management of the Athenian Empire must also be adjusted accordingly. I plan to divide the Balkan Peninsula into three administrative regions. The Greek region of the Balkan Peninsula will be managed by Procne and Philomela, the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula will be managed by Harmonia, and the western part of the Balkan Peninsula will be managed by Chione. What do you think?"

"You want me to leave Thebes--"

Procne and Philomela never have to leave Athens, but I have to leave Thebes.

Harmonia smiled bitterly with some helplessness.

"Since you have made a decision, I will certainly follow your arrangements."

Procne asked with a worried expression.

"Brother Roy, how do you plan to arrange the territories conquered by brother Erechtheus?"

"The Ukrainian region that Erechtheus has conquered now, and the North Caucasus region and the East European Plain that he will conquer, cover an area of ​​about five million square kilometers. The Athenian Empire does not have the huge manpower and material resources to actually rule these areas, so I plan to let Erechtheus be the king of the grassland for a few years. Not only Erechtheus, but also the Amorite Peninsula conquered by Aries, which covers an area of ​​about three million square kilometers, is also a region that the Athenian Empire cannot actually rule for the time being, so I plan to let Aries be the desert king of the Amorite Peninsula for a few years. When the Athenian Empire has sufficient manpower and material resources to actually rule these areas, I will reduce the power of Erechtheus and Aries, and turn these areas into the territory of the Athenian Empire."

Philomela immediately asked in confusion.

"Brother Roy, the areas conquered by Brother Erechtheus are all fertile grasslands suitable for farming. It is only right for us to take these areas back. I heard that most of the Amorite Peninsula is a desert that is not suitable for human survival. Why do we want to take it back here too?"

"Because the oil reserves of the Amorite Peninsula account for half of the world's oil reserves."

Roy explained with a smile.

"Just for this reason, it is worth our huge investment of manpower and material resources in the Amorite Peninsula."

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