I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 526 I want to become the guardian god of Athens

the next day.

The royal palace of Babylon.

Andromeda's Queen's Palace.

When the sun illuminated the entire room, Andromeda still didn't wake up from her deep sleep.

Her little head rested on Roy's arm, with a smile of contentment and happiness on her face.

Roy admired Andromeda's delicate and beautiful face and thought about the words he could use to persuade Andromeda.

Roy came to Andromeda, of course, not because he felt sorry for the young widow, but because he had a greater purpose.


After Andromeda opened her eyes and woke up, she immediately showed a bright and sweet smile and buried her little head in Roy's arms, as if she didn't want to be separated from Roy.

"Am I really not dreaming? If I am dreaming, I hope I never wake up."

"Silly girl!"

Roy said while holding Andromeda tightly in his arms.

"No matter how many times you confirm, I will still appear in front of you alive. But I can't stay with you all the time. I have to go to other cities next. Before I leave, I want to give you an important task."

"What mission?"

"Honor Phaethon, the sun god, in your domain."

Roy said with a serious expression.

"Now I am only worshiped as a heroic god, and next I will become the sun god of the entire Athenian empire."


Andromeda asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Is your goal to become the protector of the Athenian Empire [King of the Gods]?"

"That's right!"

Roy admitted frankly.

"When I was alive as a human, I was the supreme king of humans. Now that I am a god, of course I will become the supreme king of gods."

"Then you want to return to the city of Athens, take back your identity as the Emperor of Athens, and then worship yourself as the protector of the country?"

"Now is not the time."

Roy shook his head without hesitation.

"I don't have the strength to become the King of Gods yet."

There is a saying that virtue is not worthy of its place.

The so-called virtue does not refer to character, but to strength.

Sitting on the throne without the strength to become a king is a true portrayal of virtue not worthy of the throne.

Roy's identity is both the emperor of the Athenian Empire and the sun god Phaethon. To put it simply, both the referee and the player are Roy.

Although Roy can use his identity as the Emperor of Athens to enshrine himself as the protector of the Athenian Empire [King of the Gods], Roy must consider whether virtue is worthy of the position.

In the history of another world, Amenhotep IV, the Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt, once insisted on enshrining the sun god Aten as the protector of Egypt and expelled the sun god Amon from the throne of the King of the Egyptian Gods. .

As the pharaoh of Egypt, Amenhotep IV did have the power to enshrine the sun god Aten as the new protector of the country.

But does the Sun God Aten have the strength to suppress the Sun God Amon?

Does the Temple of Aten have the power to suppress the Temple of Amon?

Judging from the fact that Amenhotep IV and his wife died around the age of thirty, their son Tutankhamun became a puppet and became the last pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt——

The sun god Aten obviously did not have the strength to suppress the sun god Amon.

The Temple of Aten did not have the power to suppress the Temple of Amon.

So the sun god Amun and the temple of Amun counterattacked, destroying Amenhotep IV and his Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.

Following the lessons learned from Amenhotep IV, Roy would not rashly regard himself as the king of the gods of Athens before he had sufficient strength.

If Roy wants to become the king of the gods of Athens, he must first have the power to suppress all the goddesses.

Andromeda said worriedly.

"My dear! Will the goddess Aphrodite object to you asking me to worship the sun god Phaethon?"

"You first worship me in Babylon. If Aphrodite's reaction is not strong, then worship me in the next city. When Aphrodite raises strong objections, I will personally negotiate with Aphrodite. "

After talking about his plan, Roy continued to confuse Andromeda.

"Dear Andromeda, when I become the king of the gods in Athens, I will help you become a goddess so that you can be with me forever."


Andromeda nodded and said.

"I understand what you mean. We have common interests as a couple, and I will do my best to help you achieve your goals."

The city of Uruk.

As queen of Sumer, Semiramis did not have an easy life.

What troubled her was not the endless stream of suitors, but the Sumerians who were hostile to her.

The Amorites and Sumerians had a blood feud for thousands of years.

As an Amorite princess, Semiramis ruled the Sumerians like walking on thin ice.

As long as there is a slight mistake, Semiramis may fall to pieces.

In this case, Semiramis certainly had no intention of widow remarriage.

The royal palace in the city of Uruk.

After driving away the Elamite prince who came to propose marriage, Semiramis began to handle various government affairs conscientiously.

Ever since the news of Loy's death reached the Sumerian region, there has been an undercurrent in the Sumerian region.

Although the Athenian Empire brought a better life to the Sumerians, and the Sumerians had no dissatisfaction with the Athenian Empire, Loy, as the Athenian emperor, did not leave any successors.

Anyone in their right mind can see that the Athenian Empire will fall apart in the future.

If the Athenian Empire disintegrates, the Sumerians don't want the Amorite princess to continue to rule them as queen.

After finishing all the tedious government affairs, Semiramis lay on the armrest of the throne tiredly and talked to herself.

"What do those who come to propose to me think? Although on the surface, I am a queen who rules the Sumerian region and half of the Elam region, with great authority and wealth, but I am the princess of the Amorites, and the main body I rule is the Sumerians. Do those suitors think that I can suppress the voices of the Sumerians against me like I am now?"

"It is because I believe that you can rule the Sumerians stably that I will let you, the princess of the Amorites, become the queen who rules the Sumerian region."

As soon as the voice fell, Roy's figure suddenly appeared in the center of the hall.


Looking at Roy who suddenly appeared, Semiramis thought she had hallucinations.

Until Roy walked in front of Semiramis, Semiramis smiled bitterly and said.

"I actually saw your ghost. Am I going to die too? It seems that when I received the news of your death, I should die for you."

"You will never die."

Roy held Semiramis's right hand and put it on his cheek and said.

"Dear Semiramis, now I have been reborn as the sun god Phaethon. When I become the king of the gods, you will all become goddesses with my help and stay with me forever."

The touch from her right hand made Semiramis confirm that Roy was not the so-called ghost.

She immediately said in disbelief.

"Have you always been alive? Why did you deliberately create the illusion of death-"

In order to make Semiramis believe in his identity, Roy directly activated the sun godhood, allowing his body to bloom with dazzling divine light, and the burning sun fire was released from the palm of his right hand.

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