I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 506: The Last Thunder God Perron

The Thracian region was the domain of a single ethnic group - the Thracians.

Here there were no other groups oppressing the Thracians, and no Thracians oppressing other groups.

So for the Thracians, the Athenian Empire was the only enemy of the Thracians.

Without the cooperation of the Thracian royal family, it would be difficult for Roy to effectively govern the Thracians in a short period of time.

So even if Phyllis, the daughter of Aeetes, was not a beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, Roy would still make Phyllis his wife.

The royal tent of the Sun Tribe.

Roy returned here with Aeetes, Phyllis and the leaders of various tribes, and sat directly on the throne that originally belonged to Aeetes as a victor, and asked Phyllis to sit next to him. .

"Dear Thracians! From now on, the Thracian region will be included in the territory of the Athens Empire, and Phyllis and I will become the supreme rulers of the Thracian region. Do you all have any objections?"

Hearing Roy's words, Aeetes and the chiefs all remained silent.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Roy continued.

"The entire territory of the Athenian Empire must implement the policies of the Athenian Empire. I will transform the Thracians into a farming nation and abolish your status as aristocratic leaders. If you are willing to cooperate obediently, I will arrange for you to become merchants with no worries about food and clothing. "

The big and small leaders looked at Aeetes, who said expressionlessly.

"I have an objection! Can't you allow us Thracians to govern themselves and provide us with horses, cattle and sheep for the Athenian Empire? We Thracians are considered a minority group in the Athenian Empire, so you should give us preferential treatment."

"Allow you to be autonomous? And give you preferential treatment?"

Roy rolled his eyes and said after hearing Aeetes' request.

"Although we feudal corrupt scholars in the East like outer saints and inner kings, exploit and enslave their own ethnic groups at home, and take and ask for things like the Holy Mother externally, I am the ruler of the outer king and inner saints. I use force to enforce the king's rule externally. It is the Holy Mother's way of treating everyone equally. You Thracians can enjoy the treatment that the Athenians can enjoy, but I will not allow you to be treated as a superior citizen if you cannot accept it. Arrange, I can allow you to leave with your followers."

Facing Roy's tough attitude, Aeetes said helplessly.

"We Thracians are born nomads on horseback, why do you have to force us to become a farming people."

"Because if you don't grow food, you will starve to death."

Roy said coldly with an expressionless face.

"If you can solve your food problem on your own, I have no interest in rescuing you."

Phyllis said at this time.

"I heard that the Babylonian Kingdom and the Hittite Kingdom in the east are self-sufficient in food. Are you going to conquer them to save them?"

"That's right!"

Roy said without hesitation.

"In the Kingdom of Babylon, the Amorites enslaved other ethnic groups, and in the Hittite Kingdom, the Hittites enslaved the Hattians. I am not invading and conquering these places, but saving the local ethnic groups who are oppressed by slavery."

"Why don't you respect other people's fate and let go of your desire to help others?"

Phyllis teased, pouting her cherry lips.

"Do you want to bring the entire world under your rule under the guise of saving others?"

Roy shook his head without hesitation and said.

"I will only save the civilized ethnic groups in the civilized world. For those areas that have not yet established civilization, I have no interest in incorporating them into the territory of the Athenian Empire."

Then Roy spoke to Aeetes and the chiefs.

"If you have no objection, then hand over your power to rule the tribe to me. If you choose to resist, I will demote all members of your family into slaves and let you live in regret for the rest of your life."

After Roy finished speaking, the leader of the Phrygian tribe who worshiped the earth goddess Cybele immediately said.

"We, the Phrygian tribe, are willing to accept your arrangement!"

"very good!"

In order to achieve the effect of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, Roy nodded with satisfaction.

"I will make you a first-class citizen and ensure that your annual income is no less than 50,000 kilograms of grain."

Fifty thousand kilograms of grain——

This is definitely a great asset for any family to enjoy a prosperous life.

For noble leaders without ambitions, exchanging their power for wealth is not an unacceptable option.

With the leader of the Phrygian tribe as an example, a second leader immediately expressed his acceptance of Roy's arrangement.

Roy also promised without hesitation.

"I guarantee that your annual income will be no less than 40,000 kilograms of grain."

Then the third, fourth, fifth——

Finally, it was Aeetes' turn. Seeing that Aeetes had no intention of standing up, Roy could only take the initiative to speak.

"King Aeetes is the recognized king of all Thracians. I guarantee that your annual income will be no less than one hundred thousand catties of grain."

Aeetes rolled her eyes in response.

Because this wealth is nothing compared to the power he lost.

Roy sat in charge of the Sun Tribe and began to transform the Thracians in Bulgaria -

Erechtheus entered Romania with 30,000 Athenian cavalry and began to conquer the Thracian tribes in Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and the Illyrians in Croatia from east to west.

Half a month later.

Erychtheus fought from eastern Romania [western coast of the Black Sea] to western Croatia [eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea], and the entire Balkan Peninsula was nominally included in the territory of the Athenian Empire.

Next, it was to exercise actual rule over the areas conquered by Erechtheus.

What surprised Roy was that Erechtheus actually defeated Perseus, and Perseus was forced to flee with 10,000 cavalry to the west bank of the Dnieper River - the territory of the Western Slavs, a branch of the Aryans who worshipped the thunder god Peron [Zeus].

The king's tent of the Sun Tribe.

In front of Roy was a wooden table, on which there was a world map drawn by Roy himself.

After incorporating the Balkan Peninsula into the territory of the Athenian Empire, Roy looked at the Ukrainian region on the northern coast of the Black Sea.

The area of ​​the Ukrainian region exceeded 600,000 square kilometers, which was larger than the entire Balkan Peninsula.

Although it was very easy to conquer the Slavs in the Ukrainian region, it was not worth the loss to exercise actual rule over this overly large area.

Originally -

Roy was a little hesitant about conquering the Ukrainian region.

But thinking of the thunder god Perron [Zeus] worshipped by the Western Slavs, who was the only Aryan thunder god [Zeus] in Europe who had not been driven off the throne by him, Roy made up his mind.

He wanted to conquer the Slavs and drive the thunder god Perron [Zeus] worshipped by the Western Slavs off the throne.

The sun god Beloberg worshipped by the Eastern Slavs, whether male or female, must also be driven off the throne.

Because Roy wanted to divide the Ukrainian region to Hera, Artemis, and Hestia, so that they could have a larger territory.

"Perseus - this will be our last battle."

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